Lighting in the bathroom: the proper organization of the world supply

The average bathroom devoid of natural light. Why in this case does not ensure its quality artificial light? The more that modern lighting delight customers with its diversity.

we will investigate in this article, how to organize the lighting, what should first pay attention and learn what method is used designers when planning the lighting in the bathrooms. After all, in order to properly arrange the lighting in the bathroom, you should consider not only the high humidity, but also the functional orientation of the space.

The content of the article:

  • Influence of illuminance on the functionality of the bathroom
  • Levels placing lighting devices
  • Design techniques in the organization of lighting
    • Reception # 1 - the proper organization of the ceiling light
    • Reception # 2 - focus on the main elements of an interior
    • Receiving # 3 - good lighting mirror area
    • Receiving # 4 - the selection of furniture
    • Receiving # 5 - decorative effects of the lower level
    • Receiving # 6 - a manifestation of individuality in lighting
  • instagram viewer
  • Recommendations for staying safe
    • Protective index lighting products
    • Location humidity areas
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Influence of illuminance on the functionality of the bathroom

Tiny bathrooms with toilets gradually become history, as well as a single lamp, bolted over the door or in the central part of the ceiling. To think carefully about what will be the lighting of your bathroom, you just need to remember how much time we spend here than at the same time doing.

Barely awake, we rush to the bathroom. If you are lucky enough to own separate bathroom, this room will still be among the first, we need to visit in the morning. After all, to wash and brush your teeth, we are accustomed to here.

The abundance of light in the bathroom

Even if natural light is present in the bathroom, additional lighting should to be here in such an amount that in the dark room was nice and comfortable use

In addition, here we are:

  • We accept hygienic shower. This mandatory morning and pleasant procedure can be postponed and for the evening - it's not so important.
  • Bathe their children. Often this event is accompanied by abundant penoizverzheniem swims and favorite toys.
  • Shave - this activity requires a high-quality light and is important for both sexes.
  • Pamper yourself SPA-procedures. In particular, we take a bath salt, plant extracts, foam and other relaxing or inspiring additions.
  • Erase. Yes, the washing machine often is still here. In addition, sometimes you just need something faded for a quick rinse or - a matter of minutes.
  • Caring for your skin and apply makeup. That is, all the creams and cosmetics, as a rule, are located on the shelves of furniture, which manages to put in this room.
  • Treat your nails, wash our hands after using the toilet, after returning home from the street or just.

In fact, if the room to be nice, and it pleases us by its appearance, the case is that we would like to do it here, there must exist.

Multi-functional rooms

In addition to the light that will penetrate into the room from sources hidden behind frosted glass walls, it will light up the space a warm glow of the fireplace and candles

As you can see, the list of features that we are put on this premise, is quite impressive. Sometimes we need a bright light directed flow, leaving no shadow on our image in the mirror. Another situation is associated with a pleasant shade. And for the third need scented candles.

Therefore, only the dim ceiling - it's not exactly true. Would need select appropriate fixtures, Focusing on the placement area and the purpose of its installation.

Levels placing lighting devices

Proper organization of the bathroom light should provide a variety of user needs. The basic principle that should guide when placing lamps, is that the light must be bright enough, but not blinding, and not intrusive. Modern designers offer to pay attention to the combined coverage.

Ceiling and work lighting levels

Ceiling bathroom lighting fixtures complement nicely located in the working area around the mirrors on the walls and windows of imitation

To implement such ideas, instruments should be placed in different levels.

