- №1.Advantages and disadvantages of
- no. 2 roofing material. Type of powder coating
- №3.Marking of
- no. 4 roofing material.
- No. 5 roofing material. Modern types of roofing material
- №6.
- №7 roofing material installation method. What should I look for when buying?
- №8.Major manufacturers of
roofing felt Roofing material has long established itself as a practical and inexpensive roofing material, it can also be used as part of a roofing pie. Depending on the type of base and dressing, roofing material is used for different purposes, and with the advent of modern varieties of material, the scope of its use has expanded significantly. To make the right choice of roofing material for the roof, it is necessary to know the basic properties of all its types and features of each of them.

№1.Advantages and disadvantages of
roofing felt. Roofing material is widely used as roofing and waterproofing material , used for arranging roofs garages and houses with flat and shed roofs
Positive qualities are common for all types of roofing material:
full moisture resistance , which allows using roofing material as a waterproofing material for arranging roofs and foundations, and not so long ago there was no decent alternative to it;
- low cost ;
- application of modifying polymer additives allows to obtain a material resistant to UV radiation and temperature extremes. New types of roofing material will last about 15-50 years depending on the composition.
Traditional roofing material has a significant deficiency - high sensitivity to temperature extremes. In the heat bitumen softens, in the cold it becomes too fragile and cracks, therefore, the durability of such a material is low - 5-8 years. These disadvantages are corrected by changing some of the components in modern samples of roofing material, so the demand for the material remains consistently high.

№2.Type of roofing powder
Some properties of roofing material and its scope depend on the type of dressing used. Most often, such materials are used as spillage:
stone grain sprinkling from stone chips, denoted by the letter K in the marking. Such roofing material can be used as the upper and lower layers of roofing pie, as well as for organizing waterproofing;
- mica slate scaly dressing is indicated in the marking with the letter.. This type of roofing material can be used for arranging the top layer of the roof;
- roofing material with fine-grained sanding from sand( M) can be used as a lower layer of the roof or for arranging waterproofing;
- roofing material with powdered dressing ( P) of chalk and talc can be used only for arranging waterproofing or in the lower part of the roofing pie.

Ruberoid MarkingThe properties and purpose of roofing felt can be judged by its marking. According to GOST, the material should be designated by an alphanumeric abbreviation of type RKP-300, where the second letter indicates type of roofing material ( K - roofing, P - lining), and the third - about the type of sprinkling. The figure indicates the brand of cardboard , which underlies the roofing material, and speaks of its density in g / m2.For example, the marking RKK-400 means that you are facing roofing roofing felt with a coarse-grained dressing with cardboard with a density of 400 g / m2.For roofing roofing material, cardboard of grades 350 and 400 is used, and cardboard of brand 300 is used only for lining roofing material. Sometimes one more letter is used in marking, which speaks about the specific properties of the material: C means that the roofing material will be painted in some color to enhance the decorative qualities, E means that you have an elastic material.
The most widespread roofing material of such brands :
- RCP-300 is a soft rolled material, used as the bottom layer of the roofing pie and as a waterproofing;
- RCP-350 can be used as both the lower and the upper layer;
- RPP-300 is used only as a lining layer;
- RKK-400 is most often used as a top layer for roofing, it has good resistance to adverse weathering.
Roofing material is sold in rolls 10-15 m long and 1-1.1 m wide.

№4.Base material of roofing material
Traditional roofing material, used as a roofing material for many years, is created on the basis of special cardboard, and this is its weak point. When the bituminous coating loses its basic useful properties, and the dressing disappears, the roofing material has to be changed. To increase durability, today, except cardboard, as a basis for roofing material use:
- polymeric materials;
- asbestos.
As a coating, not only bitumen can be used, but also tar, a mixture of tar and bitumen, polymers and bitumen-polymer mixtures. The use of new materials as a basis and coating led to the emergence of modern types of roofing material. They are more expensive, but have excellent performance and require detailed consideration.

