Boiler - an indispensable thing comfortable life. He is needed not only in the apartment, but in the country. On the eve of spring the gardener will have a lot of worries, and hot water will be just the way for him. Yet the most common cause of failure of these devices is a faulty heater. Of course, the equipment can be sent to the "quarantine", that is, for repair. But for savvy men, there is another way out: self-replacement of a broken part. It is the heating elements for Chinese-made water heaters that are in great demand from AliExpress customers. However, there are some comments on these products.
Technical Overview
This type of TENA is threaded, not flange, and therefore suitable only for the same types of heaters. Marking and diameter of screw cutting corresponds to the following indicators - DN40, as well as 47 mm by 1.5 ″.At the same time, the incision of the tube is 8 mm. When buying these options should pay special attention.
Some models of such parts have a silicone gasket that provides a reliable connection of parts. Two external tubes( U-shaped) and one internal are made of stainless steel, which is very important for the equipment in contact with water. Copper can also serve as a shell material. The mains voltage range in which these parts operate is from 220 to 380 volts. The power of Chinese heating elements can have the following indicators:
- 2 and 3 kW( with a tube length of 22/25 cm);
- 4.5 or 6 kW( with a working element of 26 or 28 cm);
- 9, and also 12 kW( the size of a heating element - 32/37 cm).
This amplitude of power potential allows the technology to heat the liquid to 100 ° C and more. However, the boiler will not work correctly if the selection of the tubular element does not take into account the volume of the tank. For models that hold 80 liters, you need to buy less powerful parts, and for 150-liter tanks - with the highest possible performance. Due to the fact that these heating elements are open, they are several times faster to heat water than closed models. Yet such components are not so safe, and they have a shorter service life.
Customer Reviews
Customer reviews lift the curtain into the world of product quality. Those who have already acquired these Chinese heating elements share their impressions. Many are pleased with the assembly and operation of these elements. However, there is a group of users who are not very happy with the product. They state the following: The
- nut body has cracks;
- metal coating wants the best( the milling process left its marks on the surface, which are not polished);
- insulator came in damaged form;
- from the base of the plate can emanate a sharp smell of rubber;
- is not suitable for a 380 volt network.
Such cases of defective goods are rare. Moreover, most sellers always try to take into account the wishes of customers. But still safer when ordering a parcel, ask to test products.
On AliExpress, these parts for household appliances cost from 1,446 to 2,346 rubles, depending on the power.
Price in specialized stores in Moscow for them ranges from 1 700 to 2 500 rubles.