Steam washing machine: the device and the principle of important functions + model

Despite the really fantastic achievements in the field of production of equipment for washing, developers tirelessly introduce exciting new ideas. Automatic and semi-automatic "toiler" Now get on well with a number at all difficult operations.

In fact, the manual work excellently perform steam washing machines with unique features which are worth reading.

The content of the article:

  • The principle of operation of the equipment with a steam generator
  • Subtleties selection steam stiralki
    • What guided the choice of?
    • Advantages steam washing machine
    • Disadvantages steam cleaning
  • Rating popular models
    • Location # 1 - grandiose and revolutionary LG F12U1HBS4
    • Location # 2 - delicate EFW 1276 GDW from Electrolux
    • Place # 3 - expensive Bosch WVH 28442
    • Place # 4 - spacious AEG L 87695 WD
    • Location # 5 - Steam «heavyweight» Whirlpool AWM 9200 WH
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The principle of operation of the equipment with a steam generator

Device for introducing hot steam into the drum of the washing machine is in the upper part of the boot screen. To this point the steam is supplied through a flexible hose connected to the steam generator.

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It is next to the solenoid valves, to one of which the steam generating unit is directly connected.

Scheme of the steam washing machine

Working environment is formed in the steam generator of the washing machines, from which the flexible tube of it is fed into the drum with laundry loaded therein for processing: refreshing or ironing sparing

Through a solenoid valve upon activation of the program corresponding water supplied to the steam generator, which is heated to a degree of evaporation, and then injected into the drum.

To start the steam washing or refreshment on the touch panel or a conventional manual there is a button.

supplying steam into the drum apparatus

The steam supplied to the drum located at the top of the hole, fills the space in the tank operating spontaneously uniformly distributed

To run and control the operation of the steam stiralki can remotely using the remote even in the next room.

a LCD display for monitoring a process accurately displaying date information about the stage of the washing and possible failure.

Subtleties selection steam stiralki

People trick for smoothing the crumpled things water vapor formed the basis for technology development SteamAbound in washing machines number of useful new features not available in the usual models of this type of household appliance.

Stiralka first of this kind was presented to the consumer in 2005. This machine Tromm, performing gentle steaming things that freshens clothes, wearing no more than one day, costumes impregnated with cigarette smoke or smell is not for everyone appetizing food.

What guided the choice of?

Now the market offers a lot of interesting options such equipment from well-known companies from around the world. Including Samsung, Electrolux Swedes, Italians Hotpoint-Ariston, German AEG, their subsidiaries, and many others.

Let us examine more with features of this technology, its functionality and other characteristics influencing selection of buyers.

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Steam treatment of things in the tank stiralki

things Steaming allows you to quickly and bring things in order without any extra cost

Washing machine with steam function

Stiralki outwardly no different from the steam treatment by conventional machines, occupy exactly the same space

stiralki tank with a steam treatment

During the steam treatment in the drum is fed only steam, loaded things just a little jiggle without creasing

Steam machines in the shop of home appliances

The presence of steam function significantly increases the cost of the unit. Before purchasing you should consider whether this feature is really needed

Steam treatment of things in the tank stiralki

Steam treatment of things in the tank stiralki

Washing machine with steam function

Washing machine with steam function

stiralki tank with a steam treatment

stiralki tank with a steam treatment

Steam machines in the shop of home appliances

Steam machines in the shop of home appliances

Stiralka steam type - this machine having advanced functionality allowing activate steam treatment option. It is able to meet the basic user requirements for washing machines.

That's on them and should be guided before buying, determining for themselves the most important technical parameters of the equipment - a set of programs, class of washing / drying, energy consumption download.

In addition, the most important characteristic - it's size. Unfortunately, not all apartments can accommodate any favorite model.

Additional features stiralok increase the cost of equipment. Therefore, it is desirable to immediately determine the need and also the amount that plan to spend on the purchase.

steaming things Processing Function - this is one of those options. It significantly complemented the main duties of equipment.

The user has the ability to not be washed, but only "steam thoroughly" things, returning them to the immaculate purity of the water with the least expenditure of energy, time.

Control panel steam stiralki

steam washing machine control panel includes a device for switching on steaming, to activate that you just need to press a button or turn a mechanical rotary switch

Another criterion, which is necessary to pay attention before buying - the control panel. It can be a touch or keypad. It should be guided by personal preferences.

