What is the best way to feed broilers at home?

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development video for a year, a project, a project, a month, and a month of age. What to feed broilers at home to get dietary meat, experts advise. It is important to provide the bird with proper care from the first days of life until slaughter.

Features of growing broilers

A bird that has just hatched from an egg needs warmth and light. In the nursery there should be 30 C, the light should be on around the clock, there should be a drinking bowl with some water and food in the form of crumbs from egg yolk, millet. In the first two weeks, the chicks continuously peck on food and grow rapidly. In the dark food is not visible.

Aviary for chicks should be light, soft litter and clean. Broilers do not need space. While the chickens are small on one square meter there will fit 18 pieces, adult birds on this patch will remain up to 10. But at the same time there should be good ventilation. Gradually, with the maturing of the birds, the pen is expanded. Broiler chickens do not need walks, they are not allowed into the yard, the effectiveness of weight gain is reduced.

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Another way is the cellular content of broilers for feeding for meat at home. Then in a small area you can place many more individuals. The slaughter of birds begins after 8 weeks. The commodity carcass by this time weighs about 2 kg, the meat is tender, dietary. After five months, keeping the bird for meat is unprofitable. Dietary properties are lost, fattening does not give quick weight gain.

If it’s possible to purchase chickens, no, a few chickens and a rooster are left for laying eggs for breeding. For a good survival it is better to buy ten-day broilers.

Proper feeding of broiler chickens at home

The owner of broilers in the subsidiary farm always has a choice, to feed the bird with feed from the farmstead and vegetable garden or use feed from factory production. In poultry farms, livestock fattening is carried out only by feed, in which growth hormones and antibiotics are added to prevent diseases. Therefore, it’s up to the owner to feed broilers at home with mixtures based on the recommended ration or compound feeds. Only tastier and healthier will be the meat, which is fed on green grass, dairy, grain products, cooked by yourself.

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There are stages in the development of a bird, each of which has its own feeding ration:

  • than feeding broilers from birth;
  • feeding diet after 20 days;
  • second and subsequent months of feeding broilers.

For quick weight gaining chickens are intensively fed and watered. The fattening period is accompanied by watering. For every kilogram of food eaten should be drunk 1, 7 liters of clean warm water. Every week a pink solution of potassium permanganate is added to the morning portion of the water.

When feeding broilers, the grass for them is mowed and finely chopped. Celandine should not be collected, it is poisonous. During the day, young chickens in total eat 1 kg of feed per flock per day. Every day consumption increases and is about 6 kg per feeding. At the same time 7 days chickens are fed 8 times, then a week - 6 times, up to 20 days - 5 times, monthly - in the morning and in the evening. However, at home, food in the form of chops and boiled vegetables can be given more often, its caloric content is lower than the feed.

When the chicks have plumage, they should include fresh cabbage leaves in their diet. They contain the element sulfur, which chicks need during this period.

If you do not follow the rules than feed broilers at home, time and money will be wasted. Therefore, you need to follow the recommendations of experts.

How to reduce feed consumption when feeding broilers

In the household there will always be food waste, root crops, green grass and cereals, chops from them, you can buy the necessary vitamins and supplements in pharmacies. How to feed broilers for rapid growth at home?

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Five recipes how to grow a healthy livestock:

  1. Use fermented cereal mixtures. To do this, add 200-300 g of pressed Baker's yeast to the cereal mixture, dilute everything in 15 liters of water, warm for 6 hours to improve the fermentation. After add greens and boiled root vegetables up to 30 kg of total weight. Feed to use fresh, not allowing souring. The proportions can be reduced, depending on the number of fattening heads. You can give a yeast mixture of cereals without greens, but add crushed potatoes.
  2. Wet mash is made from crushed grain, small cereals, crushed and ground bread crumbs and crusts, cereals, greens, and boiled potatoes. The more diverse the composition, the better it is eaten. Is it possible to feed broilers with one boiled potato? Occasionally you can pamper chicks, making the menu varied.
  3. For feeding at home, you must use dairy products. Milk is poured fresh, not soured. It is also good to add reverse, cottage cheese, buttermilk, whey, but not mixing it with milk. At the same time you can give cereals.
  4. Fresh greens can be fed not only in the slice form. So that the bird does not throw it out of the feeder, or trample it, you can hang fresh brooms from greenery: dandelion, thistle, clover, alfalfa. Is it possible to give spurge to broilers? For them, this is a treat. When the winter content of green fodder will be the seedlings of cereal crops - wheat, barley.
  5. Cleanliness. Do not give soured feed to the birds. Feeders need to be scalded often. Food should not be available for eating by wild birds or rodents. They can be carriers of disease.

Feeding chickens up to one month of age.

At the nursery age, chickens of hens and broilers develop on the same feed. At this time, make up a mix of millet, egg yolk of eggs with the addition of crushed krupki type "" Artek ".Grain mixture is 60% of the total composition. The box should be water and a temperature of about 30 degrees.

With the content in the cages, the temperature must be kept higher, since the chicks do not have the opportunity to choose a place. A sign of cold is when chickens form a heap-bit. If it's hot, chicks lie with wings spread. The temperature from 34 degrees gradually decreases to 18.

On the third day, crushed greens, seedlings, and grass meal of 5 g per head are added to the feed. From the fifth day cottage cheese and dairy products appear in the menu. Weekly chickens begin to feed with grated carrots and pumpkin. Pumpkin is needed as an anthelmintic agent, but not more than 5 g per chick.

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From the third to the twentieth day, when feeding broilers, it is necessary to use the Start feed, it contains balanced and easily digestible vitamins for chicks.

To feed broilers from 20 days you must add unmilled cereals and mineral supplements in the form of shell rock, shell, bone meal. Once a week, pebbles are added to the mash to grind food in the stomach. Birds greedily pounce on food at every feeding.

At the same time they seek out tidbits, part of the feed, throwing them out of the feeder. It is better to fill the feeder by one third, gradually filling the portion. If the chicks are fed properly, by the month they should weigh 500-700 grams.

Lighting should be in the first weeks around the clock, but dim. The lamp can be painted in green, red colors. Bright lighting can cause pecking

Monthly chickens are not picky, it is time for fattening. How to feed broiler chickens in 1 month? Now, 20% of cereals can be replaced with crushed potatoes. The cereal mixture consists of whole grains:

  • corn, soybean and sunflower flour - 20% each;
  • barley - 10%;
  • wheat - 25%;
  • peas - 5%.

The prerequisite for rapid weight gain will be the use of the five tips published above. It is quite possible to grow about a hundred kilograms of dietary meat in the country for the winter.

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