8 tips, which electric heating boiler is best to choose: power, manufacturers


  1. №1. Advantages and disadvantages
  2. №2. Types of electric boilers by type of heating element
  • Heating boilers
  • Electrode (ion) boilers
  • Induction boiler
  • No. 3. Type of connection
  • №4. Number of loops
  • №5. Calculation of the power of an electric boiler
  • №6. Power control and boiler control system
  • №7. type of instalation
  • №8. The best manufacturers of electric boilers
  • Finally
  • .

    Compact, reliable and easy-to-manage electric heating boilers, of course, are inferior to analogues in terms of economy, but under certain conditions will be indispensable. They can be used everywhere, installed in apartments and private homes, offices and industrial premises - wherever there is access to electricity. Often, electric boilers are used as a backup source of heating. The numerous advantages of such units have led to an increase in their popularity and the appearance of a mass of modifications. Let's try to figure out which electric heating boiler is best to choose for a private house and apartment, What power is needed to create comfortable conditions, and what is important to pay attention to when buying.

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    №1. Advantages and disadvantages

    The electric heating boiler works extremely simply. In it, the electrical energy is converted into thermal energy. The heating elements heat the coolant when the boiler is switched on. The latter in the system of pipes and radiators gets into the living room and heats the air in it. In the simplest and most common variant, a heating element is used the usual heater, but there are still induction and electrode boilers, in which heating is carried out somewhat differently. Only the power source-electricity remains unchanged. Many models of boilers are equipped with a control and management mechanism.

    Despite the fact that electric boilers can hardly be called an economical source of heat, they are very popular, and there are many reasons for this.To the advantages of electric heating boilersinclude:

    • universality. The unit can be installedwherever there is electricity, no permits from the bodies of technical supervision are needed. Today electric boilers are used both in private houses and in apartments, as well as in commercial and industrial premises;
    • low costin comparison with gas and solid fuel boilers;
    • high efficiency, which reaches 95-99%;
    • simplicity of installation. Electric boilers havesmall dimensions, and when they are connected there is no need to build a chimney;
    • simplicity of operation and temperature control. Most models are equippedconvenient control systemsand thermoregulators, so the user should literally press a few buttons or turn the lever - constantly run to the boiler, monitor its operation or, worse, throw up the fuel will not have to. Since the boiler perfectly controls its work, its efficiency is increased;
    • security. In electric boilers there is no open fire, and flammable fuel is not used. In addition, well-thought-out automation is used, therefore the probability of emergency situations in comparison with other types of boilers is sharply reduced if, of course, the installation was carried out correctly;
    • compact, so the installation of such an assembly is possible even in the smallest rooms;
    • Ecology, because when the boiler does not generate harmful emissions;
    • noiselessness;
    • there is no need for constant monitoring of work (you can leave the boiler unattended) and frequent maintenance. Solid-fuel boilers, for example, require constant care and cleaning;
    • a wide range of. On the market are models with different power (from 2 to 60 kW and more) and functional (single-circuit and two-circuit).

    disadvantagesthere is also:

    • high operating cost. Despite the advanced automation and energy saving systems, electric boilers are still quite expensive to operate. For heating large rooms, they are, in most cases, unprofitable. Often such boilers are used as areserve heat source;
    • dependence on the availability of electricity. If there are frequent interruptions in electricity in the region, this type of heating is not suitable;
    • the need for special three-phase wiring, if a boiler with a capacity of more than 12 kW is used. Some experts recommend using a line with three phases, even when connecting the boiler from 6-7 kW.

    Despite the existing disadvantages, electric boilers find their customers. Moreover, if you carefully analyze the conditions at the site where you want to create a heating system, and correctly choose an electric boiler, it will be possible to enjoy the positive qualities of the data to the maximum devices.

    №2. Types of electric boilers by type of heating element

    Depending on how the water is heated, all boilers are divided into TEN, electrode and induction.

    Heating boilers

    itthe most popular version, and so popular that talking about electric boilers, as a rule, they mean exactly the design with the TEN. This unit operates on the principle of a boiler. Electricity is supplied to the tubular electric heater (HE), it heats up and transfers heat to the water, which is used as a coolant.The heater consists ofnichrome spiral and a strong shell of steel, aluminum or titanium. The space between the spiral and the shell fills the quartz sand or other dielectric filler.

    The rated power in such boilers is achieved in an abrupt manner, approximately 10-15 minutes after switching on. TENovye boilers work in a flow mode, can be single-circuit and two-circuit. As a rule, several heaters are placed in the boiler tank.


