5 tips on choosing glue for linoleum


  1. №1.The main types of glue
  • Dispersion glue
  • Reaction glue
  • №2.Costs
  • №3.Resistance to thermal and mechanical stress
  • №4.Reducing the possibility of deformation
  • №5.Types and technologies of gluing
    • Gluing joints
    • Gluing linoleum on concrete

    Interior decoration of a house or apartment is always a difficult and time-consuming exercise, foreshadowing a lot of controversial points where it will be necessary to make certain decisions due to interior design, practicality or even simplequite simply, the cost of certain materials.

    And when it comes to flooring, another such choice will make itself felt. In fact, there is a huge variety of options, but the most basic among modern ones is laminate or ceramic tile. Parquet floors and linoleum flooring remained almost remnants of the past, and yet today linoleum is used quite often.

    Most of those who started repairs often( especially if it is not too large-scale) produce it themselves or under the guidance of “knowledgeable” relatives or friends, and sometimes, without the help of experts or at least the Internet, do many things despitetechnology. And since we are talking about linoleum, it is often possible to encounter the fact that for some owners it is nailed, for someone it is planted on double-sided tape, and for someone it just sticks to the baseboards around the perimeter.

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    Naturally, this approach is the place to be, but all this is not very correct, because over time it can turn into a deformation of the surface and the appearance of unwanted bubbles and other distortion. For these reasons, it is best to lay linoleum on glue.

    №1.The main types of glue

    The most commonly used and, one can say, the main types of glue for linoleum are dispersion ( water-based) and reactive ( based on epoxy resin or polyurethane).But there is also a contact-type adhesive mixture, which are applied on both surfaces, to ensure a more durable bond between them.

    In order to understand what kind of glue will be best for you to use, let's look at each of them in a little more detail.

    Dispersion glue

    This type of glue is considered more common and most often used. It is advisable to use it if sticking is done on a concrete floor, cement screed or wooden parquet.

    Also, if your choice fell on this type of glue, then you probably already know that it is not resistant to moisture, so the room in which you are going to glue the linoleum should be completely dry, and the temperature of the glued surfaces should not be less thanthan 15 degrees Celsius. The complete loss of its properties at the glue begins below the mark of +5 degrees Celsius.

    The composition of this glue is absolutely environmentally friendly, and, of course, permissible for use in residential areas, and during operation it emits a faint, subtle smell. In addition, it includes various additives such as chalk and latex, acrylic and some other components. Also, this adhesive composition is more effective for use over the entire area of ​​linoleum, since the strength of fixing it is not too high.

    Dispersion adhesive mixtures can be divided into several types:

    • bustilat - used when gluing felt linoleum and is characterized by rather high strength, also has no particular unpleasant smell, and the drying time is about 24 hours;
    • for reliable laying of linoleum from natural components is perfect gumilax , which is made mainly of rubber and latex, can also be suitable for those types of linoleum, the first layer of which is felt or fabric;
    • for industrial premises, offices, shops and other under constant load( implies high throughput and pressure exerted on the coating), the more flexible acrylate composition is used;
    • linoleum on a fabric basis is best to keep bitumen mastic , which is a bitumen-polymer composition that can show itself well in rooms with high humidity.

    . One more type of dispersion glue can be identified, which is used extremely rarely, namely glue with good current conductivity .This glue is best suited for laying antistatic linoleum in rooms with a large number of electrical appliances.

    Reactive Glue As mentioned above, this type of adhesive mixture is a complex chemical compound made of polyurethane and epoxy resin, which reacts with the coating, ensuring its strong connection with the base, and at the same time creating a durable and moisture-resistant intermediate layer.

    Of course, this type of glue costs much more than dispersion, and its main drawback, , can have a rather strong smell. But it is great for linoleum on a fabric basis, and for industrial premises with high traffic.

    Considering the fact that the reaction adhesive contains chemical components that are highly flammable, in the process of gluing and direct operation of the premises, it is important to observe absolute fire safety techniques.

    But if this type of glue had no advantages than over the previous one, it would hardly have remained on the market of building materials and adhesive mixtures. And about moisture resistance, as one of these, we have already said, but it is worth mentioning its durability. The result of the gluing process is an absolutely tight and very strong joint.