To finally decide on the need to steam function, we offer to get acquainted with the ins and outs of this type of washing machine.

Advantages steam washing machine

During operation of the steam into the drum of the washing machine is directed only to high-temperature steam. Washing in the usual sense of the word does not occur. Things get a neat look and feel to part with unpleasant odors without the use of household chemicals.

In addition, the steam treatment allows to disinfect the laundry without the use of highly active substances that are dangerous to the skin of children and people with allergies.

Advantages of steam treatment

Processing of linen and delicate things steam gets rid of dirt, without mechanical effect on tissue structure or knitted fabric

Buyers stiralok with steaming function will have reliable equipment with a lot of advantages, including:

  • Simple Scheme care items. The shortest steaming cycle lasts only half an hour. To perform this test you need only immerse thing in drum machine and activate the steam generator corresponding command.
  • Performing duties dry cleaning. The steam units can be returned to the purity of the clothes, for which normal washing unacceptable. Without stretching, shrinkage and deformation pairs perfectly leads in proper condition woolen sweaters, knitted suits and dresses made of natural silk.
  • Gentle cleansing. Steam processing provides the ability to quickly refresh and process superfine lingerie guipure blouses, dresses with delicate embroidery and applique.
  • The absence of bruises. Things after steam cleaning need not iron, because under the influence of steam occurs straightening natural fibers. In addition, during the period of treatment laid in the clothes do not crumple the drum, because it is not subjected to mechanical stress.
  • Rejection of drying. Drying slightly damp after steam cleaning things do not need to step over the standard drying operations rabid number of revolutions.
  • Cancel rinse. Steam operations do not involve the use of detergents, therefore, repeatedly rinse the need nothing, which significantly reduces the traditional laundry considerable water consumption.
  • Disinfection. Hot steam perfectly deals with bacteria, fungi, viruses. Its use sometimes just need to handle things the sick people living next to healthy family members.
  • Economy. The use of steam provides an opportunity to significantly save on electricity, detergents, water itself.
  • Self-cleaning. Steam machines with performing work directly compete with the drum contamination, its wall purified from various deposits and harmful microorganisms.

A valuable advantage of the steam stiralki is considered to be virtually silent operation. It easily can be turned on after putting to bed grudnichka and older child.

Most models have a timer, by which treatment can delay or run to another, a convenient time.

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Steam stiralka in

Steaming is suitable for all types of things, including clothes, washing is absolutely contraindicated in the usual sense of the word

The touch control panel of the washing machine

Steam washing machines last longer than conventional machines, because in the period of spontaneously clean drum and contact details of the micro-organisms and sediments

Things that require delicate handling

Machines with steaming function perfectly cope with the responsibilities of cleaning, put in order that it was possible to clean the only specialized enterprise

Steam treatment of delicate items

Steam machine carefully to wash delicate things that the standard mechanical action can significantly harm

Daily washing of office clothes

Steam treatment is ideal for driving a neat appearance office shirts and similar garments, wearing no more than one day

Dyed fabrics are processed in steam stiralka

Steam washing a priority if you want to erase things with stamped pattern and unstable coloring

The drum type washing machine steam

Under the influence of steam supplied to the drum stiralki, kills fungi, harmful micro-organisms, viruses,

Work does not stop the steam unit to pets

The advantages of steam engines is the existence of reasonable mode almost silent washing, during which you can safely put the kids to bed

Steam stiralka in

Steam stiralka in

The touch control panel of the washing machine

The touch control panel of the washing machine

Things that require delicate handling

Things that require delicate handling

Steam treatment of delicate items

Steam treatment of delicate items

Daily washing of office clothes

Daily washing of office clothes

Dyed fabrics are processed in steam stiralka

Dyed fabrics are processed in steam stiralka

The drum type washing machine steam

The drum type washing machine steam

Work does not stop the steam unit to pets

Work does not stop the steam unit to pets

Steam treatment does not eliminate the need to wash, but the possibility of "pulls" these drastic measures.

Which ultimately has a positive effect on the timing of socks things, maintaining the original color, depth, relief, pile height and other unimportant aesthetic and operational performance.