    Since there is no direct contact of the heating coil with water (the dielectric plays the role of a separator), short-circuits can not be feared. The main problem of such boilers lies in another. The surface of the TEN contacts with water, it appears relatively quicklyscum, which can gradually disable the boiler. To slow down this process or even completely avoid it, it is better to use distilled water in the system. Also, special liquids are sometimes used. From overheating of the heating medium, the boilers are protected by a thermal regulator, but if a leak occurs, the unit risks overheating and failure.

    Electrode (ion) boilers

    The design of this boiler assumes the presence of two electrodes, immersed in the heat exchanger. They are supplied with electrical energy, which creates a potential difference. Due to the presence of salts in the coolant, it becomes a current conductor. Electricity, passing through the electrolyte with high resistance, causes its heating. It is enough literally a couple of minutes for the boiler to reach its rated power. As the electrolyte (coolant) takespecially prepared wateror a liquid based on ethylene glycol.

    In operation, boilers of this type are sufficienteconomical, and to provide the same thermal power as a TEN boiler, they consume almost half the electricity. Such units, as a rule, have reliable thoughtful automation, rarely fail, since there is really nothing to break here. If there is a leak in the system, the overheating will not happen - there is no electrolyte. Electrode boilers show themselves well under unstable voltage conditions. If it falls down to 180 V, the unit will continue to work and produce heat.

    Of the minuses onlycost of equipmentand the need to use a specially prepared coolant. Its composition will depend on how much energy the boiler will spend on heating. Another nuance is the need for reliable grounding. The electrodes will have to be changed periodically.

    Induction boiler

    Boilers of this type began to be used in the 80s of the last century, but were first installed only in production. The release of household models began only towards the end of the 90s. The principle of their work is quite complex and resembles a transformer. The heart of the unit is an induction coil, which converts electrical energy into a magnetic field, directing it to the core. The latter is a system of steel pipes with a coolant inside.

    The system showed itself quite well. Induction boilersEconomical and very compact, durable(service life of 30 years and more) and fireproof, and the problem of scale with them is not terrible. Strict requirements for the heat carrier, as in the previous two types of boilers, no - you can even pour refined oil products.

    The main minus -high price. In addition, weigh induction boilers decently, despite their miniature dimensions. Find a model lighter than 20 kg will not work.

    Which boiler is best to choose depends on the budget and the requirements put forward - all three types can be found on the market.

    No. 3. Type of connection

    Before buying a boiler of a certain capacity, it is necessary to find out the features of the electrical wiring in the house. Among boilers with a power of up to 10-12 kW, models can be found that can be connected to bothsingle-phase(220 V), and tothree-phasenetwork (380 V). More powerful boilers with a single-phase network can not be used - it will be necessary to connect the house to a three-phase network.

    To connect the boiler to the shield it is better to take a copper multicore wire, which, with a higher conductivity, will be less heated.

    №4. Number of loops

    Among the electric boilers the most popularsingle-circuit models. They are responsible only for the heating system. To provide yourself with more and hot water supply, it is necessary to retrofit the system with a water heater or takedouble-circuit boiler. The latter has two independent circuits for heating water. Two-circuit electric boilers consume a lot of electricity, so they are rarely used.

    №5. Calculation of the power of an electric boiler

    The power of electric boilers varies from 2 to 60 kW (for production and commercial premises there are even 400 kW models) and is selected depending on the location of what area it is necessary to heat, and whether there is a need to heat water for hot water supply. Ideally, to determine the power it is necessary to carry out a full heat engineering calculation, taking into account not only the area of ​​the room, but also the height of ceilings, the level of thermal insulation, the number of windows, doors and other factors. For this it is better to turn to professionals, butcalculate the approximate poweryou can and yourself.

    The simplest way is to use the proportion, according to which it is necessary to provide 1 kW of boiler power for every 10 m2 of the area, provided sufficient thermal insulation and at a height of ceilings not more than 3 m. It is better to throw a little more stock (10-15%), and if a double-circuit boiler is used, then to the obtained value add another 25%. This calculation is rather conditional, and to obtain more accurate results, you can use another, slightly more complicated, formula.

    The power of the electric boiler can be calculated as follows:

    • W = (40 * S * h + Qo+ Qg) * k, where
    • 40 - average required boiler output per 1 m3, 40 W / m3;
    • S - the area of ​​the house / apartment;
    • h - height of ceilings;
    • Qo - heat loss through the windows, 100 watts per each;
    • Qd - heat loss through the door, 200 watts per each;
    • k - coefficient depending on the region, for the southern regions of the country can be taken, central and European parts for the north and far east .

