Refrigerators Nord: TOP 7 best, reviews, review the lineup

Modern refrigerator Nord - is a practical, reliable and attractive appliance, sold for a reasonable price. Now the brand name manufactures and assembles its equipment in China, and in the CIS countries, only sells products, contains a call-center and an extensive network of service centers.

The quality of the refrigeration complies with RoHS and the REACH, applicable European standards, environmental standards and demands of customers.

The content of the article:

  • Features refrigeration appliances brand
    • The nuances of power units
    • What compressors are used?
    • Technology and technology options
  • The most popular series producer
  • Top 7 best products manufacturer
    • Model # 1 - NORD DRF110ESP
    • Model # 2 - NORD NRT144-032
    • Model # 3 - NORD NRB118-032
    • Model # 4 - NORD NRB139-032
    • Model # 5 - NORD DR180
    • Model # 6 - NORD DR51
    • Model # 7 - NORD 403-012
  • What do the owners?
  • Tips to potential buyers
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Features refrigeration appliances brand

Now Nord is the largest holding company specializing in the creation and implementation of major appliances progressive level.

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The brand has its own scientific and engineering capabilities and modern production facilities. This capacity enables products Nord compete with many European and Asian brands.

The production site in North China

In China, Nord is located at the production site of Midea. The enterprise makes refrigerators with different numbers of cameras, good functionality, economical power consumption and advanced systems that provide multi-level freezing

Units, manufactured under the name Nord, able to meet the needs of customers with different needs. Lineup presented devices made in several configurations, convenient and practical. This allows each customer to find himself the most successful solution for food storage.

Technological innovations introduced into production, make energy-efficient appliances, safe for the environment, endurance, reliability and performance, comfortable.

At the enterprises of producing all of the most popular and sought after options for refrigeration. Among the products offered is:

  • Miniature modules available for installation under the tabletop or the bar;
  • classic single-chamber devices;
  • Two-cell units with the upper and lower freezer.

Standard and high product available for separate installation in the kitchen, in the dining room or closet and for embedding in pieces of furniture.

Refrigerator Nord

In dual chamber models the ratio of the lower and upper card freezer refrigeration soaked in a proportion of 3/4. This is the best option for the people who use and just chilled in an equal degree, and deep frozen products

The nuances of power units

In October 2013, the plant began to transition to the production of more advanced, energy efficient refrigerators. In just one month in the manufacturing process have made all the necessary changes, and by the end of the year the production line began to go only units of class A +.

This enabled customers to save and consume 20% less electrical.


The latest NORD DRF 200 is equipped with a power system A ++. Yet such models in the line of brand only two, but innovation that promotes intelligent electrical consumption plan to soon be used as widely as possible

Another useful feature called Voltage Stability. Devices with this extension showed the correct operation in regions where the operation is complicated by the frequent disconnecting the centralized power supply and mains voltage jumps stably and continuously in the range 187-253 V.

What compressors are used?

Very long units Nord completed with the production of goods Bono Sistem. They function reliably and meet all the basic requirements.

Nord Technique quieter many competitors

Nords can be rightly called a silent fridge. The motor does not emit during operation extraneous sounds. The noise level ranges from 38-40 DCB and does not interfere with your home comfortable rest

In early autumn 2016 management decided to move to the compressors, made in the factory Atlant refrigeration equipment located in Baranovichi.

The main distinguishing feature of these devices - the presence in the construction of two copper coils. This increases the working life of the engine and increases its resistance to changes in voltage.

Technology and technology options

Total No Frost - it forces the air to circulate and does not form ineyu and ice. It promotes the accelerated cooling and freezing, quickly restores the necessary temperature regime for a long time after the closing of the door is open.

Multi-air flow - promotes uniform air movement in different directions for optimum preservation products in the state of natural freshness conserves their natural appearance, integrity, flavor and taste quality.

rapid cooling - automatically lowers the temperature in the refrigerating compartment to 2 ° C, and after 180 min and turned off returns to normal operation.

