How to choose a hood in the kitchen 50 cm: tips from professionals

  • Choosing optimal performance
  • performance specifications
  • specifications Kitchen hood 50 cm: consumer choice
  • Top rating
  • Most popular solutions

Kitchen hood 50 cm - how to make the right choice in a wide variety of models? What criteria to give preference, what to pay attention to and what should you think about, first of all, when choosing a hood to the kitchen?

It is clear that a person who rarely encounters such tasks is difficult to figure out what he really needs to choose. Relying on the “professionalism” of the consultant’s manager is unrealistic, since his task is to sell the goods. Therefore, at first glance it may seem that the selection process is incredibly difficult. In fact, everything is very simple and practically comes down to determining the optimal performance, functionality, acceptable design and type of installation.

Choosing optimal performance

Often, many manufacturers initially indicate the area of ​​the room( less often the volume) for which one or another model is designed. For the area indicator, the standard design height of the ceilings is conventionally taken to be two and a half meters, which makes it easy to proceed to recalculation into the required units of volume. Too weak models will not cope effectively enough with the tasks of air exchange and removal. More powerful hoods for the kitchen - do not justify themselves in terms of economic feasibility. How to determine the necessary and sufficient parameters that would best meet your individual conditions and criteria?

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The performance required for each kitchen can be calculated independently. To do this:

  • Determine the volume of air in the room( multiply the area by the height), for example - 12 m2 × 2.5 m = 30 m3, and then subtract the volume occupied by furniture and kitchen equipment, say 6 m3.Approximately 24 cubes are obtained.
  • We take into account: the rate of air exchange( according to the requirements of current sanitary standards is 10–12 cycles per hour, with not less than 75 m3 / hour for electric stoves, and 90 m3 / hour for gas), and the unit’s power margin is 25–30%( 1.3).
  • As a result, we get the value: 24 × 12 × 1.3 = not less than 375 m3 per hour. We should not forget about the possible losses in the duct leading to the entrance to the ventilation shaft. Each angle deflection reduces its efficiency by about 10%.If there are such turns we add them to the calculation. For example, if there are two of them - we additionally consider another 20%.The total result is 375 + 75 = 450 m3 / h. No longer makes sense, lower is not effective.

Operational Parameters

Another important factor to pay attention to when choosing is the power consumption of the .More specifically, energy efficiency or the ratio of power and performance. It is not a secret that different models of energy use different amounts of energy for removal of the same air volume. Therefore, their efficiency is significantly different. For example, both models of the same production Elikor Epsilon 50 and Vreznoj Blok 60 consume 225 watts of power equally, while the first is capable of overtaking as much as 430 m3 / h and the second is already 700, at a relatively equal cost. This kind of variation in the performance parameters is primarily due to differences in the applied design solutions, electric drives and methods of capturing and generating flow, which collectively affect energy efficiency.

The operating modes of the , two of which are air exhaust and recycling. In the first case, an air duct is connected to the hood, which is purchased and assembled separately, and each of its turns implies an additional 10% loss. And the exhaust with recirculation function allows you to clean the air directly inside the room without removing it outside. In this case, the air duct is not required, and is not activated, which is especially useful in the cold autumn-winter period, and at low loads on the hood. Removing large amounts of warm air requires additional costs for heating cold air entering from the street. To do this, use a system of special filters. But such an advantage requires its own board - they should be periodically cleaned, and after developing a resource, they should be changed( especially coal ones with active absorbing properties).

The maximum noise level of - unfortunately, experts have not yet invented silent or very quiet extracts. The lower its value, the more comfortable you feel. Constant noise, even insignificant - interferes and annoys. In any case, the device noise, which exceeds the threshold of 70 dB, is definitely not worth buying.

The safety of working with with various gas heaters equipped with an open combustion chamber: flow-through( columns) and capacitive( boilers) is a very important point, which, however, is often overlooked in most cases. The danger lies in the fact that the simultaneous operation of the hood with the specified equipment, especially with the output of the duct in one shaft, can lead to the formation of reverse thrust in the chimney and carbon monoxide( CO) back into the room. Such requirements and parameters, without fail, should be indicated by the manufacturer in the passport of the product but, unfortunately, are often present in it in a rather veiled form so as not to frighten off.


According to the design form, the kitchen hoods are available in the following design: domed, T-shaped, with glass, mounted, fully built, canopy, and country( country style).The color scheme is quite extensive and diverse, and allows you to successfully fit into the interior.

The most popular colors:

  • classic - white, beige, ivory, red, brown and black;
  • techno style - polished stainless steel, silver, chrome, graphite, bronze, copper and gold;
  • other colors - yellow, orange, pink, blue, and green are more specific and less in demand.

According to the type of installation and mounting methods:

  • suspended( usually these are flat models) - installed under a wall cabinet or shelf above the stove;
  • embedded - the most compact, powerful and less visible. Mounted directly in a wall cupboard or decorative fireplace dome, or in the desktop near the hob. Equipped with fixed or sliding bottom panel. The first - significantly increases the area of ​​the air intake and facilitates management;
  • wall - with mounting on the wall;
  • angular - initially designed for operation in the corner zone;
  • insular - attached to the ceiling in the island zone( when the stove and the hob are located on the island and have an approach from all sides).

