Fixtures for the bathroom: which unit is best to choose and why

Most bathrooms deprived of sunlight access. We have to rely entirely on artificial lighting. To ensure optimal light output, it is necessary to correctly choose the fixtures for the bathroom, right?

We will help you find the perfect device for you and plan its location. Prompt, which option will work flawlessly in difficult operating conditions. We explain how to determine the power of the installed lamps and some way of organizing the lighting preferred.

In the article tips supported by video guides and photos with valuable advice and original ideas for decorating a bathroom.

The content of the article:

  • Specifications Lamp
  • The variety of "sea elite" fixtures
    • №1 - ceiling lighting options
    • №2 - working lights wall models
    • №3 - floor decorative lighting
  • The choice of lamps for "water" lamp
    • Criterion # 1 - the optimal characteristics of the product
    • Criterion # 2 - Calculation of the emission power
    • Criterion # 3 - color rendering index and color lighting
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Specifications Lamp

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Bathroom - a zone with extreme operating conditions. In areas with constant changes in temperature or high humidity, the installation of conventional wall outlets and light fixtures is prohibited for safety reasons.

Main parameter selection Lighting - the degree of protection. The main body of electrical products corresponding markings displayed.

Some manufacturers use a three-digit mark. The third figure - the degree of sensitivity to mechanical damages, shocks. Value range - 0-10. The highest level of protection indicates that the damaged casing operational characteristics of the appliance are maintained.

The degree of protection appliance

IP values ​​system complies with GOST 14254-96, standard IEC60529. The first figure shows the abbreviations level of protection against dust lamp, the second marker - protection against moisture

The higher the numeric indicator labeling, the more reliable the lamp.

Weatherproof devices have additional elements, which reduce the risk of penetration of water and dust on the conductive portions of the device:

  • rubber seals on the ceiling;
  • cap of a sealed material to the supply wire.

Minimum IP index value for fixtures in "wet" rooms - IP442, maximum - IP674. Acceptable application security articles above the maximum - increased safety, in any case, is welcomed.

security zone

The choice of indicator lamp protection depends on its location in the bathroom. By the level of proximity to sources of direct moisture space is divided into three zones

IP index values ​​for each zone:

  1. The first zone. Moisture about the bowl bath, shower and wash basin reaches 100%. Here, let the installation of low-voltage devices with the protection of at least IP67, designed for temporary immersion in water.
  2. The second zone. Within a radius of 30-60 cm from the "wet" zone is a high likelihood of splashes and streams on the appliance. On the site it is not desirable to use a high-voltage electrical appliances, the protection indicator lamp - not lower than IP45, power - 12-24 W.
  3. The third zone. Relatively safe - 60 cm from the borders of the second zone. Subject to direct jets is virtually nonexistent. Mounted model with anti-circular sprays - IP24 and above.

The space in the region of 3 m or more with respect to a source of water is considered safe. Here it is possible to install lights with IP01.

Fixtures in the bathroom

It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the walls and ventilation efficiency. If remote walls after the adoption of permanent condensation hot shower, they can not be considered safe. Headlamps are selected as for the first-second zone

The variety of "sea elite" fixtures

Artificial lighting bathroom is divided into three levels: ceiling, wall and floor. A combination of methods will provide an interesting decorative effect. Optionally use the entire spectrum simultaneously. The main thing is to get a good light output for a comfortable stay in the room.

№1 - ceiling lighting options

Ceiling lights provide general lighting bathroom. Selecting the device depends on the dimensions of the room, the ceiling structure and the presence of secondary light sources.

Popular solutions top highlights:

  • mounted or suspended from the ceiling;
  • LED Strip Light;
  • light panels;
  • spots;
  • Spot lights tension or ceiling.

Traditional chandelier. This option is more suitable for spacious bathrooms with high ceilings. The main advantages of the solution: a diverse range of products and ease of installation. Defines the criteria for the selection of chandeliers - compliance instrument interior bathroom.