    If the calculation is forprivate house, the result is multiplied by,.

    Suppose there is a house of 85 m2, height of ceilings, m, with 6 windows and 2 doors, it is located in the southern part of the country. The required power will be W = (40 * 85 *, + 600 + 400) *, *, = 1, kW.


    №6. Power control and boiler control system

    In electric boilers it is easy enough to adjust the power and temperature of the coolant. Actually, these two parameters are interrelated, therefore it is impossible to consider them separately from each other.

    The boiler output can be adjusted in one of the following ways:

    • stepwise- a frequent option in TEN boilers. In this case, the design provides one heating element, which provides half the power, and two, which give 25% of the heating. It turns out that the boiler can operate at 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the maximum power, a more precise adjustment can be made in each room thanks to the radiator valves;
    • stepless adjustmentis achieved through the use of rheostat. This is the privilege of more expensive models. In simple low-power boilers there may not be any adjustment at all.

    The user sets the boiler to the required coolant temperature to maintain a comfortable environment in the house, and the boiler turns on the heat and turns it off when the heating medium is sufficiently heated. Automation can work with mechanical and electronic temperature controllers. Both options save energy and maintain a comfortable temperature without constant monitoring of the boiler.

    Mechanical thermostatblocks the heat carrier current or opens the electrical network when the user reaches the coolant temperature set by the user. When the temperature drops, the boiler switches on again. This is a simple and cheap method, but not the most accurate - the temperature of the coolant at the outlet from the boiler can differ from the set one by 2-30C.Electronic thermoregulatorsmore precise, they consist of a remote sensor and a control unit. The sensor is attached to the heating element and transmits information about its temperature to the unit remotely or via wires. Naturally, such boilers are more expensive.

    №7. type of instalation

    Electric boilers can be:

    • walled;
    • floor.

    It is clear that the walls take up less space and will fit in those cases when this very place is severely restricted. Western manufacturers prefer this type of installation. In the floor version, as a rule, more powerful boilers are produced, which need to be heated with a large volume of heat carrier.

    №8. The best manufacturers of electric boilers

    Dozens of producers work on the market of electric boilers, both foreign and domestic. European boilers usually receive a smooth adjustment, they are assembled from more expensive components. Our boilers predominantly receive a step-by-step adjustment, so they are cheaper. Probably, each of us understands well that it is better not to save on a heating system, so it's not worth to trust little-known companies. The mostlarge, proven and reliable manufacturers of electric boilersin the world and in Russia:

    • Protherm- the Czech manufacturer, which began precisely with the production of electric boilers. Today, there are other types of heating boilers, as well as boilers, thermostats, etc. Electric boilers of the company have wall version, power from 6 to 28 kW, efficiency 9,%, are produced in single-circuit performance. In 2001, the company became part of the German group of companies Vaillant;
    • Vaillantproduces slightly more expensive boilers than Protherm, power up to 28 kW, all models are easy to handle and reliable;
    • Buderus- a large German company, produces electric boilers for private houses and commercial facilities, the power of wall-mounted single-circuit models is 30-60 kW;
    • Kospel- reliable Polish electric boilers, presented in a wide range. Power from 4 to 36 kW, models up to 8 kW are presented in two versions, for operation with a network of 220 V and 380 V;
    • Boschalso produces electric boilers, power from 4 to 24 kW, a wall version, with one circuit, but it is possible to connect an indirect heating boiler. You can buy both a boiler and a boiler complete with an expansion tank and a pump;
    • Ferroli- high-quality Italian electric boilers from 6 to 28 kW with very well-thought-out automation and a wide range of additional functions. Boilers have connectors for connecting room and street temperature sensors, a large display, the possibility of daily programming of the boiler operation and even boiler control with the help of the remote control;
    • ZOTA- domestic boilers, which differ the most affordable price and high-quality performance. Power from 3 to 400 kW, boilers are represented in several lines, heaters are used for heating elements;
    • RusNIT- budgetary good boilers from the Ryazan company, capacity from 3 to 99 kW;
    • Evan- a large domestic producer, is part of the NIBE concern, produces boilers in different price segments. Power from, up to 480 kW.

    Also worth noting the products of companies Dakon, ACV and RECO, Intoys, Alvin, Resource.


    Such a factor of choice, as efficiency, for electric boilers can be ignored - all models operate with an efficiency above 95%, often this figure reaches 99%. Pay attention to the equipment. If the heating system is built from scratch, it is more profitable to take the boiler in the maximum configuration with an expansion tank, pump and other elements.

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