We present unusual mushrooms that can only be admired - inedible and poisonous types of fancy forest gifts

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inedible unusual mushrooms Sometimes the strange form of mushrooms does not hint, but directly indicates that collecting them is at least pointless or even dangerous to health. Strange, albeit beautiful, forms or disgusting smell of the mushroom body - today we will talk about unusual mushrooms that are inedible and even poisonous. What are they and where they meet, which of them are simply tasteless, and who are easily poisoned? We offer to dwell in more detail and study the most bizarre types of mushrooms that do not represent nutritional value

Zollinger's many-faced clavaria

In the coniferous forests of Europe and Asia, mainly under the oaks or in the moss, a beautiful fungus Klavaria of zolinger grows, or the clavaria pale brown. It is also found in our area, particularly in Primorye, near Vladivostok, mushroom pickers have repeatedly seen the Klavaria in early autumn. It has a short grayish leg( no more than 8 mm), which is almost invisible, and in the upper part it starts to branch out at once, forming instead of a cap tall plump branches. It turns out like a bush, whose height can reach 15 cm, while the tubular twigs themselves also have lateral formations. If they are broken( and this is very easy to do, because the structure of the mushroom body is fragile), you can see the brownish flesh, which produces a weak but unpleasant smell of radish, for which the mushroom is referred to as inedible species.

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Klavaria zolinger in some countries is considered a rare mushroom, and in the Chelyabinsk region is generally listed in the Red Book due to the massive deforestation, which is its habitat.

As for the color of such bushy mushrooms, it can be very diverse, preferring bright colors:

  • is snow white;
  • cream;
  • lilac;
  • orange;
  • pink;
  • purple.

For the original shape and color, the mushroom is often called coral.

Archer’s awesome clathisseur

At a young age, Archer's clathisr look like a white egg lost by someone among the meadows or in mixed forests up to 6 cm in diameter.recipes).At first they are fused together, but then open up like a flower or a star. Inside the tentacles there are dark rare spots, while they themselves are slimy and smell bad, which, however, is very popular with small insects. The fungus has no legs, it is replaced by the lower whole part of the egg. For the unpleasant aroma and nasty taste of the fragile meat mushroom is considered inedible.

The peculiar form of the clathrus Archer gave him other names, such as the cuttlefish mushroom, Archer's tsvetochvostnik, Archer's treasurer. In the scientific literature it can still be found under the name Anthurus Archer.

Leaky mushroom clatus red

Much less often in the southern strip, where the climate is warm and mild, there is another kind of clathrus - red mushroom. Solar illumination does not play a special role for him, moreover, most often it is found in the dense shade of deciduous thickets. But without heat, the clathrus is not able to do without it - mycelium of the fungus will irrevocably die if the temperature drops below 5 degrees Celsius.

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Young mushrooms resemble Archer's clathis and are also egg-shaped, painted in gray-white. As it “ripens,” the egg turns red, and then the retina is broken, and the openwork petals with small pores become visible. Over time, the pores expand, forming large holes-cells, as in a lattice, because of which the fungus is also called a lattice red. On the edge of such cells is a tattered fringe. Instead of the clathrus stem, as usual, there are egg remains. It is simply impossible to confuse a mushroom with others: not only does it have an unusual shape and a bright red color, it also spreads the disgusting smell of rotting meat around itself, and you can hear it even at a distance of 15 m. However, the “scent” attracts flies andother small insects that spread spores throughout the forest.

Red Grate is not only unusual inedible, but also poisonous fungus.

Colorful multi-colored trametes

Among the polypores there is one very unusual mushroom, or rather, a mushroom with an unusual coloring - multi-colored trametes. Outwardly, it is quite common and known to all tinderboy with a fan-shaped fruit body growing on the trees. However, thin, silky and shiny caps are completely covered with circular curves, each of which is colored in its own color. Only the heart of the cap remains monotonous - it is often greenish, but the most extreme strip, at the edge, is always lighter than the others.

Retaining its shape and design, the trametes multi-colored can change color by playing with different colors.

Leathery pulp smells quite nice, but has a dense structure and does not represent any nutritional value. But in folk medicine this tinder is very well known and widely used for the treatment of cancer, especially in Japan and China.

For rainbow colors, trametes are also called turkey tails or whales, as well as pied. In the scientific literature, the names Coriolus are multicolored or multicolored.

For a detailed look at the variations of the color gamut of the trametes, see the photo below.

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Neon Mycene

In the distant tropical forests of Australia, Asia, Japan and other countries with a warm and humid climate, on the remnants of trees in the rainy season, small mushrooms of chlorophos are attracted to the attention of the rainy season with soft green light.

Thin prostrate hats with a sticky peel emit a neon glow at night and scare tourists, creating a stunning and fantastic effect. The brightest light comes from mushrooms at high temperature( at least 27 degrees Celsius) and lasts up to three days. Data on the edibility of the fungus is not available today, but it is unlikely that you can eat it.

At the rest of the time, in daylight, the bioluminescent Mitzena looks quite ordinary and inconspicuous: the gray hat on a thin translucent stem is simple.

A nightmare in reality or Peck's hydnellum

That's who can be used for scenery horror films, so is Peck's hydonium mushroom. Because of its appearance, it is better known as the Devil's urchin, the tooth of the devil or the bleeding mushroom. A short short stalk with a height of no more than 3 cm smoothly turns into a cap, which is the main “decoration”: up to 10 cm in diameter, it is white and velvet in young mushrooms, darkens with age until it turns brown. Pores are located over the entire surface of the hat, from which a scarlet-red liquid flows and freezes on it. Cork pulp is bitter, but at the same time emits a pleasant smell, reminiscent of strawberry.

Bleeding fungus takes the main food from the soil, but is also not averse to eat insects that flock to the nectar aroma and stick to it.

Another bright mushroom - blue

Inedible, but very beautiful blue mushrooms grow in India and New Zealand. Their fragile caps in the shape of a cone and thin high legs are painted in a sky-azure color, and some pigment, azulene, which is characteristic of sea bottom inhabitants, is responsible for this. The blue mushroom grows one by one, among moss and fern, beautifully standing out against a green background.

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Rare mushroom Devil cigar

The scientific name of this mushroom( Chorioactis geaster) is not easy to pronounce, so everyone calls it a devil's cigar for its peculiar form. The young mushroom body is longitudinally elongated, almost even, with a torn surface, painted in brown color and really resembles a cigar. When the fungus is fully ripe, it opens with a loud hiss, scattering spores like ash. In this form, it already becomes a semblance of a star with 4-7 rays.

You can only meet the Devil's Cigar in Texas and in some places in Japan.

Bristly Scutelline Thyroid Mushroom

On decaying wood in small families, the Scutelline thyroid grows, an inedible mushroom. The orange-red concave caps, no larger than a coin in diameter at the edges, are decorated with long standing bristles. The flesh of the fungus is fragile, waxy structure.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this list of unusual mushrooms, inedible and poisonous, is far from complete. Strange specimens can be found both on the territory of our country and in other climatic zones, the climate of which leaves an imprint on their appearance and on their particular growth. Just remember that not everything beautiful can be touched and certainly not worth putting in your basket. It is better to be safe, to admire such mushrooms and pass by.

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