9 materials for finishing the floor on the balcony and loggia


  1. №1.Ceramic tile
  2. №2.Decking
  3. №3.Wooden floor
  4. №4.Parquet board
  5. №5.Laminate
  6. №6.Linoleum
  7. №7.Self-leveling floors
  8. №8.Painted floors
  9. №9.Carpet

What if the apartment is not very large in size? Many of us try to make rational use of the space of the loggia and the balcony, organizing there the continuation of rooms, an office, a play area, a flower garden or just a recreation area. Whatever the purpose of this space, it in any case needs finishing. Making a balcony and a loggia on the residual principle is not very correct - it will be very difficult to get a harmonious and cozy space. It is necessary to approach repair work on the balcony as carefully as to repair a bedroom or a living room. The first thing that is important to determine is the material for finishing the floor.

How will the floor on the balcony or loggia be, depends on not only on household preferences and family budget, but also on on the characteristics of .The dominant role is played by the fact that

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has a glazed balcony or not: on an open balcony should be more resistant and stronger. If the room is glazed, then the choice of materials expands: only the presence of a system of heated floors imposes restrictions. Let us see what materials are suitable for different conditions.

№1.Ceramic tile

This is a versatile material that is suitable for open and closed balconies and loggias. Often this option is chosen by the owners of unglazed balconies and those who prefer to use heated floors. Among the main advantages it should be highlighted:

  • high strength;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • hygiene and ease of care, which is important for open balconies;
  • is a huge range that allows you to choose a material of any color, size, with any pattern you want, and you can lay tiles in many different ways;
  • excellent thermal conductivity - a key indicator for underfloor heating.

It is worth noting that the last properties are a minus for owners of balconies and loggias without warm floors, because the tile surface will always remain cold. Another drawback of the material is the slippery surface, , which becomes even more slippery with water. It is better to choose a tile with anti-slip properties: it has a rough or textured surface, maybe with notches.

When choosing a tile to a balcony, you should make sure that there is a foot icon on the label - evidence that the material is intended for flooring. For owners of open balconies, it is important that take into account the water absorption index of - the lower it is, the more frost-resistant tile.


The decking will be a great solution for an open balcony, as it is distinguished from the solid wood board and piece parquet by its production features. In fact, this is a kind of sawn timber, but in the manufacture of an array of high-temperature processing or sawdust mixed with the polymer, and then each board is additionally processed with protective materials, which allows you to operate the material in outdoor conditions.

The advantages are as follows:

  • high strength;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • resistance to temperature, precipitation, sunlight and corrosive environments;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • decorative and environmentally friendly;
  • ability to retain heat;
  • boards differ in color, so you can always choose the appropriate option.

Since the material undergoes processing with all protective agents during the manufacturing process, there is no need to be afraid of rotting and fungus. They produce a terrace board from larch, hard wood of tropical wood or from wood-polymer composite. The latter is made from sawdust, wood flour and a mixture of polypropylenes. Material in all respects surpasses a massive board, except, of course, naturalness. The main disadvantage of a terrace board is , the high price of , which is more than overlapped by the appearance and resistance to negative environmental factors.

№3.Wooden floor

This is an solid board and piece parquet .Both materials can only be used for closed loggias and balconies, since the tree will quickly deteriorate under the constant influence of moisture and sun. The advantages should include :

  • natural, environmentally friendly and chic appearance;
  • warm surface;
  • with proper care wooden floor will last long enough.

Everybody can easily list the downsides: the tree is sensitive to temperature, humidity, sunlight and pests. For it to serve for a long time, it is necessary to take care of it carefully, use protective impregnations. On the other hand, a wooden coating that has lost its former appearance can be easily restored by removing the thin top layer and applying varnish or paint on top.

wood flooring is incompatible with the underfloor heating system due to its low thermal conductivity, but the surface of the tree itself can hardly be called cold. To cover served as long as possible, it is better to choose oak or yew wood, in extreme cases, birch. Linden, pine or cherry boards are much softer and will last much less.

№4.Parquet board

Solid solid wood board is quite expensive. If you want to create a cozy atmosphere on the balcony or loggia and at the same time save a little, then the floor of the floorboard becomes a compromise solution. This is a three-layer material, and only the top layer is a solid wood of expensive species. The lower two are made of coniferous wood, which reduces the cost of material, but does not greatly impair its environmental friendliness.

Parquet flooring - the perfect solution for loggias and balconies, combined with the living room. The main advantages of the material are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • warm surface;
  • sound absorption capacity;
  • excellent appearance and a huge range;
  • ease of installation;
  • can be used together with heated floors.

