How to independently find and fix a malfunction of the TV

The very first TVs are so different from modern technology that, it seems, there is almost nothing in common between them. In fact, the general principles of operation have been preserved, and some malfunctions of TVs of different models are repaired in the same way. However, there are new causes of breakdowns associated with the features of the screen matrix, with the device chips and many others.
Contentsor off
If the TV does not want to turn on, and even the power indicator does not light up, then the problem is most likely with the power supply. It may burn out as a result of a strong voltage drop.
A similar reason may be when the TV is turned off spontaneously. If overvoltage protection is installed, it can turn off the device at the right time. If you know that the voltage was stable, then you need to check the power supply, and see the motherboard, if microcracks have appeared in it.
There is no reaction to the control panel
This is a fairly common problem, but in most cases it is connected with the failure of the console itself. Perhaps you dropped it or spilled something on it, so it stopped working. You should also check the batteries to know that everything is in order.
It happens that the remote has nothing to do with it, and the problem lies in the failure of the remote control receiver on the TV or in the processor.
Memory problems
It happens that you want to set up channels and remember them, but nothing happens. The reason for this may be a violation of the memory device. A similar situation when you adjust the sound, turn off the TV, and after switching on the settings are not saved. It will be necessary to check the memory chip and, if necessary, replace it.
The buttons on the TV do not work
If you press a button on the TV itself, but no reaction occurs, you need to check if the contact connecting the button to the microcontroller has broken. If all contacts are intact, then you need to look for reasons in the controller's processor.
Sound problems
The problem with sound is caused in most cases by some problems with the speakers. It is necessary to check that they are included, connected, all contacts are intact. There are problems with a low-frequency amplifier, as well as with a sound processor. In the most extreme case, it is necessary to seek a solution in the work of the radio channel.
Bad image or its complete absence
An annoying situation when the TV turns on, and even the sound is heard, but there is no normal image. The reasons for this may be very different, but they can almost always be solved. Another thing is whether you can solve them yourself, or have to call a specialist.
- When the image is completely absent and the sound is excellent, this may be due to a malfunction of the matrix or video amplifier.
- The absence of an image and the intermittent loss of sound may indicate that there are scan problems.
- If there is sound and the screen glows, but does not show anything, then there are some problems in the video processor. The cause can also be interference in the tuner.
- An annoying situation when the image is rotated only on half( bottom or top) of the screen. This indicates malfunctions in the frame scan of the matrix. Frame scanning module fails due to power surges and poor performance of the power supply.
- If there is a narrow strip on the screen vertically, then something is wrong with the horizontal transformer, if the strip is horizontal, that there are problems with the vertical scan.
- The image became monochrome or any one color disappeared. This indicates that the video processor or video amplifier has broken.
Separate malfunctions of the
matrix In a modern TV, the malfunctioning of the matrix becomes a big problem that can only be solved by replacing. The matrix, in fact, is the screen, or rather, its main part, on which the image is built. The reasons for the failure of the matrix can be the following:
- hit with a hard object or a fall;
- moisture on the contacts of the matrix;
- manufacturing defect, electrical defect;
- wear due to prolonged operation.
Due to the damage to the matrix, multicolored stripes, black circles, fading of the image or its complete loss may appear on the screen. Diagnosis and replacement of the matrix can only be done by a specialist, since there are many features for connecting and configuring the device.
Problems with scanning
There are several indicators that indicate that there are problems with the personnel scanning of the TV:
- image has decreased or shifted vertically;
- disturbed alignment;
- lines appear on the image, indicating the reverse of the rays;There is no
- frame scan at all, etc.
In the absence of a frame scan, one luminous horizontal bar is visible on the screen. Usually, all these cases of malfunction are related to the incorrect operation of the frame scanning generator unit. In the generator, the frequency of the vertical sweep is set by capacitors, resistors, diodes, transistors. If a television with a kinescope, the signal from the vertical scanning unit is fed to the deflecting system. There may be problems with contacts, there may be a breakdown in the deflecting system.
Only a person who is well versed in the TV device can fix the problems with all these elements, so contact the service center.
General recommendations
From all this, it is clear that most of the problems can be fixed only in the service center. On our own, we can:
- check whether there is voltage in the network if the TV does not turn on;
- check the contact of the antenna connector, whether it is well connected, try to tune other channels if the image is not of high quality;
- if there is no sound, see if the headphones are plugged in, unplug them, reinsert and remove, make sure the sound setting is correct;
- replace the batteries in the control panel, check its health.
By the signs that we described in the previous sections, you can determine how serious the problem is with the TV.After that, you can call the master or take the device to the service center.