Tempting prices for seeds in the Chinese Internet giant AliExpress on the eve of the summer season attract gardeners and gardeners from Russia, the Middle and Far Abroad, in a word of the whole world.
If we compare only prices, then the answer to the title question: “Worth it!”.But, we will understand the situation in more detail.
Here, for example, the southern ornamental plant Pampas grass or Cortaderia. Colored varieties of this plant from one of the sellers on Aliexpress ordered more than 13,500 times!
You can see that 100 pcs.seeds of one of the 4 flowers offer for "funny" - 8.11 rubles. Of course, almost any gardener is willing to risk such a sum.
For the same price, a pink variety of this ornamental grass.
Seed delivery from a Chinese store to Russia takes an average of one and a half months. The grass springs up, even on the second day, judging by this video:
And now we will look at the prices of the Russian online store SemenaPost, which offers a pink variety of cortage. This is the cheapest price for a plant with inflorescences of this color range. The number of seeds, by the way, is indicated in fractions of a gram, and not in pieces, which is why it is more difficult to navigate a lot or a little. In addition, the lilac variety on the Russian site is not.

So what's the catch? The fact is that everything is not so rosy. There are several points to remember when buying seeds:
- Before buying exotic varieties of plants, it is not unreasonable to ask about reference books and specialized websites on the agrotechnology of the upcoming purchase. Having no idea about the features of planting and caring for a plant, it is easy to ruin the most elite seeds.
- When buying vegetable seeds in China, one should remember where this country is located on the globe, and not wait for Aliexpress to start the early-growing varieties. It is unlikely that Chinese exotics will be regionalized under Central Russia, not to mention Siberia!
- “The third class sowed poppies, and some grass grows!”( A. Barto).
Unfortunately, there are fraud facts when nothing is sprouting out of the “elite” seeds sent or something very large grows. And if the seed non-emergence in some cases can be explained by the lack of proper skills among gardeners, then the shoots of another plant do not fall under this reason.
For clarity, you can watch this video:
Buy or not, of course, you decide. But if you decide to buy, remember that you can always insure against the first two points, but there is no third 100% protection. But this does not negate vigilance: before buying, at a minimum, it is worth examining the recalls of other buyers, not only about the seeds themselves, but also about the store as a whole.
Successful shopping!