Food in the refrigerator Nord

The "Quick Cooling" will help as soon as possible to cool snacks or any other products required for a party or a celebratory feast

antibacterial - a thin, invisible protective eye layer enriched with silver ions. It does not breed harmful elements and minimizes the risk of odor.

The humidity sensor - on an intellectual level, controls the humidity and provides the most accurate indicators. This makes it possible to preserve food longer fresh.

transparent shelves - tempered glass can withstand loads of up to 20 kilograms, it does not crack and does not bend under the pressure of a large number of dishes.

door shelves - holders provide convenient location bottles. Because of them, on the doors easily accommodated not only the small jars with mashed mayonnaise sludge, but also 2-liter capacity with a mineral or sugar water.

Boxes and containers - made of plastic, harmless and resistant to minor damage. Are provided with holes for full circulation of air cooling provisions. It is easy to put forward and not get stuck because of practical guides.

coolant - the system uses isobutane, harmless to the environment and the planet's ozone layer.

The most popular series producer

Enjoyed great success Standart lineConsisting of the most simple, versatile design classic products with minimal options needed.

Nord from «Standart» series

The unit of a series of «Standart» is a miniature model of a neat and simple door handles integrated. Inside are two shelves for products and two containers for vegetables transparent plastic. Door shelves can be conveniently adjusted in height to your personal needs

In products line Cottage functionality and economy in harmony with the pleasant exterior design.

Displacement of products ranges from 45 to 196 liters. Such substantial expansion allows the customer to select and purchase a device that is suitable for well-defined needs.

Nord «Cottage» line

product design in classic style and a soft, slightly zaovalennymi forms. A special attraction gives it a concave handle, integrated into the overall design of the doors, and internal sleek lines that do not have sharp corners

Lux model They have a volume of 190-331 liters and belong to the class of power A +. Can outweigh the door to easy for themselves side by adjusting the way the unit to an existing household appliances and kitchen sets.

North of the line «Lux»

Units «Lux» is very roomy. The inner surface of the laminated cells is provided an antibacterial coating that prevents microbial growth and formation of malodor

Modern refrigerators are large aggregates with a total volume of 264 to 354 liters. Freezer compartment located below and is equipped with two or three boxes of transparent plastic harmless.

The cooling chamber is equipped with a tempered glass shelves and containers for vegetables and fruit.

Refrigerator «Modern» series

The chip manufacturing «Modern» line - an elongated curved handles on front overhead doors and progressive Eco Led Light lights at the top of the unit

On the facade of the most expensive models in the series is a modern touchscreen display showing the temperature mode, it is currently supported within the chamber.

Top 7 best products manufacturer

NORD fridges - it is good quality at an affordable price, which is why they are so in demand in the market. Below we look at the models that are most popular among domestic consumers.

Model # 1 - NORD DRF110ESP

NORD DRF110ESP - one of the most stylish line units. He is represented not only in the classic colors of the brand, but also in a more progressive light beige shade and is equipped with overhead ergonomic handles the original form.

The module has a metal plate for bottles and plastic stand for eggs. The lateral grooves are arranged and often allow comfortable optimize interior space to suit your needs

The unit has a separate tray for frozen vegetables, fruits and small dough products. It consumes 312 kWh / year.

Among the advantages of the majority of users say ergonomic design, low power consumption and relatively roomy freezer. Without a doubt, this unit is perfect fit into any interior.

The disadvantages of this model include only the need to manually defrost the freezer compartment, and on the whole, at the appropriate level.

Model # 2 - NORD NRT144-032

NORD NRT144-032 - refrigerator with top freezer. It has a fairly compact size that makes it easy to place it even in a small kitchen.

The unit is considered very roomy - with a volume of 329l. The interior space is divided by conventional glass shelves that can be adjusted during operation.

The inner surface has an antibacterial coating that prevents the appearance of mildew and malodor. All pollution is easily rubbed with a damp sponge.