The chandelier in the bathroom

The bulk crystal chandelier looks good in a classic style and minimalist with a limited number of decorative details. The original version - a chandelier-candlestick

An alternative version of crystal - glass and metal models. Pros: reasonable price and different style of execution fixtures for the bathroom. Minus - the appearance of spots and streaks on the water.

The lamp in a marine style

Bathroom in a marine style suitable lighting with the decor of natural materials: wood and fabric ropes

LED Strip Light. LED-lights represented as LEDs and resistors, fixed to the belt-nibble basis. For "wet" premises zones are designed waterproof tape with an index IP65-68.

Glowing strip with IP65 sealing is on the one hand - the insulation covers the outer part of the printed circuit board, including LEDs and contacts.

Advantages of illumination:

  • Easy installation - the tape is placed under the ceiling moldings;
  • the ability to adjust the light intensity;
  • the variety of emission colors - you can make a smooth transition in the given spectrum.

To create a "ribbon" ceiling illumination zone fit LED-strip with IP65 and IP67.

LED-backlight ceiling

Using LED-ribbon - the perfect solution for complex configuration ceilings. Illumination stresses versatility planes and changes visual perception of space

Light panels. This is not just a single lamp, and a special ceiling structure consisting of individual elements:

  • lamps mounted directly on the ceiling;
  • decorative plastic or glass panels overlapping lamps;
  • frame with guides for fixing panels.

The main advantage - unlimited choice of design registration. Using photo printing, you can recreate any scene: the starry sky, underwater world, picturesque landscape, etc.

Light panels

Lack of light fabric - to replace the bulb need to dismantle part of the panel. By careless handling delicate parts can break

Spots. False "flashlight", where on one carrier has more than one lamp. Despite the interesting idea for ceiling light spots are rarely used.

Firstly, the product looks awkward in the bathroom with a low ceiling, and secondly, difficult to adjust the luminous flux vector.

Ceiling spotlights

The main task of spots - creating a directional light "beam" a particular local coverage area, e.g., mirrors. Such a "torch" is used as extra lighting

Spotlights. This kind of electrical appliances indispensable when installing a suspended or "French" ceiling. Scheme of arrangement of luminaires think through in advance, taking into account the zoning premises and wattage.


Distributing "points of light" over the entire area of ​​the ceiling, you can install multiple switching modes: simultaneously all the devices or group of luminaires to illuminate separate areas, for example, showering or washbasin

Depending on the design features of the following types of spotlights:

  • built-in;
  • poluvreznye;
  • overhead;
  • Sectional.

Tips for choosing bulbs for use in spotlights It listed here, Be sure to familiarize yourself with useful information.

built-in. Devices used for concealed installation - in full view can only cover. When you select should definitely take into account the value of the "deepening" and the width of the ceiling void. The minimum length of the "legs" mortise lamp - 40 mm.

Some models require a significant reduction in the suspended structure, which is undesirable to do with low ceilings and limited room dimensions.

Recessed luminaires

The light from the lamps mortice directed vertically downwards and is not scattered on surface of the ceiling. The dot bra bite type is undesirable to embed powerful lamps - may overheat the suspended structure

Poluvreznye. Technical "body" of the lamp is placed behind the ceiling, and light - on the outside. For mounting activated zapotolochnoe space, but due to external plafond admissible installation of more powerful lamps.

overhead. External mounting is applicable to most types of ceilings. Overhead lighting is more expensive mortise models, but have a number of significant advantages:

  • no need for lowering the ceiling;
  • versatility;
  • decorative effect diffusion of light through the prism textured glass.

Impressive foundations luminaire design. On the ceiling surface of the mirror effectively looked shiny materials and metals, encrusted with stones.

overhead lighting

Exterior lamps illuminate the surrounding space - the room itself and the surface of the ceiling. Particularly advantageous lamps complement glossy stretched canvas

sectional. This kind of hybrid spots and spotlights. The whole of decorative plate has a plurality of lamps. As a general rule, for each micro-lamp lighting can be set vector.

sectional lights

Sectional model, as opposed to the overhead spots on a single holder is visually not "conceal" the space, but demanding to the location

№2 - working lights wall models

Appointment of wall fixtures - zoning areas and local lighting. Application Wall "lights" is appropriate in spacious rooms ranging from 6 sq.m. The compact room can confine light ceiling.

