Metal gazebo is all about self-built

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Many owners of private houses are thinking about building a place to relax in the fresh air. Arbor made of metal - the best possible option. Such a construction will make you not only healthier, but also create a great place to think. In the gazebo, you can sit with friends, relax yourself, put a brazier there and fry kebabs. The main thing - all this in the fresh air and near your home.

Making a gazebo out of metal is a long process, but quite simple. You need to have with you the blueprints and know exactly what you want to see. Why precisely metal? The characteristics of this material speak for themselves. He is strong, reliable, can serve his master for many years. Wood has long been out of fashion, because it is affected by insects, as well as precipitation. What can not be said about the iron pavilions.

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A canopy of metal gazebos is another important element that can also be made with your own hands. Theoretically, you can create many different units, they will complement the overall design and make use more convenient. But first you need to decide on the types of metal arbors. They are different, the frame and construction features may differ.

Do-it-yourself garden metal gazebo - variations of

Metal arbours production begins with the creation of drawings. And before they need to think and choose the best option. To do this, you must understand all the features of your garden and plot. If it is large, then the arbor can be overall with extensions. When space is small, you can make a small structure. Summer gazebos made of metal - small but cozy, ideal option with limited resources.

So, arbors can be of different forms, all this is decided by the owner during the creation of drawings. Round, square, elongated, diamond-shaped and so on. It all depends on the surrounding area and taste. Drawings of the arbor frame from metal are also different, because it is installed in several ways:

  1. Special wells are drilled into the pillars, into which pipes are inserted. Next, the holes are filled with rubble, the level of the pipes is leveled, everything is compacted and filled with concrete.
  2. In the design there are always several vertical pipes that need to be concreted directly into the ground. They represent a support on which to hold other elements. If you use this method, then the foundation is not needed. You can make the lower trim, which will create a floor. But a popular option is paving slabs or bare concrete. Metal pillars for gazebos need to buy in specialized stores.
  3. The second method is to create a foundation. It is located at a shallow depth and belongs to a columnar or ribbon variety. Sometimes you can pour a monolithic slab and lay the entire area with tiles. The framework must be constructed separately, and then installed and secured on top of the foundation. Bottom trim and drains are ready - it's time to make installation. Folding metal gazebos are very popular, because they can be transported in a critical case, but they weigh decently.

Many people ask which option is better. Here everything is individual and depends strictly on the situation. The first option is more reliable and robust, because the racks in the literal sense of the word are walled in the ground. Yes, and it costs less, because you do not need to create a lower strapping and foundation, which allows you to save personal funds. But if you do not create the floor, then this is just a summer gazebo, the design will be open. For the closed version, the second method is more suitable.

How to build a metal gazebo with your own hands - options for assembling

Metal is always welded, practically. This method is so in demand due to the reliability of the structure in the future, as well as the speed of work. But if you want a small summer arbor, then you can consider the option of a collapsible design. If your site is not guarded, then a large amount of iron may attract the attention of thieves. And be sure, even though it weighs a lot, they will figure out how to steal it.

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You can weld the metal gazebo with your own hands, but it is better to make additional protection. The design has several modules that need to be welded together. Then combine them with special bolts. This can be done with a collapsible gazebo, which is a metal frame with an awning and a small roof.

How to weld an arbor of this type? Prefabricated model begin to create a frame. First you need to make it for each side, and then assemble with bolts and fasten.

Arbor welded with his own hands is going to be very simple. The frame must be divided into several faces. If it has a quadrangular shape, then there will be a similar number. Four separate circuits are created; they have jumpers on them. If the shape is hexagonal, then you need as many elements.

Varieties of materials used

Often arbors are created from a shaped tube. It is very easy to work with such material, you do not need to have the qualification of a builder. Welding a gazebo with your own hands from the profile is not difficult if you at least know a little about welding. The main problems that may arise during use appear at the manufacturing stage. Irregularities, irregular seams and other troubles.

The wall in such arbors is at least 2 mm. Also do not forget that you can create an arbor of round pipes. This option should have a similar thickness. But cooking them is difficult, we need experience. There are also advantages - the price of such a metal is significantly lower than the profile option.

