How to choose the paint
You can buy a coloring agent in order to paint suede boots or shoes at home in any shoe store. Contact the seller for help, he will tell you which paint is best to choose and advise on the shade. Do not forget to clarify that you need a tool for suede.
In order to successfully find the shade you need, it is better to take your shoes with you to the store. If it is new enough and you just need to refresh it, you can choose a tone of paint that matches exactly with your boots. In the case when the shoes are a little worn out and also have stains, it is better to take the paint a tone or two darker to paint over the problem areas and make the color richer.
If you want to learn how to dye your suede boots in a different color, then keep in mind that the dye can not paint the main shade completely and it will shine through. This especially applies to bright colors. It is better to repaint the suede thing in a darker tone of the existing color, for example, blue in blue. Then you will be insured against the possibility of unsuccessful painting.
The dye can be produced in aerosols, in the form of cream-paint, liquid composition or foam. For shoes that have a rough coat with a large pile, for example, men's shoes, the drug in a creamy or liquid form is better suited. Thin women's boots will be more convenient to paint with a spray.
Aerosol can is very convenient to use. They are easier to handle a large area, which have high women's boots. It allows you to fairly evenly apply dye from all sides.If you want to additionally decorate your shoes, acrylic paints are suitable for this. They are easy to use and have a fairly wide range of colors.
Preparation of shoes
Before dyeing suede shoes to your desired shade, you must first prepare it. Clean your boots well outside and also wash your soles. Let them dry. If there are laces on the shoes or boots, they should be pulled out. Decorative items( pins, rhinestones, etc.) at the time of painting must be removed.
Consider that dyes have an unpleasant strong smell. If possible, paint the shoes outside the living room or in a room that can then be ventilated.Children and animals at the time of the procedure should be removed. Also, make sure that there is no open food in the room. Plot the floor on which the treatment will be carried out, you need to close the newspapers or plastic. If you paint with an aerosol, note that the paint can be sprayed quite far. Therefore, choose a place where there are no things that you can spoil.
In order not to paint over those areas of the shoes that are not to be dyed( bright soles, inserts of a different color), seal them with ordinary or masking tape. Light-colored boots or boots are recommended to be filled with newspapers all the way to the top. So you protect the lining from the paint on it. In addition, the operation will be more convenient.
. If there are stains on the boots, they must be removed before the dyeing process. Use a special tool for cleaning suede, which are sold in shoe stores. Apply a small amount of the drug with a cloth on the stain and lightly rub it. After removing the stain, allow the surface to dry.
How to paint
It is quite simple to paint shoes made of suede yourself at home. In order to properly process and restore the look of the boots, you will need:
- suede brush;
- coloring matter;
- brush, sponge;
- gloves;
- protective care agent.
Take clean and dry shoes prepared for the dyeing process. Use a special suede brush to walk across the surface to lift the pile. If the boots are very thin and tender, do it carefully. This operation is needed in order to more evenly paint over the coating. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach places and the spout of the product.
Before you start painting, carefully inspect the boots, especially the nose and the place near the sole. Quite often scuffs appear on them. It is recommended to paint such areas separately using cream paint. It is also better to process the place of the joint of the sole and suede with the same tool( welt).
Paint with gloves in order not to mess your hands. Gently apply the product with a brush to the problem areas and wait until it is completely dry. Then you can start painting all your shoes.
Using an
aerosol If you spray your shoes with an aerosol, shake the bottle well. Then start spraying the dye from a distance of 25-30 centimeters from the coating. Do this consistently, smoothly moving from one site to another.
Try to keep the spray can at the same distance from the surface. Otherwise, the color may be uneven with stains.When the first layer dries, repeat the operation. Cover the boots or shoes with two or three layers of paint, depending on how much color you want to give the shoe. Wait until the surface is completely dry, then treat it with a caring agent that fixes the color. When the boots are completely dry, use a brush to lift the pile.
Liquid or cream paint
In the event that you decide to work with cream paint, you will need a piece of foam sponge or a brush of medium width. Some paint the shoes with a toothbrush, as it allows you to paint the pile more carefully and evenly.
First, treat the scuffs and allow them to dry. Then apply the dye to each area over the entire surface of the coating. Since the cream has a thicker consistency than the spray agent, it will be enough to paint the shoes in one layer. If you repaint a pair or achieve a deeper shade, after drying, apply the paint again.
After painting, work the boots with a means of fixing the color and water-repellent composition. This will help the shoe to stay in good shape much longer.
Now you know how to dye your suede boots at home. Timely take care of your shoes so that it always has a beautiful appearance.