Photo wallpapers in the interior of the kitchen: 9 tips for choosing and decorating + photos


  1. №1. The basis of photo wallpapers
  2. №2. Surface type of wallpaper
  3. No. 3. Photo wallpaper size
  4. №4. Color and style of wallpaper
  5. №5. Photo wallpapers for a small kitchen
  6. №6. Photo wallpapers for the kitchen with low ceilings
  7. №7. Photo wallpapers for a narrow kitchen
  8. №8. Wall-papers for a spacious kitchen
  9. №9. What else is important to consider?

Someone in memory is still fresh memories of Soviet paper wallpaper, which are usually depicted forest glades or exotic waterfalls. They quickly burned up, torn and feared water, which forced them to abandon the idea of ​​using such a decor in the kitchen. Today the situation has changed dramatically. It is enough to choose a material on a suitable basis and with a protective coating, and you can safely use wall-papers in the interior of the kitchen, because they allow not just to make a certain mood, but also visually correct too small, low or uncomfortably large space. What is important to consider when choosing, and which pattern will be most appropriate?

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№1. The basis of photo wallpapers

The kitchen, on which someone constantly cooks something, is always a spray of water, grease and dirt. Their greatest concentration in the work area, so even the most wear-resistant wall-paper in the kitchen apron area is not recommended. Most often, such a decoration is decorated with a part of the wall near the dining table. In any case, the wallpaper that will be used in the kitchen,should be the most dense, moisture-resistant, withstand the influence of sunlight and washing with a damp sponge, as the spray in the kitchen is inevitable, but they fly everywhere.

The top layer of wallpaper should be treated with special protective compounds, the paint should be moisture resistant, but the most important isbase material:

  • paper wallpapersThey cost inexpensively, pass air well, but are not adapted to difficult kitchen conditions. True, the designers and then found a way out. Such panels can be pasted in the apron area and covered with glass - it will turn out beautifully and reliably;
  • wall-paper on a fabric basisnot less eco-friendly paper, but the constant moisture will not tolerate. The options are the same: either do not use at all in the kitchen, or hide under the glass;
  • wall-papers on a non-woven basisare more expensive, but differ in wear resistance, durability, resistance to fading, they leak air and are washable. For the kitchen this is the best option;
  • Wall-paper on a vinyl basisalso have excellent performance. They withstand high humidity, retain color for a long time, are subject to wet cleaning, are wear-resistant and can even hide the small defects of the walls. Their only disadvantage is that they do not "breathe but since the wallpaper is not used as an independent finishing, and combined with other materials, this lack does not reduce the popularity of this type coating. Therefore, both fleece and vinyl are suitable as the basis for wallpaper for use in the interior of the kitchen.

The technology of making photo wallpapers provides drawing a picturedifferent kinds of paint.In the kitchen it is best to use the product printedultraviolet ink, which perfectly convey natural colors and are resistant to moisture, grease, many chemicals and sunlight. Cheaper to be wall-paper printedeco-solvent ink. They also withstand washing, constant exposure to ultraviolet rays, resistant to abrasion, but the first days after gluing produce a specific smell.


№2. Surface type of wallpaper

By type of surface, the wallpaper is divided into:

  • smooth;
  • textured.

Smooth wallpapercan bematt or glossy, the latter give characteristic glare, so if they are undesirable, it is better to choose the matte version.Protected drawingvarnish, special waterproofing agents or with the help of lamination technology.

Texture panelshave a pleasant relief surface and can imitate leather, papyrus, stone, brick, canvas, linen, wood or sand, and in the assortment of the KLV Internet store presents even wallpaper with pictures of famous paintings, frescoes and landscapes of ancient cities. Such wallpaper is less glare, they can serve for ten years, if, of course, they are covered with protective substances.

No. 3. Photo wallpaper size

Wall-papers, as a rule, have a height from, to, meters, the width of the panel varies from, 6 m and can reach several meters.Narrow photo panelsoften glued to the kitchen door, sometimes they are allocated a dining group in a small kitchen. Large canvases can decorate the entire wall, and in some cases, the best fit angular wall-paper.


Many manufacturers offer the same picture in different formats, and if necessary can make wallpaper of any desired size and even apply the desired image.

The process of sticking photo wallpapers usually does not cause special difficulties, especially for manufacturers to number individual parts of the whole canvas. Panoramic photo walls are divided into several parts and with proper joining the seams between the canvases will be invisible. If the presence of joints is generally undesirable, it is better to chooseseamless wallpaper, but they are somewhat more expensive than usual, and sticking them is much more difficult, so without the help of professionals it will be difficult to manage.

№4. Color and style of wallpaper

Photo wallpapers are, first of all, interior decoration and the ability to transform the kitchen, to set the atmosphere of a cozy French street, summer seashore, garden or a big city. With the help of photo wallpapers you can visually make a small kitchen more, a low one - higher, and a dark one - lighter, andall depends on the correct choice of the pattern and color scheme.

The most important principle when choosing photo wallpapers in the kitchen -orientation to the degree of illumination:

  • light kitchens, facing the south, need coolness, so there will be appropriate cold shades and black and white photos;
  • Kitchen, where the amount of natural light is insufficient, it is better to decorate wallpaper with a predominance of warm colors, the shades of orange, red and yellow are perfect.