It is also worth considering an option with a metal corner. Here the thickness is slightly higher - 3 mm. Arbor from the corner has less rigidity, so more material is used. With the right approach, the visual characteristics of this option will look better than all analogues.

Corner and shaped tube is made of aluminum, not steel. Therefore, their weight is less, which is ideal for collapsible arbors. That's just the price is much higher.

Metal gazebo - create a place to rest

We will tell you how to make a gazebo from a shaped tube. This is a great option, the material is very strong and reliable. But expensive, so you have to spend money. But these things can not be saved, because they can serve you for decades. Reliability, excellent visual characteristics, high operating life - this is only part of the benefits for the owners of such a building.

The construction of a metal garden arbor does it yourself with the purchase of all the necessary materials. So, the profile pipe can be of different sizes and you should choose:

  1. If you want to make a light roof of a profiled sheet, metal tile or shingles, slate, then a great option 50 to 50 mm.
  2. A roof made of heavy slate and tile will put pressure on the structure, in which case consider dimensions 75 by 75 mm.

Jumpers do not need a thick profile, so sizes can vary from 20 to 30 mm. But all individually, the design can be large, then the thickness can easily reach 50 mm. The section also depends on the size of the building. Also consider the weight of the finishing material, which will be sheathed metal arbor frame.

To make a square arbor as in the photo above, you need to use the following list of materials:

  • pipe for strapping 50 * 50 * 2 mm - 12 meters;
  • profile pipes for lintels:
  • 40 * 40 * 2 mm - 14 meters;
  • 20 * 20 * 2 mm - 6 meters;
  • 40 * 20 * 2 - 30 meters;
  • metal strips 20 * 4 mm, length 2 m.

Gazebo from metal - we create markings and install

Now proceed to the most important thing - the beginning of the construction. Choose a suitable area on your site. In general, it must be prepared in advance, but this is not a problem. If grass grows there, the upper layer of fertile land must be removed. Otherwise, all vegetation will begin to rot right below your floor. In this case, the unpleasant smell will stand for years.

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We dig up a pit that should have strict dimensions according to the drawings. Focus on them, only in this case, the gazebo get quality. If the soil is dry, then fill it with sand or soil from the site. In the case of a clay consistency, then you need to fill it up with a similar material - clay. Drawings of metal gazebos with your own hands you need to create yourself, but you can use an example.

Pipes can be immediately installed in the ground, in this case, they need to be well primed. Next, you need to drill a few holes, the depth of each is not more than 90 centimeters. The width depends on your toolkit. If the drill is wide, then the diameter will be appropriate. We insert the tube into the pit, we fall asleep with a large amount of rubble.

Instead of rubble, you can use construction waste to save on materials.

After the tank is filled with rubble or debris, the pipes must be carefully leveled. This process must be carried out by several people, because sustainability and the whole end result as a whole depends on it. Next, the rubble must be carefully tamped. It is desirable to fix the pipes so that they do not roll on their side. Pour the concrete solution from above, it must be liquid in order to penetrate well.

If you are thinking of checking the installation level of a rack with a building level, you are very much mistaken. This should be done with a special plumb, because it has a smaller error. Therefore, get this tool in advance. Also pay attention to the magnetic plummet in which case a small magnet is placed. The advantages of ease of use - just attach it to the right place, and it rests on it.

If you want to raise the level of the gazebo from the ground, you can use the foundation blocks, which are very popular. Just cut several small elements with dimensions of 200 * 200 * 400 mm into two honors. Use a good grinder, the disc should be with diamond dusting. You will receive several cubes that need to be spread over the entire area of ​​the future gazebo.

One in each corner and another four between them. Stack them in staggered order, 4 pieces each. Below we suggest looking at the picture that shows the location of the blocks. This will help you understand it and execute one to one. The blocks in the middle allow you to make the structure more rigid, the pipe will not bend under the weight. But without support, this can happen at any time.

Metal gazebo - interesting facts and the next stage

Concrete draws moisture well, so we advise you to grease it with bitumen mastic from all sides. You can also use resin if you have this raw material on the site. It makes no sense to buy it, then mastic is better. You can also lay out several rows of ruberoid. That's just the quality of this material is very low, after a couple of years it is completely crumbled.