Disadvantages steam cleaning

Furthermore, that does not exclude the steaming periodic washing by the standard procedure using the powder and a large volume of water in the steam stiralok still have shortcomings, this:

  • Imposing price. Cost fork steam washing units varies from a minimum of 30 thousand Russian rubles to about 110 tysyach similar units.
  • A limited selection of brands. Household appliances with the function of the described released not all manufacturers that just is closely associated with unattractive for the buyer Privacy Policy.
  • Mild degree of processing. It should be remembered that the steam washing machine capabilities allow only remove dust, odors, light pollution that has accumulated on the clothes animal dander.

Couples can not cope with the deep, the more this old grease spots and spilled on the pants with red wine.

Substantial lack of steam engines

Thus reasoned the lack of steam washing machines is the cost. Find the LG budget South Korean offers are 35 - 40 thousand rubles, for the Swedish product from Electrolux will have to pay about 100 thousand, and even more

There is an important nuance. The range stiralok there are models that are only able to freshen things and equipment that really steamed. The price difference between them is small, but the functions are different.

Not to be mistaken in choosing a unit with the required function, it is necessary to carefully read the passport and ask the seller.

Rating popular models

If the steam washing machines are interested in non-standard, but very useful and practical function, it is necessary to explore the possibilities of the best models and compare the technical characteristics of the equipment.

Let's start with the most brilliant representative of our investigations segment - stiralki South Korean manufacturing, aboard which proudly flaunts a logo LG.

Location # 1 - grandiose and revolutionary LG F12U1HBS4

Nomenclature model LG F12U1HBS4 - a revolutionary solution in the production of steam washing machines. It thoroughly thought-out convenience and run a set of functions that are required to clean up the clothes and linen, with varying degrees of contamination.

Washing machine LG F12U1HBS4

The machine LG F12U1HBS4 couple entrusted with several tasks - removing dust, odors, external signs one-day socks and perfect ironing

The machine is made of stainless steel drum 7 kg loading, the tank with the casing made of silver-reinforced plastic.

A convenient control for an electronic system with which you can select the appropriate mode or simply supporting equipment fabric type.

To assess the real situation, the clever technique itself will select the optimum washing circuit, or steaming.

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Clothing, subjected to steam treatment

During steam treatment gently working medium acts on the fabric, without destroying the fiber structure

operation control panel stiralki

The model is equipped with a function of reducing the duration of the washing, through which you can reduce not only time, but also energy and water consumption

rotating the drum Embodiments

The drum of the washing machine can be rotated in different versions, from which you can select the most suitable

Direct drive motor typewriter

ROK stiralki steam engine directly attached to the drum. In the scheme there is an extremely vulnerable part - forever tearing belt

Clothing, subjected to steam treatment

Clothing, subjected to steam treatment

operation control panel stiralki

operation control panel stiralki

rotating the drum Embodiments

rotating the drum Embodiments

Direct drive motor typewriter

Direct drive motor typewriter

The liquid crystal panel is located under extremely user-friendly angle of 15 degrees. To select programs and to monitor the operation of the unit, there is no bending at all.

The owners of 14 different programs, including:

  • Refreshment steam. Program «TrueSteam»For maintaining the hygienic and aesthetic state of things.
  • Hypoallergenic treatment. It is very necessary for children with allergies and function. This washing, steaming and combines enhanced rinse. Securely remove all the fine detergent residues that can clog the fibers.
  • Gentle care. Wash items that require careful attitude produced with a minimum of mechanical action in the immediate processing and extraction.
  • Stain removal. The program is designed to remove stubborn dirt, the duration of a wash of several hours.
  • Super Quick. Produced in the shortest possible time - in just 14 minutes, is used for laundry with low degree of contamination, if to wash anything urgent need.
  • Dark cloth. Feature allows you to perfectly preserve the color of dark clothes, and used it for washing products from stained fabrics is easy molting.
  • Duvet blanked. The program is also suitable for down jackets, pillows, stuffed with filler stuffed toys, sleeping bags tourists and things like that.

An important advantage of the model is that it is possible to program the laundry, fully meets the personal requirements of the owner. All selected processes in the case of pressing start automatically without the required buttons before activating.