Popular options for wall "water" fixtures:

  • sconces;
  • The surface-mounted fixtures;
  • spots.

Bra. Traditional design - one or more diffusers mounted on a bracket.

wall sconce

Wall sconces are presented in any style - from classic to modern. The optimum installation location - pair placement on the sides of the mirror

Overhead lights. Compact ceiling does not take up much space and is fixed close to the wall. Better to choose the model, made from moisture resistant materials: stainless steel in tandem with glass and transparent plastic.

overhead lighting

Overhead lights are universal - they are suitable for vertical and horizontal positioning. When choosing repelled from the shape of the mirror. Neutral execution of the ceiling harmoniously complements modern interiors

Spots. Wall mounting maximizing the destination spots - local lighting.

wall spots

When choosing a lamp it is necessary to estimate the size of the ceiling - after installation it should not be reflected in the mirror. Option №1 - the correct placement, №2 - wrong

In the second case, the light from the spot will dazzle the eye - using a mirror will be uncomfortable. This zone is not necessary to choose lamps with color shades - light "will" unnatural complexion and hair. Optimally - frosted or white glass.

It is worth paying attention to the type of the light beam wall "lantern". There are two types:

  1. Directional lighting reflectors. Light is supplied under a certain angle. Perhaps one or both sides (up / down) of the luminous flux vector. body shape allows to focus illumination in a certain area.
  2. Ceiling diffuse glow. These models relate to general lighting fixtures, their area of ​​"action" - 360 °. The light is diffused uniformly in the room.

If the aim is to create not only practical, but also the spectacular lighting, can be interesting to beat the wall with spotlights, bright light panels, linear LED lamps or LED-strip.

design options

Point "lights" is placed in the niches and illuminated glass shelves. LED strip is placed over the wall projections, emphasizing bulk surface

№3 - floor decorative lighting

Outdoor lighting embodies the special atmosphere in the bathroom. This minor, decorative light.

To implement design ideas using different methods:

  • installing the LED illuminator;
  • installation of spotlights;
  • creating glass floor;
  • the use of luminous tiles;
  • filler base arrangement.

Neon lights. There are many options for decorating LED tape. The strip is mounted on the line skirting - the perimeter of the premises, and are also used to isolate plumbing - sealed belt "runs" along the contour of the bath or sink.

The main advantage of the method - the ability to install after repair. In contrast with the dark floor glowing blotches look spectacular.

LED floor lights

LEDs are placed randomly on the cable, and then the wire is set in mezhplitochny seam. The joints are covered with black silicone, the LEDs remain open. It is important that "points of light" does not stick out above the tiles

Spotlights. Using outdoor spotlighting has its own characteristics.

The advantages of the lamps are:

  • resistance to mechanical damage - diffusers are made of durable plastic;
  • possibility of any location - the distance between the lamps is chosen arbitrarily;
  • creating beautiful reflections on the surrounding objects.

Disadvantages of "points of light": the complexity of installation tender flush, the need for periodic replacement of light bulbs.

Point floor lamps

EXAMPLE successful alignment in the tandem single wall LED-illumination with spotlights ceiling, wall and local specular lighting

Glass floor. Exquisite design method radically changing the face of familiar surroundings bathroom. For the arrangement of the glass will lift the niche floor 10 cm.

Unusual "lamp" is made of tempered glass or laminated glass laminate, suitable for illumination LED ribbon or linear lamp.

glass floor

Filling niche: decorative stones, shells, gravel, dried flowers, sequins or beads. Bold decision - a glowing aquarium floor

Luminescent materials. Alternative conventional methods for illumination - finishing materials with a luminous effect. Plus method - independent of electricity. Cons: high cost and the inability to disable this "lamp".

fluorescent finish

For facing base used is a luminescent filler or floor tile. In the first case, a light cloth on the entire floor area, in the second - it is possible to limit the number of "light" by combining conventional tiles with fluorescent

The choice of lamps for "water" lamp

Wondering what kind of lighting is better to choose for a bath and as an ideal illuminateIt is important to determine the type of lamp brightness and optimum light tone.