This is a good budget model with low cost and good functionality. As with all units of the NORD range it has a classic design, so well fit into any decor.

Affordable, low noise level and low battery consumption are indisputable advantages of this model. Among the shortcomings can be noted only that the freezer will have to periodically be defrosted manually.

Model # 3 - NORD NRB118-032

Is a compact, modern two-chamber assembly capacity of 301l. The inner space of the cooling chamber is divided shelves of tempered glass that allows you to place them on a lot of products.

Freezer consists of two transparent compartments, which have a special fixation against accidental loss. The NORD NRB118-032 has an automatic defrost, it is true to the freezer compartment does not extend - it is necessary to defrost manually.

Among the advantages of the machine users often say quiet operation, convenient location and capacity of the freezer. Most users will also enjoy the opportunity to reversible door, which greatly simplifies the placement of the refrigeration unit in the interior.

This is one of the best representatives of NORD range in terms of price and quality. Budget option with good functionality.

Model # 4 - NORD NRB139-032

Classical compact model, with a good capacity for a reasonable price. This unit will fit well into the interior of the apartment with a small area.

Like all other models of NORD line in NRB139-032 have the opportunity to outweigh the door to a comfortable user side. The model has efficiency class A +, which is a quite a good indicator of in terms of energy savings.

We should also mention the fact that the instrument has good resistance to voltage drop and low noise level.

Despite its compact size, users have reported good capacity of the unit, including the freezer.

The only drawback was the need to manually defrost the freezer compartment, but it is easy to explain an affordable cost. The more expensive models the no frost system.

Model # 5 - NORD DR180

Two-compartment NORD DR180 attracts customers a simple, but elegant appearance, optimal set of features and reasonable price.

The refrigeration compartment is equipped with a sturdy shelves and hold a large amount of food and dishes. Among the models most users advantages noted the high build quality and a spacious freezer.

The lower compartment requires manual defrosting. Also, according to some users, the refrigeration unit more noisy, but this is a minority opinion.

Special Feature - concise form, clear lines and comfortable handles integrated in the door. The interior space has a laminated, and a smooth surface is well illuminated stylish Led-lamp arranged at the top center.

With compact dimensions, this unit is the perfect solution for small kitchens.

Model # 6 - NORD DR51

Miniature NORD DR51 volume of 45 liters, despite its modest size, copes with cooling of the product. It consumes little energy and runs quietly.

It divides the internal space of the regiment of anodized metal with a side through which products do not slip even in the case of sudden opening of the door.

The model weighs only 15 kilograms. It can be easily transported in a car, going to the cottage in the summer. Food definitely not deteriorate even in the hottest period of time.

A pleasant surprise will be the fact that even in a miniature model of the manufacturer has provided the opportunity perenavesit door in any direction.

This unit is the ideal solution for a small cottage or country house. It is the perfect solution for small money.

Model # 7 - NORD 403-012

The compact single chamber assembly with the top location of the freezer. Ideal for the classic interior of a small kitchen.

With a fairly modest size, unit capacity of 111l. The inner surface has NORD403-012 antibacterial coating that prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors.

A nice addition to this compact model are the doors, which can be independently outweigh the one side to the other. This allows you to organically enter the unit even in a very small room.

Among the drawbacks, some users report small shelf for eggs, as well as uncomfortable compartment for bottles. Although for the money, these shortcomings do not seem significant.

What do the owners?

Customers who purchase new characters and try to use nordovskie aggregates generally respond well to them.

Basically mark reasonable combination of price and quality, allows you to purchase a modern refrigerator is quite decent for a reasonable price.

Containers and shelves are made of tempered glass

Strong glass shelves can withstand greater load. The rim of white metal, resistant to corrosion manifestations, gives products slide and increases operational comfort level

Very appreciate the new design, introduced in 2017. Special praise deigned external parts made from ABS-plastic progressive.

They are characterized by high durability, resistance to operational loads, resistance to UV radiation and ability to use the whole term to maintain the original luster.