    Cold welding is another name that is widespread among builders and denotes the very process of using reaction glue. According to its technology, which depends on the quality of the coating and the degree of fixation, it is divided into three types:

    • type A - cold welding of this type is used for sizing linoleum at the joints, providing an almost imperceptible joint, sinceall three;
    • type C - a much thicker glue, which is best suited for working with recycled linoleum, mainly to update the connection between the diverged edges, gently tightening them due to its density;
    • type T - used for joining linoleum based on PVC, which is composed of polyester.


    Choosing this or that adhesive composition is also important to correctly calculate the volume spent on sticking a certain amount of linoleum, which can most often be done simply by reading the instructions of the adhesive you choose. Often, all the necessary information along with the material consumption can be found on the packaging itself.

    №3.Resistance to thermal and mechanical stress

    Also, when choosing an adhesive for linoleum, consider whether the indicators of adhesive resistance to different temperatures are important for you, or its durability in terms of applied pressure, if you are, for example, going to glue linoleum in a “crowded” room, like a shopor office.

    №4.Reducing the possibility of deformation

    In order to increase adhesion and reduce the risk of bubbles, waves and other undesirable surface distortions, after gluing the entire area of ​​linoleum is strongly recommended to roll with a roller. One more reason for this action can be such an important moment as getting rid of possible formations of air bubbles under the material, which can often be observed when working with gluing the film.

    №5.Types and technologies of

    gluing After you have decided on the choice of linoleum and the glue that is suitable for it in all respects, it is important to understand which types of gluing and how you will have to do, especially if you plan to carry out all the work yourself, without havingsufficient skills.

    Gluing the joints

    Features of cold welding

    This method is best suited for working with household and semi-commercial linoleum, and is performed with the following sequence:

    • to lay the coating on the base and glue;
    • glue masking tape at the joints by cutting it along the seam;
    • glue from a tube to squeeze into the groove, evenly distributing it over the entire length;
    • , after drying, remove the masking tape and carefully remove the excess.

    Hot welding

    The glued joints of this technology are much more durable and durable compared to the cold welding method, but the working process itself is a bit more complicated.

    Hot welding is often used in areas with high traffic and load on the coating itself.

    For this method you will need: a special plastic cord, an industrial hairdryer with nozzles and a knife for cutting linoleum.

    The work is done in the following order:

    • cut the seam with a knife to the full depth and smooth out the edges of the canvas;
    • turn on the industrial hair dryer and set the temperature to 350 degrees Celsius;
    • insert a piece of plastic cord into the nozzle and press the nozzle of the hair dryer over the seam; after a few seconds, smooth and smooth movement of the hair dryer along the seam;
    • , if necessary, so that the cord evenly fills the groove when melting, you can reduce the speed of the hair dryer and increase the temperature, etc.;
    • to complete the procedure, the excess cord will need to be removed by cutting with a sickle knife.

    Gluing linoleum on

    concrete Before proceeding to glueing onto a concrete floor, of course, you will have to calculate the required amount of material and prepare it. For more security, you can leave about 10 cm on each side for emergency.

    The first stage of work will be the preparation of the surface, that is, the concrete base, for laying:

    • thorough cleaning of floors from debris, dirt and other small objects;
    • surface degreasing;
    • if there are minor external defects on the concrete floor, then it will be quite enough to treat the surface with a primer or putty;
    • if after the final check the height difference is more than 2 cm, then you will need to fill in a new concrete screed, which, of course, you have to carefully level and leave to dry for a couple of weeks.

    After all the preparations, you will be able to start laying the linoleum, for which you will need the coating itself, the selected glue, spatula, construction knife and roller.

    For more reliable fixation, you should perform the following steps step by step:

    • level the linoleum, first lay it on the floor, and dock it if there is a certain pattern on it;
    • bend the edge of the strip and carefully apply glue to the floor under it, leveling it with a spatula and put the coating back in place, firmly pressing it down;
    • repeat the previous action as you move, and at the end let the glue dry, which usually takes about several days to complete drying.
    Tags: Linoleum

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