Depending on the level of coverage can be:

  • An upper (ceiling). Luminaires are fixed on the ceiling or directly beneath it. If the bathroom is not happy owner of its size, it may make sense to limit a canopy, which is traditionally mounted or in the middle of the ceiling, or just above the doorway. The spacious room is decorated with a constellation of spotlights or even a chandelier. More information about ceiling lights in the bathroom found here.
  • Workers. Soft and diffused light flux LED strip can provide a sink and around the mirror. Shelves with cosmetics and detergents, sink, etc. can be illuminated from below, and other types of lamps. Light sources on flexible brackets placed on either side of the mirror, allow you to change the degree of brightness and eliminates the unnecessary shadows.
  • Lower. This type of lighting is rarely functional. Usually it is purely decorative in nature, it is widely used as interior decoration and helps in relaxation. The light sources are thus positioned below the individual elements of the interior, for example under the tub flanges at the floor level or decimeter from its surface.

Simultaneous or sequential switching of lighting devices mounted at different levels, allows to create an atmosphere in the room that best suits the user's mood and the tasks that he has to solve.

The lower level of illumination

Active low lighting mounted in the floor bathroom, creates a special romantic mood and colors premises nacre

Design techniques in the organization of lighting

The human imagination knows no boundaries, so the idea that the mind produces professional designers are diverse, enchanting and non-standard.

Our goal is to offer a variety of all select your option. The one that will best suit, and our room, and our own needs.

The original design ideas

It is not necessary that the bathroom was shining sterile whiteness: it is only important that all placed in this space objects harmoniously complement each other

We proceed from the fact that the room of any size can be transformed, if we are guided not only the sense of beauty, but also common sense. The harmonious combination of different types of lamps, arranged in different light levels, should ensure that this intimate corners of your apartment its special appeal.

Reception # 1 - the proper organization of the ceiling light

In any bathroom ceiling light must be present. The most daring design decisions still require the use of fixtures, if not at the ceiling, then at the level of 180 cm from the floor and above.

Increased customer attention enjoys the song "starry sky". But also the magnificent crystal chandeliers also have their fans.

Chandelier of colored crystal in bathtub

Interestingly, the massive chandelier made of colored crystal does not look foreign body in this interior style of Provence

Spotlights are winning admirers own design variety, reliability and, of course, cost. Use them simply, you only need to think in advance well diagram of their placement. You can arrange them on the perimeter, to concentrate in the central part or on the functional areas (font, sink, mirror, etc.). It is important not to leave room in shaded areas.

Achieve uniform light distribution even in a very spacious room can be, if you use a large number of low-power sources of modest size.

Often, for the implementation of these tasks are used halogen lamps concealed or open. Embedded design perfectly overcame if their nest in suspended ceiling.

A variety of types of ceiling lighting

The combination of direct and reflected light forms an image fairy who wants to enjoy filled with warm water, lying in a comfortable bath

When the ceiling in your bathroom is high enough, it makes sense to use not only direct but also indirect light. To do this, for example, a short distance from the ceiling can be installed aluminum suspension with point devices providing direct rays downward. Diffused be emitted sources mounted on the opposite side of the suspension.

In the organization of the ordinary room lighting, soaked in a futuristic style, can help bus and string conductive system. They are ideal for rooms with low ceiling. It is to him or to the top of the wall is attached such original light "beads".

Reception # 2 - focus on the main elements of an interior

As the main elements of most bathrooms it is the same name plumber, then the light accents should not be deprived.

The idea to establish the bowl for bathing on a pedestal is not new: it had long since found their fans. The spacious room, this design not only looks attractive, but also allows you to decorate himself pedestal individual decorative elements and, of course, backlit around the perimeter. Here will find their application and candles, mounted on a pedestal in a single location or around the baptismal font.

Bath on a pedestal

pedestal bumpers can serve as a source of illumination and stand for candles, towel, pumice stone, cream, scrub and aromatic oils

Very exquisite cup can illuminate the ceiling chandelier, or even a simple bubble if the bathing area is separated from the main space of the room curtain.

Bright lighting makes it possible to use the full functionality of the baths, and its LED lights create the illusion of flowing water, or floating container above the floor.

Stand-alone bath lighting

This cup with independent illumination captivates its inner glow, but can be brightly illuminated and via chandeliers, made in the form of air bubbles

In the reservoir can be concealed autonomous lighting, allowing the receiving water treatments, feel ascended to heaven or submerged in the ocean depths.

