The lock on the refrigerator: types, how to choose the + installation instructions

Whatever may be the functional kitchen appliances, there are occasions when it is necessary to upgrade by purchasing additional devices or elements. One of such devices is the lock on the refrigerator.

The need to set it arises when you want to protect the contents of the unit.

The content of the article:

  • Types, arrangement and use of the product
    • Function and design features
    • There are varieties of locks
  • Rules for the choice of the locking device
  • Instruction on self-assembly
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Types, arrangement and use of the product

The need in the castle feels not every user. But, faced with the problem of acquiring it, is necessary to understand the features and existing species. Just so you can choose the best option and does not overpay at the same time.

Function and design features

On the fridge, as well as any structure with a door, you can also hang a lock. Moreover, it is not necessary to be a tough option granary - the market is full of modern high-tech devices.

The product consists of a locking-type elements for fastening on the outer / inner surface equipment, the locking part that prevents the door to open, and the control element. The role of the latter may be a latch, lever, key, remote control, timer, voice, password, or even a smartphone.

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As regards the appointment, it is appropriate - to close or restrict access to the internal contents of the refrigerator and / or freezer.

Refrigerator "ZIL Moscow" with a lock

Even in the 60 years of the last century, people needed to protect the products periodically from attacks on them. What began producing unit called "Zil Moscow", which has a built-in handle lock mechanism, the key opening

Rare fridge Soviet era can still be found in working condition. Often students or tenants communal buy it for him to not have to worry about the safety of their food.

There are varieties of locks

Initially, the existing shut-off device on the refrigerator can be divided into 2 types: built-in and overhead.

First used in the mini-units, in overall patterns with lots of variety of functions and specialized equipment - for the trade sector, health care facilities and in industrial refrigeration installations.

This option is not for each user, and a situation in which there is a need in the castle, all different.

For example, not everyone can be a problem with the lock tricked by buying a refrigerator, which is programmed for a certain time of opening / closing of the door. And to put this unit in the kitchen 5.7 square meters of nowhere.

Surface type is an individual article which will fix one of the possible methods - either inside or outside. Products are different mounting options to the place of its location.

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Magnetic model quizzes castle

Magnet - these models are mounted with a powerful magnetic base, ensures a secure fit. Mechanism though looks fragile, but actually capable of withstanding a load of 150 kg or more

Latch Velcro

Velcro or adhesive base. This is the easiest and cheapest option, fastening the sticky side to the prepared portion of the device. Its drawback - the short life

Combination lock with remote control, password or key

Combination lock with remote control, a password or a key - a more complex mechanism. For its fastening screws are used, which often are included. Drill refrigerator models have both external and internal installation

Lock for two-door units with handles

For the double door lock units can use, located between the handles and fixing them in this position. Nothing drilling and further strengthen not have to - just install the locking device and the door can not be opened

Magnetic model quizzes castle

Magnetic model quizzes castle

Latch Velcro

Latch Velcro

Combination lock with remote control, password or key

Combination lock with remote control, password or key

Lock for two-door units with handles

Lock for two-door units with handles

Also, all the locks, depending on the type of control can be divided into mechanical and electronic. As the name implies, the product of the first type imply a physical effect on the locking mechanism.

This can be:

  • the key that opens the lock;
  • Latch - for its operation need to press the button;
  • lever - it just raised / lowered.

Extremely simple device of mechanical models and reasonable price guarantees good demand. Especially, if necessary to provide temporary protection of the refrigerator.

As for the electronic locking devices, they can be controlled as follows:

  • typing on a panel or said password;
  • answering a quiz question;
  • setting the timer operating time - the door will open to a specified amount;
  • pressing a button on the remote control.

These devices are more expensive than mechanical equivalents. They last longer and look more presentable.

In addition to refrigerators purchased designs owners sometimes use alternative solutions. Consider the most original of them.

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The metal box with a lock for products

Mini-solution - buy a metal container in the form of a lockable drawer. It hide provisions, constitutes a danger to family members and close the padlock, such as citrus fruits and chocolate

Metal chain encircling the refrigerator

In the utility room you can sometimes see this original adaptation - metal chain encircling the refrigerator several times. Its ends are attached hinged locking device

Cable as a lock for the fridge

Young parents prefer to block access to the unit by a cable. It should be borne in mind that the child's little hand and may well climb into the slit to pull out something. The truth is much harm, except for an allergy, such production will not bring

Padlock on an old refrigerator

Another option - to fasten the ears and hang them on a simple lock that is not designed for refrigerators. He looks rough and spoils the appearance of the machine, but the main task perfectly cope

The metal box with a lock for products

The metal box with a lock for products

Metal chain encircling the refrigerator

Metal chain encircling the refrigerator

Cable as a lock for the fridge

Cable as a lock for the fridge

Padlock on an old refrigerator

Padlock on an old refrigerator

Rules for the choice of the locking device

The range of offered devices is quite rich to protect the contents of the refrigerator. And the prices for every budget - from budget options to $ 100 per piece up to several hundred dollars per unit.

