Contents of the article:
Pepper harvest depends on how correctly and in time certain activities were carried out throughout the entire period of plant development. After the sown seeds turn into strong bushes, another stage begins - planting peppers on the bed and further care of them. And here it is important to prevent mistakes, so that the care of young plants is timely and correct.
So, care for the seedlings of pepper after planting in the ground includes:
- protection against night frosts;
- regular watering;
- top dressing;
- formation of bushes.
Protection against temperature fluctuations
Young seedlings, only planted in open ground, very sensitively reacts not only to night frost, but also to low daytime temperatures. At 15 degrees of heat, the period of flowering at the culture begins a little later.
To protect heat-loving plants, they are recommended to be covered. To do this, it is necessary to form a kind of opening greenhouse above the bed: install arcs and stretch the film from above.
Watering rules
After watering the seedlings during transplantation, the next time you need to moisten the soil after 5 days. Further watering once a week. On one bush will need from 1 to 2 liters of fluid. In the ripening phase of the fruit or during the drought, the frequency of watering should be doubled.
It is best to moisten the soil in the morning hours using warm, settled water. From cold water, the pepper will stop growing and mature later. After watering the land under the bushes loosen.10-14 days before harvesting, watering should be stopped.
So that moisture from the soil evaporates less quickly, the garden bed can be covered with mulch( straw).
Conducting pepper dressings
For the entire period of crop development, it is necessary to fertilize it at least three times:
- After planting( after 10-14 days). In order for the seedlings to grow into growth, make nitrogen fertilizing with urea( for 10 liters of water 1 tsp. Of the preparation) or a solution of superphosphate and urea( 1 tbsp. Of each for the same amount of water).
- During the flowering period. Repeat feeding with urea and add wood ash( 1 tbsp per 1 sq. M).
- After fruit set. Water the plants with a solution of superphosphate and potassium salt( per 10 liters of water for 2 tsp. Of each preparation).
If necessary, the number of feedings can be increased( depending on the condition of the plants).
Fertilization should be done on the second day after the seedlings were watered so that the soil was still wet.
Formation of bushes
In order for peppers to grow large and ripen evenly, growing bushes must be formed. When the plant grows to 25 cm in height, cut the top off. The side shoots that appeared as a result of pruning should also be thinned, leaving up to 6 branches.
Experienced gardeners recommend re-cutting the top of the shrub in the first decade of August if it is forecasted early autumn with frosts in September. This is done in order for the harvest to mature.