We make a humidifier with our own hands

  • Battery + bottle = formula for optimal indoor climate
  • Air humidifier from a plastic bottle
  • Homemade air humidifier from scrap materials
  • Instead of an epilog

Need a humidifier, but do not know which one to buy? There is an exit! Include ingenuity, pick up "unnecessary" stuff and act. But first we recommend reading this article to learn how to make a humidifier with your own hands. And. .. Start!

Battery + bottle = formula of optimal indoor microclimate

The ideal humidity inside a residential( and not only) room should be 40-70%.Provide such a microclimate can not only purchased units, but also self-made. For example, you can make a humidifier with your own hands on an open battery. But there is one condition. The battery should not be "hidden in the wall."

In general, the scheme of this device is quite simple, so the difficulties in its implementation you will not have( at least, should not).So, for the work you need:

  • plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters;
  • wide scotch tape;
  • gauze meter;
  • fabric.
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A plastic bottle humidifier

A plastic bottle humidifier is made quickly, and the effect you get is exactly the same as from the store.

  1. Hold the tank horizontally. Side cut a rectangle 12x7 cm, where twelve is long, seven is width.
  2. Now you need to attach the structure to the pipe( this you can do with the help of fabric pieces or rope), which is moving away from the battery. The hole you cut should be strictly under the pipe. To keep your humidifier from turning over, glue the spots where the cloth touches the bottle with tape.
  3. Fold gauze "sausage" meter-long and ten centimeters wide.
  4. We lower one end of the “gauze sausage” into the window cut by you, and with the second we wind the tube on which this whole structure is located. To enhance the effect, you can make several such gauze sausages.
  5. To start the unit, fill it with water.

Homemade air humidifier from scrap materials

Homemade air humidifier is much easier to make than it seems at first glance. For example, you can take cute small ceramic vases, pour water into them and attach to the accordion of the heater. And beautiful, and useful for the microclimate, and, therefore, for health.

But it may happen that you are "covered" with laziness or the mood to search for "all sorts of vases" simply will not. And there is a way out! Just hang a metal can on the battery. Pour water into it and that's it. You can use two cans! While one is going through the cleaning process, the second is working. But such a unit is not eternal. As soon as the heat is turned off, you will have to say goodbye to it.

Bucket and expanded clay - the key to a healthy microclimate

How to make the unit itself, which will provide humidification of the air? Yes, easy! If you have a bucket and expanded clay, you can create your own humidifier, which not only gives away, but also absorbs moisture.

You will need:

  • Four mesh buckets( something like the ones used in offices for waste).Two large, two slightly smaller( we are talking about the size);
  • bucket of twelve liters( ideal);
  • aquarium pump;
  • computer 14 centimeter cooler;
  • building hair dryer with a high heating temperature;
  • plastic stretch.

Well, now let's get started.

  1. We glue together the smallest buckets. This can be done either with a household hair dryer, or with the help of fasteners.
  2. Now you need to do the same with large-sized buckets, after placing the already glued small buckets there.
  3. Next, cut a hole in the design and make the cover. Fall asleep clay. The material should be of such size that it does not spill out of the net bucket. Is it done?
  4. Well, now we take a 12-liter bucket. Place the aquarium pump on its bottom and stretch its tubes to the top of the mesh bucket construction. Well, now install a plastic ring with holes.
  5. We got to the most difficult part of the job - installing a cooler. That he will be the "body" that will cause the clay to "move" and moisturize the space. Here you will need that same savvy and scotch.


For this type of humidifier, it is important that the expanded clay is of high quality. Before pouring it into the device, be sure to rinse it under running water.

And again plastic

Already something, and plastic in every household abound. Therefore, consider another example of a homemade humidifier with your own hands. So, this time we will talk about the device, which will give us the effect of cold steam.

You will need:

  • plastic ten-liter bottle:
  • wide adhesive tape;
  • computer cooler.
  1. Cut the neck in a bottle so that the cooler fits there.
  2. Now fasten the cooler to the neck. Or tap down. Or make fasteners.
  3. Turn on the cooler to the network.

That's it. As you can see, there is nothing complicated. As they say, cheap and cheerful J.

And a little more plastic

Well, since we have already begun, we need to develop the production of "creative" humidifiers in full. Now we offer to use plastic trays for food storage. Such a "refreshing" unit is slightly more complicated in design, but at the same time much more efficient than the previous one.

You will need:

  • a large plastic box of liters for 30;
  • tray of a smaller size, necessarily mesh;
  • gauze;
  • fishing line / wire;
  • fan.

Prepared? And now let's go tinkering!

  1. Fastened to the mesh tray wire / fishing line so that it was stretched.
  2. We hang gauze on the line so that it reaches the bottom of the tray. By the way, instead of gauze you can take a bandage.
  3. Pour water into a large tray and put our construction in it so that the gauze ends get wet.
  4. Now cut a hole with a fan diameter in the lid of a large vessel and place a “wind generator” in it.
  5. Put the lid on the design and turn on the fan in the network.

Congratulations! You have just assembled a universal humidifier with your own hands. Such a homemade unit works quietly. Therefore, you will not feel any discomfort. Water consumption averages one and a half liters at six hours. Per day you will spend about 6 liters. And this is under the conditions of continuous work. Agree, quite economical thing turned out.

Floor fan turns into

This method is designed for those who are just too lazy to do something: go to the store for a humidifier, spend time searching for it on the Internet, and even more so make it yourself. But you want fresh air! There is an exit!

  1. Start by finding a mat in your home.
  2. Wet it( do not forget to wring out).
  3. Take a floor fan.
  4. Fix this wet mat on the tube( position it a little higher than the height of your floor tornado).
  5. Suspend what you got above your fan.
  6. Turn on the fan.

Done! Now the microclimate in your room will be within normal limits. But do not forget to periodically moisten the mat. And yes, then you( rug) will most likely have to send it to the trash. It is unlikely that it will withstand such a "pressure" of salt and rust.

Instead of the epilogue

Of course, it is simply impossible to list all the ways to create unique humidifiers, therefore we appeal to you, dear readers. If you can come up with something more original on the topic “How to make a humidifier with your own hands”, be sure to share your “recipes” of a healthy climate in the comments. Look forward to!

Well, on this, perhaps, everything! See you again!

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