To purchase proved to be useful and did not disappoint, it should be possible to take responsibility for the selection stage. For this purpose it is to pinpoint the reasons for constipation needed.

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The child and cat can cooperate

You want to protect from prying household products - the younger heir or a pet. Moreover, they can cooperate to achieve their goals

Special equipment for medicines

For storage of medicines - is required to consider the offers of the companies specializing in the manufacture of devices for medical institutions

Colleagues or neighbors can rob refrigerator

Save products from the encroachments of work colleagues or neighbors in the communal apartment, which prefer to feast on the expense of others or all reviewed and considered than entertain the curious Old ladies

Units with integrated lock for trade

If you want a reliable lock for the small cafe, pavilion or other type of retail outlet where the refrigerator with wine, soda or semi-finished goods. This measure is necessary to prevent the theft of goods by visitors

The child and cat can cooperate

The child and cat can cooperate

Special equipment for medicines

Special equipment for medicines

Colleagues or neighbors can rob refrigerator

Colleagues or neighbors can rob refrigerator

Units with integrated lock for trade

Units with integrated lock for trade

Furthermore, it may be necessary to protect the products from the encroachments of employees working in the kitchen facilities. Or by yourself, if you have a peccadillo often look in the refrigerator, hoping to get something good to eat.

The more serious opponent, the harder it will need the lock. So, for my daughter / son, know the world, it will be enough primitive plastic or fabric tabs with Velcro or magnets.

In their selection should be remembered that this type of devices is not a long-lived. Velcro limited resource - slack on the door of a certain period of time, usually from a few weeks to a month or two, it will fall off.

Therefore, consumers are using the experience recommend buying the right set of 5-10 pieces to suffice until the child grows up and he will be able to explain that the fridge - it's not the best place to play.

When constipation is required to protect the contents from the clawed pet, here to be more carefully chosen. animals are often characterized by observation and perseverance, so will be able to cope with the primitive model.

A dog or cat can safely open the door

Sometimes the owner has no idea what a pet it. Not only tall dogs know how to open the fridge, but the furry cats safely cope with the door

To permanently close to them the way into the bowels of the refrigerator, it is better to look at the variant more difficult. For example, magnetic model with a padlock, opening code or key. Mounting magnets, depending on the model, are able to resist the influence of physical forces in 150-170 kg.

For storage of medicines, drugs, drugs that require a certain temperature or protection against outsiders, handy unit with integrated lock.

Its spaciousness, functionality and other characteristics should be selected, considering the real needs and the amount of drugs that will be placed there.

Protect your food from the staff / neighbors help coded lock or open a private key / remote control.

Mini machine with a lock

If conditions do not allow you to set the lock, then there is an alternative - to get a personal device. You can put a mini-fridge, especially since many models are equipped with built-in locking mechanism

For students who have a limited budget and are surrounded by ever-hungry neighbors suitable cheaper option - equipped storage products padlock, picking up optimal model.

Moreover, if the unit is not the newest, as often happens in dormitories and communal apartments, if such a decision will come in handy.

From a loved one, you can keep food in interesting ways, especially when you need to clearly follow a specific diet.

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Refrigerator with a lock option

The modern model of a refrigerator having a touch control, programmable modes and a host of useful features. This is an expensive product that allows you to put a timer on the opening, but blocking the door to another time

The virtual model of the castle

Virtual lock that sends a message to the social network about violation scheduled meal times. He was not blocking the way to the shelves of food, but psychologically not to approach him, so not to make excuses to friends and family

Timer with buzzer

Timer with buzzer - option is not for the faint of heart. Yielding to the temptation of the night, you wake up the whole house or neighbors of the lower and upper floors, if the device is used in the apartment

Decorative fixture with magnets

Ornamental device with magnets - is used as a psychological barrier. It is clear that it does not protect against intrusion, but set thinking, and whether to open the door once again

Refrigerator with a lock option

Refrigerator with a lock option

The virtual model of the castle

The virtual model of the castle

Timer with buzzer

Timer with buzzer

Decorative fixture with magnets

Decorative fixture with magnets

But for commercial purposes, it is better to buy a refrigerator with built-in locking mechanism, for example, the company Liebherr have a few decent options. They are controlled from the remote.