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The unique design of the drum

The drum washing machine has a unique design. Embossing forms bubbles of different sizes and convexity

The main characteristics of the model shown on the unit housing

The development takes into account the principle of "six degrees of care ', provides careful treatment of all types of fabrics

Tray detergents

The design of thoroughly thought out usability aspects of the cell and the control panel

Managing the stiralki smartphone

Presence Tag On function allows to activate the machine and follow the wash process. To do this, just download the app LG Smart Laundry

The unique design of the drum

The unique design of the drum

The main characteristics of the model shown on the unit housing

The main characteristics of the model shown on the unit housing

Tray detergents

Tray detergents

Managing the stiralki smartphone

Managing the stiralki smartphone

Stiralka LG F12U1HBS4 has a program for the production of silent washing, alarm system notifies the implementation of processing steps.

there is a function «Tag On», Enables you to control the unit via a mobile device and follow the probability of occurrence of leaks. implemented function «TurboWash»It is providing an opportunity to reduce the duration of a full cycle of up to 1 hour.

As with all the brand LG typewriters instead of the usual belt drive used direct drive «Direct Drive». Due to this reduced vibration, as a consequence of prolonged service life of equipment.

Diagnosing SmartDiagnosis

Using the function of the smart diagnosis can be early detection of small failures and major malfunctions and instantly transmit the data to the service center

Flagship line of steam stiralok LG adequately complement the model with the following product numbers:  F14B3PDS; LSWD100; F2J7HS2S; FH4G1JCH2N; FH6G1BCH6N and nearly four dozen titles. In terms of price is the most affordable and practical trading positions.

Location # 2 - delicate EFW 1276 GDW from Electrolux

EFW unit 1276 GDW from Electrolux by analogy with the previous representative steam ready washed, steamed and dried 7kg things.

Stiralka Electrolux EFW 1276

To control the EFW 1276GDW equipment used 14 units of programs, including in addition to classic versions have function for gentle washing of fine silk clothes and jeans clothes

Electrolux will extend the mandatory components of household: duvets with pillows and curtains.

To combat microbes, drum cleaning, ironing clothes sparing has steaming function.

The possibility of the machine from Electrolux

Steam washing machine production Swedish great wash clothes and linens of all kinds of fabrics, curtains, pillows, fine products, preparing them for easy ironing, refreshing

A characteristic feature of this model is a feature that allows you to adjust the duration of the wash, focusing on the loading weight of the drum and without the said guide.

Device protection of children to prevent accidental failures and subsequent damage to the unit followed by the intervention of the handles of young researchers. Is controlled to flow and threatening e-filling foam.

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Information on existing programs moved to the Control Panel

At the disposal of the owners of this model washing machine Electrolux 14 different programs to bring in the order of things different quality and degree of contamination

Information about the work of the machine is displayed on the display

In a very compact, narrow body placed an extensive set of features, including the selection of an appropriate mode for the duration of

Roomy drum made of stainless steel

The narrow front drum machine can load up to 7 kg of laundry for washing and drying 5 kg

Detail stiralki reinforced plastic

In the production of this series of washing machines used are resistant to stress and temperature effect materials such as steel, heat-resistant glass fiber reinforced plastic

Information on existing programs moved to the Control Panel

Information on existing programs moved to the Control Panel

Information about the work of the machine is displayed on the display

Information about the work of the machine is displayed on the display

Roomy drum made of stainless steel

Roomy drum made of stainless steel

Detail stiralki reinforced plastic

Detail stiralki reinforced plastic

Place # 3 - expensive Bosch WVH 28442

German company Bosch unit with WVH number 28442 is also able to accept and process 7 kg of laundry. However, the programs in this technique for 15 pieces.

Model Bosch WVH 28442

In addition to the presented us steam washing and traditional list of classic modes Bosch WVH 28442 has specialized types of cashmere, silk and delicate synthetics

Things Allergy and children carefully propoloschet program designed for increased rinsing a larger volume of water.

Those who can not load the drum linen cloth of the same type will love the opportunity to wash clothes mixed batch.

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Stiralka steam function of Bosch

Steam washing machine with Bosch logo wipes and rinse 7 kg of laundry, dry 4 kg

Terrain drum of stainless steel

German machine drum is made of stainless steel, it is provided with asymmetric jaws of different size perforations and

A set of programs and modes in the 28442 model Bosch WVH

To control the German stiralka have 15 different operations, providing both gentle care and intensive washing

Panel for adjusting operating parameters

Before starting the washing machine owner of the art can select the optimum washing time and speed for pressing or drying

Stiralka steam function of Bosch

Stiralka steam function of Bosch

Terrain drum of stainless steel

Terrain drum of stainless steel

A set of programs and modes in the 28442 model Bosch WVH

A set of programs and modes in the 28442 model Bosch WVH

Panel for adjusting operating parameters

Panel for adjusting operating parameters

The distinctive features of this model, including the availability of dryers, separate from stiralki drum.