This option is ideal for those who are not used to save money and do not want to burden myself with thoughts about how the installation of additional lighting.

Light and showerhead

Perhaps even colored streams of water would look not so impressive as the pouring out of the shower head light, etched on a monochrome image

Interesting ideas can be implemented and if the traditional font will give way to the modern soul. Particularly impressive looks light shower head, when the light source is mounted directly in it. The jet of water thus may find an unusual color.

Receiving # 3 - good lighting mirror area

Regardless of the dimensions of the room, it is required to present a mirror - the basis of the work area. It is located usually above the sink and next to the shelves for cosmetics and personal care products. Designers offer different ways of allocation and execution of this corner of the room.

Choosing a suitable option lighting mirror area, is based on three basic rules:

  • the light does not dazzle the eye and reflected in the mirror in the form of glare;
  • on your face should not fall shadows;
  • colors lighting should be possible to comply with the natural.

The last two requirements help correctly apply both day and evening make-up, just pick a color scheme, and do not overdo it with the saturated colors.

It is best to illuminate the reflective surface at least on three sides: from the top of shaving and sides for applying makeup. For this purpose, well suited sconces on flexible arms that can be deployed as convenient to the user.

mirror zone

Properly organized and well-lit mirror area is both beautiful and functional, and what should be sought

The most common recommendation designers arrangement of this part of the work area is to use the built-in light mirrors. Yes, it is expensive. Cheaper can result from the fluorescent lamps disposed vertically or at an object perimeter. Popular LED strip is considered framing or halogen bulbs.

Receiving # 4 - the selection of furniture

Scrubbed to a shine bowl sink and plumbing or gloss to the metal elements of the interior is impossible without the use of modern detergents. And all this household chemicals should be kept at hand - in the bathroom.

Here, not rushing into the eyes of an outsider, find a place for cosmetics and personal hygiene items. It turns out that some no furniture in this room should be.

Lighting pieces of furniture in the bathroom

Lighting of shelves allows easily see everything that they arranged to pick items needed at the moment

You do not have to allocate its light, but if in the morning rush we will quickly find an object, then a small lamp on the right shelf can be very useful. Spending money on functional lighting, we will save not only your time but also your nerves.

Receiving # 5 - decorative effects of the lower level

We mentioned above that the lower level of illumination is usually decorative. But we should not lose sight of the point that it can be used as an emergency.

If you organize it directly into the flooring, the best solution is the use of sealed low-power lamps are used to indicate the garden paths to the suburban areas. Their thickness does not exceed 5 W, and the diameter - 5 cm.

The use of waterproof LED strip provides a special decorative effect. If you fix it around the perimeter in its lower part, even though a massive bowl soar above the floor.

Decorative illumination effect lower

Even WC modest size can completely transform the designer effort, which successfully combined in it illumination of all three levels

It should be remembered that the correct lighting in the bathroom can only be achieved when it is combined with the style in which the room itself is sustained.

Receiving # 6 - a manifestation of individuality in lighting

Each person imagines his warmth and comfort. Someone easier to mingle with the crowd and feel the raindrops in the overall storm flow. So it feels like a part of society, provides cover their own positions by public opinion: all as humans.

Another close spectacular rainbow. He was not used to obey the stereotypes and follow the canons of fashion, no matter how attractive it is.

Nesandartnoe lighting in the bathroom

Perhaps someone this design seems too bold, but in the manifestation of personality to its author certainly not refuse, and it's great

Refusal of impersonal models can be practiced when selecting lighting fixtures for your bathroom. Compositions layout and the intensity of the light fluxes so tempting to choose to, common sense, sense of action and its own perception of beauty.