Concerning the work of the compressor is practically no complaints, but the evaporators and condensers fail often enough. These elements are even called "headache" Nords.

The only plus is that their repair in the workshop or service center very quickly and for little money.

Appliances Group Nord

If there is a failure, fatal recognized, the Nord products, under warranty, replaced by a new one. To carry out this event the customer should contact an authorized representative of the brand and present a registration certificate stamped and signed by Seller

Some users indicate very thin layer of paint on the sides. Touching something metal, such as a chair, it can be easily scratched. However, for those who furnished the kitchen with wooden furniture, this problem does not exist.

Another shortcoming identified in the Nord brand refrigerators, manufactured before 2016, it is the absence of the wheels at the bottom. Instead, they are only simplified unregulated stamped feet from sharp-edged metal. Because of them problematic to move the unit, and on the floor there are unsightly scratches.

However, this nuance is permitted very easy. If all four legs attach adhesive backing of felt or batt, cheaply sold any hardware store, move Nord will be very simple and the floor will remain intact and preservation.

Refrigerator Nord reversible door

Pleasant advantage of new models Nord - is the ability to reversible door. Due to this product is convenient to assemble sets of furniture and other household appliances even in the limited space of compact kitchen

Not too reliable and the front leg, fixed the front door under the canopy. Plastic thread in it so that it will not break through negligence, twist element preferably not more than 0.5 cm.

Adjust the height of the refrigerator better than the other leg, and a vulnerable underlay felt furniture pads.

Tips to potential buyers

The owners of Nord technology argue that refrigerators fully justifies its price. The range of the brand has a very popular model, which do not cause any complaints, and less successful units, not too favorite customers.

Nord employee support

Brand includes customer support center. The client can call the hotline and get complete information about all types of equipment, operating rules, the specifics of warranty and purchase opportunities

If you are looking for a fairly progressive refrigerator with an optimal set of features at a reasonable cost or budget, including products Nord you are sure to choose the appropriate option.

Brand offers single- and dual-chamber devices of different sizes that will fit in a small-sized kitchen and pantry and a spacious dining room.

It expanded color gamut and makes it possible to get not only the classic white, but also elegant beige or progressive silvery steel module.

Noise aggregates range from 38 to 40 dB. This is considerably less than the performance of many more expensive brands.

Therefore, the owners of small urban studio apartments makes sense to draw on the Nords attention. Even with close to recreational areas, devices lacking hosts inconvenience too loud work.

The new models there is a signal notifying on too long open door. This function is useful, but for her take extra money and to pay costs only if necessary.

EU certificate ISO in refrigerators

In the production technology Nord apply the highest quality standards. This confirms the EU ISO 9001: 2008 certificate The TSU, attesting compliance product safety requirements adopted by the EU, and the document from the TÜV Thüringen international system and Rheinland

Tray for freezing fruit and small-piece products from the test - useful element, but only for those who regularly sculpts dumplings and dumplings at home, and harvests in the summer for a large number of freezer seasonal berries.

For everyone else, this element is of no value and is the only unclaimed option for which solidly paid.

Devices with class A ++ energy cost significantly more expensive than analogues labeled A +. Experts say that to choose a more economical option is only advisable when buying a powerful unit, initially consume a lot of electricians.

The classic mid-range model, the savings will be noticeable only at very long term use, but and then, some serious, much sums it reaches the base and the initial cost is not an option override.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Distinctive features of the dual-chamber Nords from the last line. Characteristics of the model range, reviews of the owners, the prices in different stores.

How to buy a chiller Nord and not to be mistaken. The nuances of the different models. Advice to clients to be sure to look at the time of acquisition. The main criteria for the correct choice.

Buying a refrigerator manufactured by the Nord, the client receives a modern appliance with the required features. Non costs a pretty penny, but the warranty period makes it possible not to worry about breakage.

Classic style design allows the inclusion of items in the kitchen interior in any direction. Energy efficiency makes it possible to store food without spending extra money to pay utility bills.

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