The minimum distance between the hood and the electric cooking surface should be at least 70 cm, and the gas stove should be 80 cm.

The width and depth of the coverage area - in 5 cm steps, the size range is in the range from 50 cm to 120 cm( to180).Ideally, when choosing, these indicators should match or overlap the dimensions of the cooking surface of the stove.

What type of exhaust control to choose - mechanical( push-button or slider) or electronic( touch).The first option is the easiest and cheapest, but the “mechanics” are highly susceptible to dirt and sticking over time. The latter are more stylish and modern. And the presence of an LCD display and microprocessor allows, as additional options, to implement:

  • automatic control of operating modes, switching on and off using timers and sensors that react to the temperature of the cooking surface and air humidity,
  • monitoring and indication of the state of filter pollution;
  • remote control with remote control.

Filters - perhaps one of the main elements affecting the efficiency of the entire unit. Apply two types: the main fat-absorbing rough cleaning, and replaceable coal for the recovery of fine cleaning.(See also: How to clean the hood from the fat in the kitchen)

Also, do not forget that if the exhaust duct for the kitchen is planned to be brought outside or in the ventilation system, you must have an anti-return valve to prevent external air from entering insidein the off state.

Case Material:

  • polished stainless steel is undoubtedly the most expensive and stylish solution, but at the same time the most practical and durable, requiring minimal effort to clean work surfaces;
  • enameled or powder coating - affordable budget and quite practical option, but less durable;
  • tempered tinted glass is undoubtedly beautiful and aesthetic in itself, but requires careful care and the absence of chips, stains, scratches and stains.

Kitchen hood 50 cm: consumer choice

Kitchen hoods 50 cm wide - market analysis 2016 , based on real demand statistics and consumer preferences of many Internet users shows thatThe products of such well-known brands as the most popular among Russian consumers are( share of sales market, as a percentage):

  • 36% - Elikor ( Elikor Group, Kaluga,);
  • 9% - Krona ( KRONAsteel, KaventDom LLC, assembly Turkey / China,);

They are further, in equal shares of 8% each, followed:

  • Hansa ( German AMICA WRONKI S.A., with plants in Poland);
  • Cata ( Spain, Toreio,).

Approximately equal niches, with a share of 3-4%, are:

  • Gorenje ( Slovenia, Velenje,);
  • JETAIR ( Elica Italy,);
  • Lex ( Russia,);
  • Akpo ( Poland, Isobelin,).
  • Maunfeld ( United Kingdom, Middlesboro,);
  • Gefest ( JV OAO Brestgazoapparat, Brest, Belarus,);

17% - other manufacturers.

It's nice to know that almost half of the market needs( 49%) fully cover domestic brands.

Top rating

The top models among kitchen hoods 50 cm wide, as of the end of April this year, are the following models( power, W / output, m3 / hour / noise level, dB / price range, rubles):

  • :

- Epsilon 50 ( 225/430/54 / 4120–7380) - wall, dome;

- Amethyst 50 ( 225/430/55/7549–10450) - wall mounted, with glass;

- Vreznoj Blok 60 ( 225/700/56 / 5710–8340) - recessed, installed in a hanging cabinet;

  • Krona :

- Kamilla 500 ( * / 390/53 / 5390–8645) - with pull-out panel;

- Bella 500 ( * / 390/55 / ​​5829–7982) - dome;

- Kelly 2M 500 ( 240/550/42 / from 6882) - near-wall, visor;

- Jessica Slim 500 Push Button ( 100/350/36 / from 3740) - visor, recessed into the hanging cabinet;

  • Hansa OSC511 ( 135/335/45 / 2500–4270) - visor, built into the hanging cabinet;
  • Cata:

- Podium 500 ( 140/600/61 / 13440-17429) - mounted( at an angle);

- TF 5250 ( * / 520/46 / 5460–9328) - built-in, with a sliding panel;

- V 500 ( * / 620/53 / 6390–7820) - wall, dome.

The most popular solutions

Among other criteria that are paying attention, they are guided and give their preference when choosing a kitchen hood for 50 cm, the priorities were as follows:

  • by type of fastening is wall( 64%), and recessed( 34%), island and other less than 2%;
  • by kitchen area( m2) - up to 10( 17%), 11–15( 31%), 16–20( 36%), from 21 and up( 16%);
  • for productivity( m3 / hour) - 300–500( 40%), 500–700( 37%), up to 900( 10%), and higher( 6%);
  • design and design - mounted, retractable and dome( 19% each), canopies( 15%), country( 12%), fully recessed( 7%), with glass( 6%), T-shaped( 5%);
  • in size( width, cm) - 50( 25%), 60( 62%), and 90( 9%);
  • lighting - halogen and LED lamps( 57%), fluorescent( 32%).

Therefore, in view of the foregoing, experts recommend a balanced and deliberate approach to the process of choosing a kitchen hood, guided by considerations of necessity and sufficiency. The most expensive - does not always mean the best!

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