By the way, an excellent epitome of beauty in our view was, and I want to believe that there will be a candle. That they are able to create an unforgettable romantic atmosphere. Their flickering light, in conjunction with your favorite flavors, plunges us into the blessed rest, distraction from everyday life and problems. We relax and recharge with new energy for the next day.

Recommendations for staying safe

Standards by which we must not give up, even for manifestation of own individuality, are electrical safety standards for rooms with high humidity levels.

They are distributed and bathrooms. After all, water is used on a regular basis: in the font, in the shower, when washing or during washing. In the form of condensate, it can settle on all objects located nearby.

Protective index lighting products

All lighting products sold in our country, are marked indices IP (Ingress Protection - ingress protection), containing a three-digit numeric code. To competently approach the selection of equipment for bathrooms, you need to understand what lies beneath these figures.

Deciphering the second code digits

The information presented in this table decoding the second digit of the IP code helps to know exactly what we should expect from the vending lighting, and what better not to count

The code contains numbers, the increase in value which represents an increase of security level:

  • first. It displays the level of protection of the product from dust and dirt. It has a value ranging from 0 to 6.
  • second. Weatherproof on a scale of 0 to 8. When marking the number 8 is the product long-term stay under water without losing its functions, without presenting danger to humans.
  • third. Impact resistance on a scale of 0 to 10. The maximum index of 10 indicates that the product is able to withstand mechanical impact force to 20 J, and, despite the resulting damage to remain in working order and be Electrical safety.

For more details we talked about the importance of the degree of protection in this article. The ability to navigate the marking of lighting gives the consumer the assurance that he will buy exactly the products that they need.

Location humidity areas

Rules of placing electrical devices attached to domestic guests and a number of international acts.

When designing the layout of fixtures and sockets to include a variety of electrical appliances is important to consider standards of safetyRelevant to areas with high levels of humidity.

humidity zone

Separation of areas with high humidity in the area is quite logical: the farther from the surface is a source of moisture, so it is safer

According to current regulations, the premise is conventionally divided into four zones:

  • The first zone the highest moisture level. There may flow water and steam condensate formed. It is located above the bath and a bowl under it, as well as inside the enclosure. For this space designed luminaires with protection index IP 674, 12-watt, which maintain safety even in the case of immersion in water.
  • The second high humidity zone. On the surface of this zone water may fall in the form of droplets or vapor. This includes the space above and below the sink basin and the surface adjacent to the sides of the font. Protection Index models in this area should not be less than 452 IP, and their power - up to 24 watts. They are impervious to water jets of a different orientation.
  • Third moderate humidity zone. Only 50 cm from the basin and the bath begins the third zone. For it can be regarded as sufficiently protected appliance marked by IP 242, which does not respond to the spray, falling on its surface.
  • Fourth - the remaining space. All the rest space of the room can be safely attributed to the relative safety of the fourth zone. And moisture can penetrate here, but only in the form of steam or condensate. Luminaire index from IP 011 may be used herein without limitation. From the drops falling on it vertically, it is quite protected.

Now that we know what kind of lighting can be used in a particular area, you can easily make the final choice of light sources for the bathroom and to chart their placement.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

The video, which we offer, help you with your own eyes to see how efficient lighting mirror area from three sides.

At the same time you will learn how to make the reflecting surface had collapsed not fogged with condensation.

As we have already said, the imagination of professional designers knows no bounds. So you can choose the appropriate option, or, based on what he saw the material to develop its own version of the light, look at this video.

It is unlikely that modern man can make a bathroom, illuminated by all the rules of design art, if all this splendor will sparkle and beat the current. Reliable, but poor option with a single light bulb under the shade of the newspaper, too, did not acquire a lot of fans.

But the golden combination of beauty and security - this is what should be sought.

Do you have interesting ideas to create the most efficient and stylish lighting in the bathroom? Or you want to share photos of your bathroom, which harmoniously combines several techniques of lighting, used by designers? Leave your recommendation adds a unique photo to block comments - your ideas will become an inspiration for many home artists with designer soul.

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