Independent construction of a polycarbonate fence

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For the construction of the fences in the builder’s arsenal there is a mass of reliable and provens Materials: wood, metal, brick, mesh-netting. Despite this, modern homeowners are increasingly paying attention to new types of fencing, among which the polycarbonate fence is confidently taking a leading position.

In terms of its performance, sheet polycarbonate benefits wood and metal, as it is completely unaffected by negative weathering. The polymer is inexpensive, lightweight, durable, fairly transparent, does not require finishing work. Such properties make it an ideal candidate for use in the construction industry. This publication will explain how to independently make a beautiful and durable polycarbonate sheet fence, and give recommendations on the choice of material.

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The main characteristics of

Polycarbonate is a synthetic polymeric material, produced in the form of sheets( panels) of various lengths from 3 to 12 m. The width of the panel adopted by the standards is 210 cm. Two types of sheet polycarbonate are used in modern construction:

  1. Honeycomb. It has a cellular structure. The outer plates are interconnected by straight or X-shaped stiffening ribs. The length and thickness of the sheet varies depending on the type of material( 3-40 mm).
  2. Monolithic. It is a transparent or translucent homogeneous material of high strength. Thickness from 1 to 12 mm.

Structured( cellular) sheet polycarbonate is available in a wide variety of color variations, making it easy to choose for the realization of any design decisions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the synthetic polymer

The main advantages of the material include:

  • low weight, which does not require a strong support frame;
  • resistance to corrosion and external atmospheric influences;
  • resistance to mechanical stress, the viscous structure of the material does not allow the polymer to crack due to impact; polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than glass;
  • good light transmittance, transparent plastic transmits up to 90% of natural light;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • chemical resistance;
  • wide range of operating temperatures, the polymer can be used at temperatures from - 50 to + 120 ° С without losing its performance characteristics;
  • ease of care, which comes down to periodic washing with soapy water.
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All these qualities make polycarbonate an excellent material for creating fences, greenhouses, sheds, roofed structures, etc. Polycarbonate fences on a metal profile do a good job of protecting their site from unauthorized entry. Due to the cellular structure, they perfectly absorb street sounds, protecting the owners from noise.

The main drawback of polycarbonate, as well as all synthetic polymers, is destruction under the influence of UV radiation.

Given this fact, modern manufacturers cover this material with a special protective coating. In addition, a synthetic polymer has a rather high coefficient of thermal expansion. That is why polycarbonate fences are made only as separate sections. As the supporting structure of such fencing use metal welded frame or brickwork.

polyurethane fence fence technology

The process of erection of sheet polymer fences differs little from the technology of erection of fences from a profiled sheet and looks as follows:

  • perimeter marking;
  • preparation of holes of appropriate depth and diameter;
  • installation of pillars;
  • fastening to transverse lag supports;
  • installation of polycarbonate sheets.

To create external fences, it is preferable to use a monolithic sheet material that has high strength and the possibility of bending without disturbing the characteristics. If you want to make a beautiful and translucent polycarbonate fence between neighbors in the country, then you can opt for the budget option - structured panels.

Material Preparation

For supports, you will need a metal profiled pipe with a cross section of 60 x 60 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm. The length of the support pillars depends on the expected height of the fence, the depth of laying and the method of fixing the supports in the ground.

For transverse lags, you must purchase a metal profile pipe with a cross section of 40 x 40 mm or 25 x 50 mm. Wall thickness not less than 1 mm.

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When choosing the thickness of the polymer sheet for fencing, you should focus on the distance between the jumpers. The optimal version of the frame: three jumpers with a pitch: 600 - 1000 mm with a distance of 3 m between the supports. The minimum thickness of cellular polycarbonate is 8 mm.

In addition, you will need profiles for structured panels, the type of which should be chosen depending on the thickness of the material, the design and mounting of the polycarbonate fence. Photos of possible varieties are illustrated below.

If the supporting pillars are concreted, it is necessary to stock up on gravel, cement and sand to create a mortar. We should not forget about the tool: the drill;level, plumb, tape measure, shovel, drill with a set of drills, screwdriver with a set of bits, grinder, welding machine and fasteners.

Stages of construction of polycarbonate sheet fencing

After preparing the material, you can proceed to the direct creation of a polycarbonate fence with your own hands.

Stage # 1 - marking the perimeter of the section

Determine the corner points of the fence and drive in the pegs, between which the cord should be pulled. Determine the point of mounting support pillars. Recommended step 3 m between the centers of the future grooves.

Stage # 2 - Installation of support pillars

We drill wells at the planned locations. The average depth should not be less than 1/3 of the total length of the column.

When determining the installation depth of supports, it is necessary to take into account the indicators of the depth of soil freezing for a particular region. For heaving soils, the best foundation for fastening the supports would be a strip foundation with full reinforcement of the structure.

Pour a layer of sand or screenings at the bottom of each well. The thickness of the layer is 10-15 cm. We process the underground part of each support with bitumen or wrap with roofing felt to avoid contact of the metal with moisture. We install support stands in the prepared well, level it with a level and a plumb line, fix it with fragments of bricks, and concrete. Depending on weather conditions and air temperature, the period of full hardening of concrete varies from 23 to 30 days.

Stage # 3 - create an

fencing framework. Weld horizontal jumpers( logs) to the support posts. The distance between the lags depends on the height of the polycarbonate fence. If the height of the fence is more than 1.5 m, it is recommended to install three jumpers, with a distance between them from 60 to 100 cm.

pipe on the "shelves" of the metal corner and carefully fixing.

After the construction of the structure, the frame is treated from rust, cleaned seams, painted.

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Stage №4 - fastening of polycarbonate panels

We mark and cut the material on the panel of the required size. For cutting, you can use a hacksaw with a small tooth with a minimum divorce or jigsaw( setting the movement of the blade - without swinging).On the ends of each received billet we put on the end profile( UP).We drill holes in the attachment points to the frame. The pitch between the holes is 300 mm.

To reduce the risk of cracking in the polycarbonate honeycomb, all attachment points should be made no closer than 40 mm from the edge of the material.

One should not forget about the temperature expansion of the cellular polymer, which can reach 10 mm in the direction of the air chambers. In order to avoid deformation of the fence, between the sheets should leave a heat gap( 5 mm).At expansion, in places of fastening cracks also can be formed. That is why it is recommended to use special thermo washers. The mounting design is shown in the figure below.

In order to level possible thermal expansion, it is possible to mount the panels with honey through the connecting profile.

Considering the possible deformation of the material under temperature exposure, experts recommend using a welded frame from the corner, in which the material will be rigidly fixed only in the central part of each section, for fixing polycarbonate. An example of such a design is shown in the photo.

The last step in the independent construction of a polycarbonate fence is to release the material from the transport film, which protected the panels from scratches and chips. On this creation of the fence can be considered complete. The main thing is the timely cleaning of contaminants and regular checking of the integrity of the entire structure.

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