Iron Repair their own hands

Earlier portal VashTehnik assorted electric Saturn - did not like. However, about the iron otherwise. Guangdong also collected; 15 seconds after the touch can not. The ceramic base 19 is provided with steam outlet holes along the perimeter, indeed (corresponds assurances reviews) formidable scratched. What to expect from the device, standing 200-300 rubles? There is a spray function. Steam operating mode is only possible at a high temperature of the sole. Below is a lot of photos, see, admire. Iron Repair their own hands have decided to consider, guided obvious reason: Runet network lacks standing description of the process. Common phrases, pictures, not glittering clarity. Today, the plan independent repair of irons.

Iron Saturn from China

It is believed Saturn protects Saturday. Any undertaking badly go get ugly, ugly. Saturn looks success, self-cleaning function does not work properly. Looking ahead, say, inside the reservoir into the heating chamber is an opening concealed by the three-way nipple. Self-cleaning function corresponds to the upper position, fluid flow maximum. Almost unusable. Here is the procedure for the management of:

instagram viewer

  1. Set the maximum heating of the regulator.
    Regulator heating at high


  2. Lever steam flow supply to zero.
    The steam consumption is 0

    Regulator to zero

  3. Put the iron vertically, plug it in.
  4. Wait until the indicator turns off (controlled by a general switch with a heating element in the base bulb handle perfectly visible in the photo).
  5. Switch off the iron from the outlet.
  6. Above the bathroom iron horizontally positioned.
  7. Put a pair feed lever to the maximum position (on the photo - droplets).
  8. Wait until the water vapor will drain.

Water vapor from the holes politsya refused, after dismantling it turned out: 6 out of 19 holes feykovye. No other word comes to mind. In the same style, the boiler area of ​​overlap only the front 13. Photos of the sole is attached, can be considered necessary.


There was a problem to understand why it does not work the self-cleaning mode. Whether a malfunction. Begin to disassemble the iron!

Dismantling Iron Saturn ST - CC0211

We begin with a screw back wall undisguised. Difficulties will begin next. Many knowing about the dismantling of irons, guessed: hidden place unknown even fixing. Screws are under buttons lid water Bay power regulator. In this case, the best one proved to be the first. I managed to find out, breaking a single button. It is clearly seen on the photos: each key pair of teeth sliding in housing rents, at the same time serving as limiters. Suffice it to pry the back teeth with a screwdriver, removing the key, if you do not know in advance... As if specially molded plastic keys fragile, there are varieties more resilient. We believe, deliberately; trying to prevent unqualified intervention. As a result, one button (steam blow) came in disrepair, will be glued Titan, the final disposition of cases readers have to guess.

Unscrew the bolt on the rear wall

rear screw

Breakage iron partsHidden under the button bolt

So, removing the two buttons, find another screw, unscrew relies. Difficulties have not ended, the handle and the rear wall panel is further secured by three studs (cm. photo) on the nose. How to keep the disassembly, we can not tell! In the end, the cover dismantled. More simply:

  • Tank with pumps and steam supply controller is held by three screws. One at the bow and two at the tail end. Remove carefully the sole temperature controller, stretching. It is held by three studs on the D-shaped groove. Notice the little steel bracket that provides the controller fixation and clicks when you change (see. Photo).
  • Buck pulled together, simultaneously opens path steam boost pump. Permeates the metal tube structure from the boiler to the pumps.

Analysis of ironIron without cover

Tank and pump iron Saturn ST - CC0211

Buck, a steam iron pump Saturn ST - CC0211 wanted to see more. First, look annular steam regulator. Responsible for raising the height of the bronze rod ending nipple. After it reaches the sealed water tank soles, turning to vapor. Plastic ring, in vain. As the operation part starts to wear out. Consequently, the tank begins gradually to poison water. Note:

  • No protection against water leakage from the node (pump shaft pin) to the rear portion of the handle that extends to the electrical part.

No protection against waterThe iron grounding wire fastened to the aluminum part of the sole, molded integral with the tank. There is food seamed into the heating element. Connected terminals are not protected from moisture. Therefore, if an iron forget the ground in the electrical part gets wet, possible fatal iron member. Connect the appliance correctly to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Each pump is equipped with a piston, it is possible to remove the parallel return spring. The pump sprayer is not different from the steam boost pump. Push both need to dramatically differently instead trickles toward obtained drips that fall on the clothes directly on the course. The pump is connected to the sprinkler nozzle spout steam pump is connected to a pin with vertical steel tube, leaving a sealed tank soleplate.

The hole with the stem on the iron coverStockHole on the bottom of the iron

Electric part iron Saturn ST - CC0211

In parallel, the heating element indicating lamp is turned on. The supply voltage regulator with a separate thermostat. When the handle is rotated soles temperature, screw deflects the elastic plate up and down. Contact fortified here, it is located on a bimetallic plate bolted to a sealed tank of the sole. Fine adjustment screw position is reached the correct temperature. The degree of bending of the bimetallic plate is picked heatings. Relay switches easy click, believe (not verified), small magnets can be slightly delay the release, making the course more dramatic. It is often done in the same principle of action puskozaschitnoy relay refrigerators.

Note that near the temperature controller visible bag. Inside is a thermal fuse, screwed screw for the bracket to a sealed tank of the sole. an electrical circuit element is not soldered, is seated on the clamping terminal as a heater, the device is considered a major disadvantage. Accidentally catching detail, easy to damage the unit as a whole.

Thermaliron electrician

Conclusions repair Iron Saturn ST - CC0211

From this it concluded inoperable self-cleaning system was the result of poor design forethought. Checking established: nipple moves correctly, in the end position adjustment lever pair reaches the top position. Therefore, the problem is caused by two reasons:

  1. Slaughter of the outlet openings a pressurized tank soleplate.
  2. Poor adjustment pin.

plastic tubesSpringThe opening for receiving watermetal stripmetal gear

Simply decided to avoid touching the appliance, leave as is, for the reasons:

  1. Iron perfectly fulfills modes, excluding self-cleaning.
  2. self-cleaning function can be replaced by refluxing solution of vinegar sole unit, no less efficiently (more likely - a).

Once the device works for 300 rubles, wanting more pointless. Frequency of self-cleaning is not indicated, consider repairing the iron with their hands over. Key will mend when the adhesive appears. Readers will be pleasantly surprised detailed disclosure iron device.

The cover of the ironiron assembly

Most of the instruments constructed according to the diagram. Review will help to repair Tefal irons, irons Roventa repair, repair of irons with a steam generator, and other ongoing work. Of note are clear main types of faults, how to eliminate:

  1. Not lit indicator. Open circuit power or thermal fuse is blown.
  2. Alarm will not turn off even though the iron is heated long enough. Faulty temperature control relay.
  3. From under the iron water dripping. Leakproof one of the pumps. It is urgent to turn the unit off and master the repair of steam irons.
  4. No steam. Faulty nipple, wheel controller or clogged water passages, or vaporization tank.
  5. Iron does not heat. If the power indicator lights burned out heating element. A clear conclusion, because the lamp is connected in parallel.
  6. No sprinkler jets. Clogged nozzles opening or sealing broken left pump.
  7. No steam blow vaporization mode works. Broken seal right pump.

We believe now emerged on the horizon iron Tefal repairs will not make readers fall into a swoon. From reading is clear: the most responsible steps considered assembly and disassembly of the iron. Repair simple. The evidence put the large photo interface right pump and steam blow hose. Try to pick up at your leisure!

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