№5.Modern types of roofing material
The most widespread such modern types of roofing material:
- rubemast - quite popular rolled roofing material, is an improved version of the traditional roofing material. It is characterized by the presence of of a thicker layer of bitumen on the bottom of the cardboard, and due to the addition of plasticizers and additives it gets improved performance. This is a cheap material that can last up to 15 years, it is plastic, resistant to cracks;
- stekloizol has the same structure as ordinary roofing felt with one exception - instead of cardboard is used fiberglass or fiberglass. Atactic polypropylene is used as a protective layer. It turns out durable, flexible and elastic material, resistant to decay, high and low temperatures( withstands temperatures from -45 to + 100 ° C), with excellent heat and sound insulating properties. Can be roofing and lining. To take full advantage of the material, it is necessary to observe all the nuances of the installation, and this is only for professionals;
- self-adhesive roofing material .This material appeared on the market quite recently, it does not require heating during installation, since the lower part of such roofing material is made of a special substance, covered with a protective film. Installation of the material is very simple, does not require careful preparation of the roof surface. The color of the material is dark gray, used where it is not possible to use an open flame. Service life is not the highest - up to 10 years;
- toll .The basis of the material is also roofing paperboard, but it is impregnated with coal or shale tar products, has mineral sprinkling, is produced in rolls. Roofing has high biostability, excellent hydro and vapor insulation properties. The material is recommended to be laid in several layers in order to achieve a longer service life, because roofing material is even less durable than traditional roofing material. Today it is mainly used as a temporary roof covering;
- asgamine .It is based on roofing paperboard, impregnated with soft oil bitumen, has improved performance as compared with conventional roofing felt. It is used as an independent roofing material, as part of a roofing pie, sometimes even used for waterproofing the foundation. Durability about 12 years;
- hydroisol is manufactured on the basis of asbestos paper impregnated with petroleum bitumen. Used as an independent roofing material, can be used for coating pipelines. Maintains temperatures to + 80 ° C, color - black;
- armored roofing material is a type of ordinary roofing material, it has a higher density of used cardboard( its density is 500g / m2 and higher) and color sprinkling. This material is more resistant to UV rays, its service life reaches 15 years;
- uniflex - a polymer-bitumen material, is made using rubber, thanks to which excellent frost and heat resistance is achieved. Basis - fiberglass, polyester or fiberglass. It can be used as an independent roofing material, as part of a roofing cake, for arranging ventilated roofs, service life up to 25 years;
- reinforced roofing material is produced on the basis of fiberglass, which is reinforced with a special mesh and covered with a bitumen-polymer composition. The material has a high resistance to mechanical damage, can withstand severe loads, which are evenly distributed over the entire area due to reinforcement. Granite or slate is used as a sprinkle. Such a ruberoid is not susceptible to the formation of a fungus, has a high adhesion to various kinds of bases, one of its layer replaces 3-4 layers of ordinary roofing material. Service life reaches 18 years;
- izospan and bikrost can be used only for waterproofing or as a roofing film.
All modern types of roofing material based on fiberglass or polymer are often combined into the group of euruberoids. The latter is sometimes referred to as liquid roofing material or liquid rubber. This material is based on a mixture of bitumen, polymers, rubber, plasticizers and mineral additives, it is applied to the surface with a roller or sprayer, forming a seamless and easily repaired surface.

№6.Method of installation of
roofing feltDepending on the characteristics of the substances used in the production of the material, the roofing material can be mounted in different ways. By type of installation, the roofing material is divided into the following types:
- , fused .Traditional ruberoid and all modern materials with bitumen coating belong to this type. Previously, only this option was used for laying roofing felt. The installation consists in heating the bottom layer of bitumen with a gas burner, it melts, becomes sticky and elastic, due to which it is fixed to the roof. During the laying of toxic substances are released, there is a high risk of burns, you must use special equipment;
- self-adhesive .The material has already been mentioned above, installation is carried out due to the presence of adhesive coating on the bottom of the roofing material. You do not need to heat anything, you just need to remove the protective film and press the material to the base;
- bulk .Apply with a spray gun, roller or brush. It is unnecessary to use the burner, installation and repair of the damaged coating is easy.

No. 7.What should I look for when buying?
When you purchase roofing paper, you must carefully examine it:
on each roll should be marked by which to judge and the possible use of the material. In addition, the roofing material should have a mark of compliance with GOST 10923-93 ;
- material should not have cracks, folds and tears. Cracks are allowed only on the edge and no longer than 2 cm;
- in the cut of ruberoid should not be bright areas and areas without impregnation, the layer of impregnation should be uniform;
- rolls must be packed in thick paper and transported on special supports.

№8.Major producers of roofing material
On the construction market, roofing material is mainly represented by products of domestic producers. In conditions of high competition, each manufacturer tries to introduce advanced technologies in its production and improve product quality.
The largest domestic producers of roofing felt:
group of companies "TekhnoNIKOL" includes several production sites throughout the country. All enterprises are equipped with modern computerized technological lines, there is a research laboratory that produces control of manufactured products. Available in traditional ruberoid, bikrost, glassine, rubemast, uniflex and other materials.
- OAO Omskkrovlya. The company has been operating since 1970, using West Siberian oil as a raw material. Manufactured products have passed the test of time, meets the most stringent quality standards, and therefore are used not only in all regions of Russia, but also abroad. The plant produces traditional roofing material of various modifications, rubemast and glassine;
Yugstroykrovlya LLC is a relatively young company that has managed to become one of the largest manufacturers of roll roofing materials in the southern region. The manufacturer manufactures various types of roofing material, modern fused coatings based on fiberglass, incl.rubemast and steglohydroizol;
- CJSC Soft Roof is a Samara plant with more than 80 years of history. One of the leading domestic enterprises for the production of roll roofing materials. Products used in industrial and civil construction in all regions of the country. It produces traditional roofing material of various grades, as well as reinforced roofing material and glassine;
CJSC Diversified Production Company KRZ is a Ryazan enterprise with a long history. Once it provided roofing material for the entire central part of Russia; over time, the product range was expanded with other roofing materials. Today it is a high-tech enterprise equipped with modern production lines. Among other things, they produce ruberoid of various grades, asphalt and rubemast.
Despite the appearance and wide distribution of many other roofing materials, roofing material continues to enjoy consistently high demand. Its modern types allow inexpensively equip durable, reliable and durable roof.