If equipment is available, and there is no lock on, it's easy to fix. To choose the optimal radio-controlled model, it is necessary to set it up using the manufacturer's instructions or inviting for the purpose of the master. Further, one unit can be used for several units in the room up to 70 square meters, is built into all the locks.

Instruction on self-assembly

Depending on the model you purchased will be different, and the process of its attachment to the cooling unit. When talking about a code or a radio-controlled version, there is need to drill holes in the door and side wall.

It should be done very carefully to avoid damaging the insulation. It is important to follow the instructions and use only the parts that are provided with a lock.

More massive version - Velcro or a magnet. Such a solution is the most popular among buyers of locks. Therefore, the assembly process to analyze its example.

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Step 1: Prepare the mounting kit

Serious mechanism at a glance which gives to understand that the entrance is allowed only to the owner. Options will depend on the model purchased. What makes it more refined, the more elements are to be used

Step 2: Choose a place on the fridge

First, choose to be a place where it is most convenient to place the device. It is important that it does not interfere with the free access into the chamber in an open state

Step 3: Marking area under installation

Having ended with site selection, it is necessary to take a pencil and dashes mark on the side wall of the unit, particularly where the need to install lock mount

Step 4: Degreasing portion on the wall of the refrigerator

It is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface, removing the smallest particles of dust, grease and other possible impurities that may be there. For this is useful to wipe the cleaning gel that comes bundled

Step 5: Careful removal of the protective film

Now it's time to do mount. This model, though, and looks menacing, but in reality is attached to the Velcro, which can withstand the force applied by 150 kg and more - a child certainly does not tear. Therefore, the rear part of the element is necessary to remove the protective film layer

Step 6: Attaching the Velcro on the prepared area

At purified sidewall portion mounted item comprising one of the tabs for holding the padlock. It is important when installing the first time to apply it correctly, pressing for better adhesion of the adhesive layer with the surface

Step 7: Fixing the second element on the door

Will act similarly to the second element, which will be located on the refrigerator door. It is necessary to choose the right position, to prepare it well, remove the protection from the adhesive side, and a good record

Step 8: Inserting the key lock

When finished with binding, it is left to hang mechanism. Moreover, it can be simply padlock opened with a key, being part of, or a model with code that will have to open each time point, or another option

Step 1: Prepare the mounting kit

Step 1: Prepare the mounting kit

Step 2: Choose a place on the fridge

Step 2: Choose a place on the fridge

Step 3: Marking area under installation

Step 3: Marking area under installation

Step 4: Degreasing portion on the wall of the refrigerator

Step 4: Degreasing portion on the wall of the refrigerator

Step 5: Careful removal of the protective film

Step 5: Careful removal of the protective film

Step 6: Attaching the Velcro on the prepared area

Step 6: Attaching the Velcro on the prepared area

Step 7: Fixing the second element on the door

Step 7: Fixing the second element on the door

Step 8: Inserting the key lock

Step 8: Inserting the key lock

For maximum comfort while using constipation is important to follow these rules:

  1. If possible, do not take your Velcro or a magnet - so the product will last longer.
  2. Opt for the place of installation, which is as high as possible - and so the door is securely locked, and only adults can get the device.
  3. Homemade version with a chain or rope to protect the products from animals not fit - the dog can open up the door, which would be enough to get the claw meat, cheese and sausages from the shelf.
  4. As a wine cabinet is better to buy a mini-unit with integrated lock. He did not give the child / pets / guests to climb without the owner's knowledge.

These recommendations will be helpful if you choose easier. Moreover, if the entrance to the kitchen is equipped with a door, you should always try to close it for the greater safety of the products contained in the refrigerator.

But when the house constantly comes a stranger, for example, a nanny for my son / daughter, the installation of a complex model will be justified - can not worry about the integrity of the product. And baby strawberries, tangerines and sausage in the absence of parents do not feed.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Video about the installation of the lock in the door of the refrigerator:

Overview fabric strip with a locking mechanism:

As students with a simple door lock decided neighbors problem, it crashed into the door:

Having familiarized with the device and varieties of locking mechanisms, used to protect the contents of the refrigerator, it will be easier to choose the best option according to their needs. If the choice is made in favor of a simple lock with Velcro or magnets, it is easy to install it yourself. Moreover, even surface drilling is not necessary - it is enough to degrease.

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