In what cases give dry milk to pigs?

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Selection work on increasing the multiplicity of sows is carried out successfully. The lactation level of the former, powdered milk for piglets is necessary for the feeding of numerous offspring. Completely replace the milk of the uterus during feeding is impossible. Fresh cow's milk is used in the household, if there is a cow in the compound. More often used dehydrated milk, after breeding, it becomes a natural product.

Production and Composition of the Substituting System

For more than a century, dry milk formulas have been made for food use, removing up to 85% of moisture from milk in special ovens. Powdered milk for piglets can be prepared with the addition of vitamins, called milk replacer is a mixture of whole milk. The basis of all dry milk mixtures are natural products - whole milk, reverse, whey. Having lost water, the product becomes easy, does not deteriorate within 8 months. Before use, the mixture is diluted with water in the right proportions.

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The composition of powdered milk for piglets should include:

  • skim milk;
  • serum;
  • buttermilk;
  • lactose.

Any mixture more than half should consist of dairy ingredients, since the gastrointestinal tract of the piglets is only set to absorb the mother's milk. The sow feeds her brood more fatty than the cow’s milk, otherwise the composition is similar.

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Mother's milk in a small number of pigs should receive.

Breeders can increase the multiplicity of sows. There are individuals that bring more than 30 piglets per year. To increase the number of nipples and the amount of milk, so that the entire brood is enough, it does not work. Artificial feeding allows you to save the livestock.

However, powdered milk for piglets in a close-to-natural composition is economically unprofitable. It is necessary to find the ingredients with which milk replacer will be an effective, but less expensive product. The mixture is composed as a percentage of the calculation of 1 kg:

  • whey powder - 60;
  • feed fat - 7.0;
  • Belotin - 5.0;
  • fish meal - 7.0;
  • soy flour - 12.0;
  • gluten from corn - 6.4;
  • monocalcium phosphate - 1.1;
  • premixes P 51-1 - 1.

To protect the suckers, 18 g of biovit - 80 and vitamins A, D. are added to powdered milk for piglets.

This composition is perfectly balanced in terms of protein and energy supply.

Influence of components of milk replacer on the development of piglets

The composition is used as a substitute for natural milk of the uterus:

  • before weaning, when the multiple uterus does not have enough of its own product for feeding;
  • after weaning piglets - to reduce stress, in 3-5 days additional feeding with powdered milk for piglets follows the instructions.
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Fatty oil in the form of palm and vegetable oil in the composition of "Profat" is a source of energy. The use of several plant proteins covers the lack of all nutrients found in the milk of the uterus, creates an equilibrium between lysine and methionine + cystine antagonists

The need for carbohydrates is covered by whey lactose. Trace elements are introduced with a premix. Developed infant formula most closely matches the physiology of the sucker.

The presented composition is not the only one. Various dairy mixes for feeding of suckling animals are developed and used.

Use of dry milk formulas

If you use whole milk powder, the natural composition is obtained at a dilution concentration of 20%.The use of such a product is uneconomical. In what proportion to breed powdered milk for piglets, how to achieve a balance between benefits and benefits? It turned out to be more profitable to produce mixtures for cultivation using 10-15% dry powder. A liter of such swill will replace half a liter of uterus milk. When feeding, you can increase the one-time volume by adding food.

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The product recovered from skimmed milk powder may be 20%, it will not be fat, but the other components will receive the pig. Each mixture of powdered milk for piglets has instructions for breeding.

The sow after stress is under stress. She needs to provide comfort and peace. In a rage, a pig can eat offspring.

Milk and formulated blends are a biological natural product. This obliges to comply with the sanitary regime, preventing the growth of microbes in the residues of the product. After each feeding, all dishes are thoroughly washed. How to dilute powdered milk for pigs, it is written in the instructions. Some dilution additives can not be dissolved even in warm water. One rule is common to all - no mixture is diluted in hot water.

Be sure that the powder is first ground to a porridge without lumps in a small amount of liquid, then warm water is gradually added and the mash is stirred evenly to the desired volume. Qualitative mixtures without sedimentation and souring can stand for up to 2 days, but you can only use fresh ones. Prepare milk for future use should not be.

How to give milk powder to piglets - video

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