In terms of durability, parquet board is inferior to parquet piece: the latter can be cycled an infinite number of times, but a three-layer parquet board can be restored only a few times, and this figure depends on the thickness of the upper layer. The disadvantages of are also the fear of moisture and the ability to scratch the surface.


Laminate is great for glazed balconies and loggias. The ratio of performance and price of laminate can be ranked as one of the most optimal materials.

Key benefits:

  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • strength. Although residential premises are designed for class 21, 22 laminate, it is better to take the material with a safety margin. Class 32 fits perfectly, and besides, finding a lower class laminate is already problematic today;
  • huge selection of colors. Laminate can imitate the structure of any wood species, can resemble a stone, tile or any other material;
  • security. Today there is still a myth accusing laminate in the emission of formaldehyde and acrylic resins. It is not confirmed, but for your own peace of mind it is better to purchase laminate from reliable manufacturers supplying their products with safety certificates;
  • low price.

Laminate consists of several layers: fiberboard, waterproof paper, film, paper with a pattern, a layer of melamine resin. A wide variety of colors due to the fact that you can print any picture. Thanks to modern production methods, it is possible to create the necessary relief so that the laminate could not be distinguished from wood at all. But this similarity is only external - the disadvantages of the laminate are completely different.

The main minus of the is high noise: the drop of a non-heavy object will be well heard. Laminate is afraid of water, but manufacturers have learned to deal with this problem, offering customers water and moisture resistant material. Often the disadvantages include a slippery surface, but embossed laminate or a few rugs on top of it completely solve this problem.

Laminate flooring can be used with floor heating systems. To do this, even developed a special brand of laminate: it differs from the usual lower thermal conductivity and higher heat resistance.


Linoleum adorns many modern kitchens, hallways and living rooms, and is also used on balconies and loggias. Why so love linoleum? Its main advantages:

  • low price;
  • a huge selection of colors and patterns;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • high wear resistance, linoleum tolerates moisture;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation properties;
  • in the fall of objects there is no noise, and dents are unlikely to remain.

The cons compared with the number of flaws is not so much. These include:

  • sensitivity to ultraviolet, so linoleum is better to use on glazed balconies and loggias;
  • from dents of heavy pieces of furniture remain, but it is unlikely to threaten the floor covering of the balcony;
  • modern market is filled with linoleum from unscrupulous manufacturers, which can even have a characteristic unpleasant smell. It is better to spend a little more, but purchase material from a company with a good name.

Although linoleum has a fairly warm surface, many people prefer to use a floor heating system with it. In this case, not any material will be suitable - you need to stop the choice on multilayer heterogeneous linoleum. All its layers have the same expansion, so when heated, the material will not deform.


Self-leveling floors Among the main advantages it is worth mentioning:

  • record durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of operation;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • stylish appearance.

Self-leveling floors can safely be called intact. They are carried out on the principle of concrete screed, and the main disadvantage is the high price. In addition, the surface is quite slippery, so it is better to additionally use polymer mats.

№8.Painted floors

requires wooden and concrete floors to be painted. For the former, this is additional protection, for the latter, a simple method of decoration.

Which paint is better to use?

  • acrylic paints are universal, suitable for concrete and wood. They are resistant to sunlight, waterproof and frost-resistant;
  • akvalak - excellent option for a wooden floor, it possesses the highest moisture resistant properties;
  • alkyd varnish is another option for wood. It is resistant to ultraviolet, moisture and temperature extremes;
  • polyurethane paint is suitable for concrete and wood. It is durable, easy to apply and waterproof.

If painted wooden floors are a good option for a covered loggia, then painted concrete floors are the easiest and budget way to create comfort on an open balcony. Of course, the floor surface should be flat and completely frozen before painting. Experts recommend to perform ironing, which ensures perfect smoothness of the finished surface. When the concrete floor is not completely dry, it is evenly sprinkled with dry cement, and the surface is brushed with a brush. The process resembles staining. When the floor dries well, it can be painted in the desired color.

The advantages of painting floors are obvious: is budgetary and simple.


A rather rare way of organizing a loggia or balcony space is to use carpet. If the loggia is a continuation of the living room or a place for rest and relaxation, then a soft carpet - this is quite a suitable option.

Main advantages:

  • soft and pleasant to the touch surface;
  • good thermal and sound insulation qualities;
  • a huge selection of colors and patterns. The length of the pile may also vary.

Carpet made from natural, synthetic or mixed yarns. Carpet made of synthetic fabrics easier to operate. Be prepared for the fact that this material attracts dust, and stains from the carpet is not so easy to remove.

A huge range of options allows you to find the perfect finishing material in terms of performance, design and price.

Tags: Balcony, Floor covering
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