Options for the construction of baths with verandas

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by the body. It is not surprising that today many Russians would like to have it on their plot. After all, traditionally in Russia, the bath was respected and honored, and made it possible not only to steam up, but also to strengthen one's health. Many people have a question, is it possible to build a bath with their own hands, or for this you should definitely turn to professional builders? It turns out that building a wooden or even stone bath with their own hands is quite possible for an ordinary owner who has the basic skills of construction and carpentry.

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Features of designing a bath with a veranda

The most common option is a bath from a bar, since wood is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly material that is best suited for this. Inside the bath, the whole space is divided into washing room, steam room and dressing room, but in this case the veranda plays the role of an open rest room, often with a beautiful panoramic view of the surroundings.

If all the space of the veranda is to be glazed with wooden double-glazed windows and to provide heating, then even in extreme cold the room can be used as a living space.

The most optimal size of a bath from a log house is 6x6, which is quite enough to steam in the amount of 4-6 people. When planning to build a bath, you should start with a project in which it is necessary to reflect the dimensions, layout, and determine the specification of materials. Today, many bath projects have been developed from a 6x6 log with a veranda, which may well be taken as a basis by any owner who is going to build a bath on his own. Moreover, no one bothers to change the project, making adjustments to it at their discretion.

Where to build a bath with a veranda

For building a bath, they try to choose a level place, away from other buildings by 6-10 meters, not in a valley where the building can be heated by spring floods. Considering that people will rest on the veranda, it is desirable that from this place a beautiful exterior view of the forest, the mountains, the garden, the flower garden and so on could be opened. If the area is small - 6-8 acres, then usually a bath is built in one of the corners in order to efficiently use all the free space.

It is important to understand that the convenience of its operation in the future depends on the correct location of the bath.

How the extension of the veranda to the bath is performed

If the bath has already been erected, a person may well attach a terrace or veranda to it to get additional space. Having defined the project of a bathhouse with a veranda, the owner proceeds to the direct construction of the building. All work can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Marking of markings on the ground with pegs and fishing line.
  2. Digging of the foundation( belt or most often columnar / pile).
  3. Construction of bath walls with a veranda under one roof from a rounded log / glued or ordinary timber.
  4. Installing truss system, roofing of metal tiles.
  5. Installation of wooden windows and doors.
  6. Bath interior: the installation of a wood-burning stove, sun beds.
  7. Processing of wooden structures with special anti-flammable and antibacterial compounds.
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It is very difficult to do all the work of building a bath with a veranda yourself, since it will take at least 2 or better 3-4 people to carry the logs. If the owner plans to do everything himself, he should ask his relatives or friends for help. All work should be coordinated in advance with each other, which will save time and effort.

Is it worth it or not to build a bathhouse with a veranda under one roof?

The bathhouses in which the veranda is made under the same roof look great, as this gives the whole structure a complete look. For example, you can see the bath, which has a traditional gable roof with an attic room at the top. It is best to use metal roofing as a roofing material, since it has similar operational properties. By implementing in practice the project of a bathhouse with a veranda under one roof, the owner receives an aesthetically attractive structure, more similar to a summer house.

Bathhouses with a veranda under the same roof are designed initially, because otherwise the extension will have a different roof, an example of which can be seen below. The peculiarity of such an extension is that the attic( or attic) will not be as big as in the case of a common roof.

To make a porch to the bath with your own hands, you will need to fill in a foundation similar to the main structure, after which you must allow the concrete to dry completely( stand for 28 days).Next, proceed to the extension, starting with the installation of vertical bars, performing the role of the frame. Fastening is carried out with the help of angles and screws, but it can also be fastened with the help of grooves.

The thickness of the bars used must be at least 100x100 mm, which will provide sufficient strength to the structure. The tree must be well dried, otherwise the extension can later be "led".The

Veranda can be either open( terrace) or closed, and in the latter case, the owners get an advantage: cold air in the winter time will not penetrate into the bath and force it out.

Advantages and disadvantages of bath houses from different materials

As a rule, bath house projects with an attic and a veranda provide for the construction of all building elements from the same material, that is, if the bath is built from a profiled bar, the veranda is also made from it, butif from a brick - then the brick extension will look in the best way here. However, if desired, it is possible to make a wooden extension in the stone attic, which is also quite allowed.