When choosing the color and pattern, it does not stop to pay attention tofeatures of kitchen furniture and appliances:

  • bright kitchen headsetswill be absurd and tasteless to look with the same bright wallpaper, so the best option in this case will be monochrome canvases and neutral shades. Black-and-white photos and sketch drawings will do;
  • often a kitchen set and items of technology have neutral shades (beige, gray, white, etc.), and they just as you can diluted with bright colors, but restrained monochrome wallpaper will also look great - it all depends on the size and style premises.

Photo wallpapers areuniversal decor, which will be appropriate in the kitchen of any interior style. It is important to choose the right drawing:

  • atclassic stylenatural landscapes, still lifes, as well as wall-paper frescoes;
  • in stylehi-tech and minimalismit is preferable to use drawings with a small amount of detail, abstractions, elements macrophotography, 3D images and imitation of cork, plaster, brick, wood and other materials;
  • kitchen interior in styleprovencedecorate wallpaper with a picture of lavender, French landscapes and attractions, as well as wallpaper with the effect of antiquity;
  • stylesArt Nouveau and Art Decocan decorate contrasting wallpaper with a glossy surface and the predominance of geometric shapes;
  • eco-style- it's natural landscapes, greens, fruits, vegetables and insects;
  • Especially interesting are wallpapers inethnic style, which can be depicted African, Indian, Mexican, Persian and other ornaments.

Kitchen travelers can decorate wallpaper with an image of a map of the world, the mainland or the country, as well as photos of airplanes, cars, ships and other transport. In the kitchen interior look great wallpapers with pictures of drinks, mouth-watering dishes, vegetables and fruits. The panels with the image of the most different natural and urban landscapes, sky, space, interiors, sunsets and sunrises, textures, and also black-and-white images are invariably popular.

№5. Photo wallpapers for a small kitchen

To visually enlarge a small kitchen, it is not necessary to use magic - for this there are wallpapers. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to follow several simple rules that designers use in their activity:

  • The best solution iswallpaper with a light backgroundand unobtrusive figure. Also greatWall-papers with perspectivewhich is created by streets, bridges, stairs, terraces, panoramas and natural landscapes;
  • not every landscape pattern will look harmonious, so its desirablebacked up with appropriate furniture or decor items. For example, the image of a flowering garden can be supplemented with a vase with the most suitable flowers. When choosing a drawing, start from the chosen style of the interior and its features;
  • cold shadeshave the property of slightly increasing the space and pushing the wall away, so if the lighting of the kitchen allows, pay attention to blue, blue, green colors and their shades;
  • the image shouldmatch the dimensions and proportions of the room. Too large and voluminous drawings (for example, buds of flowers) will press, and too small ornamentation can create a sense of disorder;
  • popular today3D-wallpapers are not suitable for compact kitchens- Optical illusions will be perceived incorrectly and create unpleasant sensations.

№6. Photo wallpapers for the kitchen with low ceilings

Low ceilings with an incorrect approach to interior design can seem even lower and literally put pressure on those in the kitchen. Photo wallpapers and in this case come to the rescue.Visually raise the ceiling will allow:

  • Wall-papers with abstract vertical lines, whether it be strips, waves or zigzags;
  • all the same natural and urban landscapes, but taken at an angle, from the bottom up. Trees, statues, towers and skyscrapers in a similar perspective literally work wonders.

Another option isCeiling Wall-paperwith the image of the sky, tree crowns, space and abstract strips. They perfectly cope with the task of raising the ceiling, but they are suitable only for kitchens equipped with a powerful hood.

№7. Photo wallpapers for a narrow kitchen

In the interior of a narrow kitchen will perfectly fit the wallpaper with the predominance of horizontal lines. iteither abstraction or natural landscapes. Suitable images of the sea with waves, beaches, fields, mountain slopes, etc. Desired expansion effect It will be possible to achieve if you paste such wallpaper on a narrow wall and try not to overload drawing.

№8. Wall-papers for a spacious kitchen

Owners of large kitchens are not limited in the choice of design and color - any wallpaper that matches the style of the room. If the kitchen is too big and tall, it looks not comfortable enough, then you can usewallpaper with a large three-dimensional pattern.

Wall-papers will be by the way at zoning of the big kitchen-dining room, apartment-studio or the combined kitchen-drawing room - with their help it is possible easily and effectivelyset aside a dining areaand separate it from other areas of large space.

№9. What else is important to consider?

At the end of the bonus we give some tips that will help create the most harmonious interior:

  • the wall or part of it, decorated with photo wallpapers, should be free and, if possible, be at some distance from the kitchen furniture;
  • Wall-paper in the kitchen interior occupy a smaller part of the surface of the walls, are located away from the source of spray, grease andare combinedwith monophonic wallpaper, painting or plaster. It is best that the background color should coincide with the prevailing shade of wallpaper, then the interior will be as harmonious as possible. Allowed and contrasting combinations, but it's easy to make mistakes - you need either an impeccable taste or the help of professionals;
  • the picture depicted on the panel is preferably supported by other elements in the interior;
  • Wall-papers can be glued not only on the walls, but also on the door, and someone manages to decorate the refrigerator with them.

Colorful and realistic wallpaper will become a beautiful and durable decoration of the kitchen interior, if you choose the right material, design, style and the appropriate place for them.

Tags:Apartment design, Kitchen, Wallpaper
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