Appliances fitted with a child safety device, the possibility for reloading during an already running wash, adjustable volume of water supplied to the unit, allowing to save on utility bills.

A complete list of benefits a few pales in the light of the price crosses over a hundred thousand, but this fact as a whole depends on the appetites of the seller.

Place # 4 - spacious AEG L 87695 WD

Model L 87695 AEG WD from the German manufacturer is intended for washing 9 kg of laundry. It is surprising that with such a performance and capacity technique does not take up much space.

Stiralka AEG L WD 87695

Stiralku AEG L 87695 WD, you can adjust the parameters of temperature, speed during the spin cycle, there is a washing system settings on an individual scheme

To perform the direct responsibilities stiralka has 14 functions, among which the steam treatment.

There is a program designed for washing clothes of a small volume, a timer to activate the software at a convenient time for the owners.

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Steam washing machine from AEG

Washing machine of this brand perfectly straightened with washing, drying and steaming

Capacity for loading detergents

The machine is ideal to cope with washing 9 kg wash load and can perfectly dry 7 kg

Stiralka in the interior of the room

Intelligent machine itself weighs loaded the laundry and automatically selects the optimal modes of washing

Steam model stiralok during operation

Stiralka refreshing steam prepare things for easy ironing. Wash and dry woolen garments according to requirements of Woolmark Gold

Steam washing machine from AEG

Steam washing machine from AEG

Capacity for loading detergents

Capacity for loading detergents

Stiralka in the interior of the room

Stiralka in the interior of the room

Steam model stiralok during operation

Steam model stiralok during operation

To form an opinion on this model, we offer an expert view a video overview of AEG L 87695 WD:

Location # 5 - Steam «heavyweight» Whirlpool AWM 9200 WH

Stiralka from Whirlpool company nomenclature AWM 9200 WH is the largest equipment of the models above. Excellent wash out, to steam and dry it can have 10 kg of laundry loaded into the drum.

Model Whirlpool AWM 9200 WH

To carry out the important work in the home equipment AWM 9200 WH Whirlpool on a 15th program. The unit is easily straightened with all kinds of children's dirt, completely eliminates sweat stains and stubborn fat

In addition to standard machine operations boils White pastel products, rinse enlarged displacement of water if necessary.

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Control Panel stiralki Whirlpool

The drum of the washing machine is charged with 10 kg of laundry. True when spinning it issues only to 1000 rpm

Overall stiralki model will require a lot of space

The washing machine of this size rarely buy for installation in an apartment. It actively used in mini-hotels, cafes, small restaurants, gyms

Technical specifications for the machine housing

The quality of their washing machine is classified as "A" energy efficiency class "A". Smart stiralka itself can select washing modes

Volume of stainless steel drum

This model offers the owners of 15 different programs, including antibacterial, steaming, washing dimensional things, delicate washing, drying and smoothing steam

Control Panel stiralki Whirlpool

Control Panel stiralki Whirlpool

Overall stiralki model will require a lot of space

Overall stiralki model will require a lot of space

Technical specifications for the machine housing

Technical specifications for the machine housing

Volume of stainless steel drum

Volume of stainless steel drum

Otherwise, everything is almost like a stiralok other manufacturers. There is protection from participation in programming children lite ironing, delayed start and adjustment modes, depending on the degree of contamination.

Technique can be configured to perform operations in the preferred volume for you personally.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Useful tips from the master on repair and maintenance of household appliances over the choice stiralki for home video:

Nuances use refresh functions typewriters brand Electrolux:

Familiarity with the capabilities of the machine with the Electrolux logo:

Washing machines with steam ironing clothes and freshening up - a great help in domestic affairs. It is a pity that due to the high cost of the equipment of this level is not yet available to everyone. However, in a wide range of steam stiralok from LG Electronics can be found at an affordable cost position with an excellent feature set, economical and productive model.

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