Criterion # 1 - the optimal characteristics of the product

In everyday life, the most popular traditional incandescent, fluorescent and LED products.

Incandescent lamps. Depending on the gas composition inside the container they come in vacuum, krypton and halogen. Lamps with an inert gas (krypton) are resistant to power surges, halogen - have good luminous efficiency and longer working.

Characteristics of incandescent lamps

Characteristics of incandescent lamps: 1 - krypton, 2 - halogen. Lamps with halogen bulbs are suitable for installation in plasterboard niche

Fluorescent lamps. So-called daylight lamps have varying degrees of color, defines a natural glow.

The main advantages of fluorescent lamps:

  • low heating temperature;
  • the duration of the work;
  • soft light.

Modern versions suitable for connection to a standard lamp cartridge. Types and marking of caps for lamps installed in the lighting devices used today, listed here. This information will be useful to a potential buyer.

The characteristics of fluorescent lamps

Disadvantages: work is accompanied by a slight hum, toxicity, duration of maximum luminescence. When operating in continuous mode "on / off" lamps burn out quickly

LED products. The high cost is justified by the lamp low power consumption, good light efficiency and long service life. Among the additional advantages are: compactness, light bulb heating, resistance to mechanical stress and disruption strain.

Characteristics of LED lamps

LEDs - the optimal choice for the bathroom. Preference should be given to the product aluminum radiator, plastic marker of poor quality lamps

Criterion # 2 - Calculation of the emission power

ISO8995 international standard regulates the light level bathrooms. The recommended rate - 200 lux (lx). To characterize the light output of lamps used lumens (Lm), 1 Lk = 1 lm / sq.

For example, the normal room lighting in 7 m 1400 Luke, 10 m - 2000 lux, respectively. Based on the calculated data is selected and the number of power lamps.

The degree of light output depends on the type and capacity of the lighting device. For example, when the same power produces a fluorescent product 7 times more light than the incandescent lamp. FROM characteristics of LED lamps introduce article, which we encourage you to read.

The degree of light output

The table shows that for 1200 lumens required to light the bathroom 6 m², suitable LED lamp 11 watts, the equivalent incandescent lamp 100 W

Criterion # 3 - color rendering index and color lighting

Comfort perception of the world depends on how natural look surrounding objects in artificial light. Parameter expressed CRI and indicated on the packaging of the fixture - Ra or CRI.

Light source CRI = 100 provides the actual display items. Maximum color rendering index has natural sunlight. The lower the Ra, the more distorted perception.

color Rendering index

CRI LED is within 80-89. Choosing lamp with a smaller index is not necessary, especially for the illumination of the mirror

Hue illuminated object is determined color temperature, Unit - Kelvin (K). White sanitary ware can appear yellowish or radiantly blue.

When choosing colors should be based on the prevailing colors in the interior and personal preferences.

Colour temperature

Room with a predominance of the blue trim looks good at a neutral light (4000-5000 K). Bath in pink, chocolate and sand colors become even more comfortable with the "warm" lighting a running color temperature - 2700-3800 K

The glow of different temperatures in different ways effect on the person. Warm white color helps to relax, neutral - concentrate, cold charges the energy and invigorates.

An overview of the selection criteria and introduce energy-saving bulbs next articleEntirely dedicated to this interesting question.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The video describes the main factors of appliance choices to fixtures requirements for areas with elevated levels of humidity, as well as recommendations for zoning space with the help of lighting:

The right choice of lamp and the successful placement of light accents able to visually enlarge the closed space bathroom. Equally important in setting up a comfortable and practical space will play a selection of brightness, color and glow lamp shade.

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