Growing coriander from seeds is a simple matter for taste and benefit.

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Fresh greens on the table - this is the taste, pleasure and benefit. Growing coriander from seeds does not take much time and effort. This spicy herb diversifies the daily ration, adds savory notes and unique flavor to the dishes. Culture is available for cultivation in the open field, greenhouse and at home - in a pot. She needs a minimum of attention and care. Green seasoning is used directly from the bed - fresh and harvested for future use - dried, crushed and stored. Seeds are used for further reproduction and in food - as a spice.

Culture Coriander - Description and Properties of

Coriander is a herb with an ancient cultivation history. She was known in China and Africa, the Mediterranean and India, the Caucasus and Greece, she was used in Europe and Italy, Romania and Czechoslovakia. Many gardeners liked the Oriental spice for its excellent taste, fast growth, unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation. In the garden, the easiest way to grow coriander from seed.

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Another name for coriander is cilantro, this tasty herb is endowed with a mass of healthy qualities. It has a pleasant smell and original taste, it has essential oils, fiber and vitamins. Coriander improves appetite and well-being, heals and prolongs life!

Coriander belongs to the annual herbaceous plants of the umbrella family. Fragrant grass reaches a height of 30 to 50 cm and has two types of leaves - simple and pinnately dissected. Flowering begins 3 months after planting, white or pinkish flowers form seed umbrellas by the middle of summer. Ripening seeds ends in mid-September.

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Sowing and growing spicy grass

Coriander or cilantro is a grass of a long daylight, so it is planted in the open part of the garden, where there is a lot of air and light. The abundance of shadow slows the growth of the plant and significantly weakens it. The stem of coriander is straight and branched, the upper leaflets are elongated and attached directly to it. Lower leaves have scapes, with which they are fixed on the stem. Flowers gather in umbrellas with which the plant stem ends.

How to plant coriander:

  1. Season. Sow coriander in late spring - from late April to early May. Frosts are unfavorable for him, he endures the heat badly.
  2. Soil. Air and fertile soil is an ideal base for culture. In order to improve the soil can be mixed with sand, add a little humus and wood ash.
  3. Site preparation. The best place to grow spicy grass will be sunny territory or semi-shaded terrain. Grass does not like excess shade.
  4. Landing. Sowing coriander is carried out in a wet ground randomly or in rows. Between the seeds should remain from 10 to 15 cm, the length of the aisle should be about 25-30 cm, and the optimal depth of sowing - up to 2 cm.
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The yield of coriander depends on the germination and quality of the seeds, the fertility and moisture of the soil, weed infestation and the amount of daylight. It is better to remove excess sprouts, as the grass grows with rosettes, and neighboring plants can interfere with each other.

Care for table culture

Planting and caring for coriander in the open field is to prevent its overgrowth. The first shoots thinned, leaving stronger and more durable plants. Young shoots are used for food, reaching a height of 10-15 cm, old branches can taste bitter. Coriander beds are watered as needed, free from weeds and loosen the soil. Radical mulching helps in weed control. Mineral dressing is applied before planting; in the process of growth, you can fertilize the coriander beds with potassium and superphosphate.

In order to be provided with green coriander throughout the summer, it is necessary to plant the culture in batches - every 2-3 weeks.

When planting coriander in open ground:

  • from the third decade of March to the second decade of May;
  • throughout the summer season at intervals of several weeks.

Cilantro is an unpretentious and cold-resistant plant, likes enough moisture and sun. The first shoots appear 28-40 days after planting. During a set of green mass, grass requires systematic watering - twice a week. Coriander is a culture of dry climate, so an excess of moisture affects it negatively.

Read also: Cultivation of adenium from seeds at homeTo ensure the growth and development of the plant in two or three cycles in a row, it is necessary to remove only the upper leaves, leaving the lower shoots. In the process of flowering, the grass ceases to give shoots that are edible. In late August - early September, the seeds are finally ripened, which are used in conservation and cooking. Dried coriander seeds can be used by gardeners who know how to sow coriander in open ground for growing greens next season. If the mature seed of cilantro falls into the ground, it will germinate in spring and autumn to provide a stable crop.

For growing coriander, it is better to take two plots for greens and seeds. Planting care is the same, but the harvest will be done at different times.

Knowing how to plant coriander seeds in the open field, properly care for it and correctly harvest, you can provide yourself with useful and tasty herbs for the whole year. Cilantro as a seasoning is used in national cuisines and dishes of different nations of the world. Agrotechnical cultivation of culture is simple and understandable, accessible to every summer resident without exception.

Video about coriander sowing

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