All blocks must be set at one level. To maintain the accuracy of each angle, we advise you to use small pegs, as well as threads. We stretch them and check, thus, the diagonals and sizes. Each top of the block should be in the same plane so that the gazebo does not turn out to be crooked or crooked. How to do it?

  1. We stretch several threads, check and set them, then set the blocks exactly.
  2. You can use rails, or rather boards. We put a level on it, it should have a small error and be checked. At this level, you need to set each block.
  3. Also fit the laser level. That's just the weather should be cloudy or cloudy, the sun will not work with him. Visibility will be minimal, although now there are laser levels that solve this problem.

If each pipe is fixed in the ground in advance, then you will not have to put blocks, and this will save a lot of time.

Making the bottom strapping and racks

You need to install several square tube sections on the exposed blocks. We recommend using a 50 mm by 50 mm profile pipe. If more than 10 people will gather in the gazebo, it is better to take a more overall version. Also expect that the thinner the profile tube, the shorter the service life.

Read also: You can build a gazebo alone in one day( video)

All pipes are stacked, then you need to check it horizontally with a level. Weld the entire structure in every corner. From a pipe with dimensions of 40 by 20 mm you need to make a couple of jumpers, they in turn will create a support between the floor boards and the foundation.

Each pipe needs to be carefully painted over with a primer. Pay special attention to welding seams. Racks have a height of 220 centimeters, it allows you to "not prop up" the head with a roof. These elements can weigh a lot, so they need to be fixed additionally. The mounting brackets are ideal, which can be simply welded to make the structure harder.

It is necessary to put a pillar exactly, check everything with a special plumb. Again, the magnetic option would be perfect. Each jib must be clamped with a clamp. The posts will be almost tightly, at this time you can carry out welding work. An assistant is not needed, the maximum is for insurance, but you can do without it. Boil the pipe around the perimeter, and then further along, along with the laths.

Creating a railing and top trim

The ideal height of the railing is a meter, but in some cases it can be less. Railings in general are not the main part, you can do without them. But the construction will look unfinished and raw. In this case, you can simply glaze all the polycarbonate. Such yourself - modern railings. Sometimes they use an opaque finish to close a certain part of the arbor from prying eyes.

It is best to make the middle rail of the railing of a pipe with a diameter of 40 by 20, the cross section similar to the upper rail. You can weld a pair of struts between them to improve the bearing capacity of the structure.

Finish - we create the roof.

The roof is the last stage in our works. For example, if you use shingles, the truss structure may be wooden. The frame can be made of a simple bar with dimensions of 75 by 40 mm, using soft tile for the batten. That is, lining, it will make the visual characteristics more attractive.

At each end of the drain it is necessary to block several pieces of wood in such a way that the cork passes inside the pipe by 10 centimeters and this is the minimum. From above the piece sticks out on 5-7 centimeters. They also need to attach the rafters. If they are too long, they can be almost completely trimmed. We leave a small part, suddenly need to cut off the corner.

How to fasten rafters on top?

Cut four pairs of wooden trusses, the length is two and a half meters. They need to be combined with each other as in the picture above. The height from zero to the top point will be meter. Connect not all at once, start with two, then add one at a time. Soak the wood with an antiseptic and trim the corner below, that is, on the ground. After all, working with rafters at the top will be inconvenient.

In the center we set up an auxiliary board, on it, again in the center, we nail down the bar. The length of the latter is not less than 85 centimeters. Now the whole structure needs to be raised to the top of the gazebo. The tip rests on the bar - this is the rule. We center the whole structure, with the help of a plumb we check the verticality and the distance from the center to the stop of each leg of the frame. We fix the rafters to each traffic jam, remove the board and the selection, we mount the batten.

And remember that we gave just a standard example of a metal gazebo with our own hands. You can choose each material, size, and more on your own. We advise you to navigate through this article, it will help you get the job done right. But do not make it your drawing. Take into account your own desires, the features of the site, the climate of your area, the strength of the soil and the financial possibilities.

Metal Gazebo Over the Weekend - Video

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