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When considering which bath to give preference to, you should take into account that the cost of designing and building a stone bath is more expensive than wooden, but in the first case, the owners can experiment with finishing. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that perfectly passes air through the pores, therefore in such a bath the optimum moisture regime is always maintained. The only drawback of the wooden extension is that it must be reliably protected from the aggressive effects of environmental factors such as precipitation, and for this purpose they must be treated with special compounds.

Advantages of building a bath from natural timber

Building a bath from natural timber has its advantages, primarily due to the high ecological properties of this traditional material. Moreover, such baths are durable and strong, being built in a short time, do not require for this complex and expensive foundation work. Ordering the construction of a wooden bath with a veranda and barbecue, the owners receive the following benefits:

  1. The ability to build a bath on an individual project, which will take into account all the wishes of the customer.
  2. Short deadlines - usually a wooden bathhouse is erected within 1 week.
  3. Adequate cost - for the bath does not require a complex monolithic foundation, but rather a pile or columnar.
  4. High environmental properties, because wood is a natural material with excellent vapor permeability.
  5. Multifunctionality - bathhouses with a loft and a veranda can be safely used as summer houses for relaxing and having a great time with your friends and acquaintances.

Embodying the bath project with a veranda, the owner receives the benefits:

  1. Relaxing holiday.
  2. Ability to escape from the summer sun in the scorching heat.
  3. Place for barbecue or kebab.
  4. Outdoor sleep during the summer time.

The photo of the veranda of the bath makes it possible to see that the extensions can be made not only rectangular, but also angular, being placed both along the facade wall and in a semicircle. Designer decoration of the veranda can be very different. The zoning projects of the bath terrace are different, but it is important to comply with all the necessary construction requirements, which will provide confidence in the durability of the structure.

If the terrace is wooden, it is strongly recommended to protect it from precipitation, for which you can easily use a plastic, glass or removable woven screen.

The stages of doing the work on building a sauna with your own hands:

  1. Tape or pile / columnar foundation.
  2. Walling and flooring, roofing work.
  3. Protection of wooden materials with special compounds.
  4. Interior decoration of rooms with wooden clapboard, stone( near the stove).
  5. Laying insulation boards.
  6. Installation of doors and windows.
  7. Performing electrification and lighting.
  8. Installing a wood-burning stove with stones, laying a chimney.
Read also: Video: how to make a bath-barrel

The list and sequence of work is approximate and can be adjusted depending on the project, as well as the structural features of a particular building. After all, the planning bath with an open porch can be very different. To appreciate their diversity, you should carefully review examples of the most interesting projects and developments.

Recommendations for the design and construction of baths with lofts and verandas

. If you are going to build the extension of the veranda to the bath or to build this complex from scratch, the owner should definitely decide on the project. Further, it is important to make a decision as to whether the bath is made of stone( brick) or of wood. Regardless of the material chosen, it is important to understand that it must be certified, therefore it should be purchased only from a reliable supplier who can provide a quality certificate. If a person finds it difficult to create a project on his own, he can always find it on the Internet or, in specialized construction journals, there are many bath projects with a verandah and a barbecue, the photos of which will help determine the appropriate option.

In order to avoid mistakes, you should definitely take into account the following tips:

  1. The wooden timber from which the bath or an extension is constructed should be well dried.
  2. The foundation must be strong to eliminate the risk of subsidence and destruction of the structure.
  3. If in the area where the structure will be built close groundwater, it is imperative to make a drainage.
  4. The windows in the bath must be wooden.
  5. Place for a bath should be chosen in the area of ​​recreation, away from prying eyes.
  6. The power of the stove-heater is selected based on the area of ​​the steam room.

A variety of photo baths from a bar with a veranda best demonstrates how interesting different designs and layouts of such structures can be. If you are going to build a bath, you should not be afraid of such work, because if you approach the matter responsibly and competently, an experienced owner will definitely have to cope with the task. Taking into account all the above tips, as well as looking at a lot of photos of baths with an attic and a veranda, you can decide on the desired project and safely begin to implement your idea!

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