How are blackberry diseases and how to deal with them

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Knowing what blackberry diseases are, you can grow a beautiful and healthy plant. Berries collected on their own site, the most delicious. Many prefer dark and large fruits. In order to achieve the desired result, it is important to recognize the problem in time, determine what causes it and quickly begin treating the garden culture.

The main diseases of the blackberry

Most often the plant affects pathogenic fungi. They are the causes of almost 80% of diseases of the bushes.

Yellow blackberry indicates the development of dangerous diseases, the treatment of which should be started immediately.

The most common blackberry diseases:

  • rust;
  • purple blotch;
  • anthracnose;
  • Septoria.

Soil is the natural habitat of fungi. They are easily spread by wind and rain. The source of infection can serve as raw inventory or new seedlings. Infection quickly penetrates through damage to any parts of the plant during transplantation. Spreading diseases are insects that live on blackberries and a lack of minerals or vitamins.

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To find out why the blackberry dries, you should carefully examine the leaves. A color change will tell you which vitamin is missing.

List of substances and signs of their deficiency in the plant:

  1. Iron. The lack of an element is the first reason why blackberries are drying out. The leaves turn yellow, and the veins turn pale.
  2. Nitrogen. All parts of the plant are weaker: the leaves become shallow, become yellowish and brittle, blackberries do not bloom well, bear small berries.
  3. Potassium. Formed plates form a brown border, the berries become very soft in the middle when ripe. Often the yellow leaves on the blackberry are observed in the spring.
  4. Calcium. The upper buds, not dissolved, die off, the young foliage turns yellow.
  5. Magnesium. Leaf plates acquire an uncharacteristic shade — red or magenta, with transparent areas visible on them, and the plant discards them early.
  6. Phosphorus. The leaves bloom with a delay, quickly darken, turn black and dry out.
  7. Copper. The shoots do not want to grow, the tops of the bush disappear, the edge of the leaf is painted white.
  8. Bor. Small, deformed and twisted leaves, which quickly fall off, cork hollows form in the berries.
  9. Zinc. Thickened and small leaves on the tops of the bushes.
  10. Manganese. Patterns appear on the leaves, the plates turn yellow and fall off.
  11. Molybdenum. Light spots on the new leaves, which dry quickly and curl.
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In addition, blackberries infect various viruses. They cause yellow reticulation, curl or mosaic. Affected bushes cannot be treated. They are necessarily destroyed so that the virus does not spread throughout the site and does not infect other cultures.

Anthracnose is a disease that destroys the culture.

This is a common blackberry disease that requires effort to fight. The ailment is provoked by the fungus Gloeosporium venetum Speg. It hits plants in late spring or early summer. Contribute to the frequent rains, too diligent watering. This fungus feels good in regions with a cool and humid climate. For example, in the northern part of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The infection infects all parts of the plant located above the ground.

It is possible to determine the disease by sores of a gray color. Berries such blackberries slowly ripen and gradually dry out. More often in the green state, they bend and fall.

Casting with the defeat of the fungus is shallow, covered with spots( gray or with a purple contour).Then, at the site of the injections, lashes form, it seems that insects have settled on the plant. The spots are usually located near the large vein and along the edges of the plates.

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Blackberry shoots are rarely affected by anthracnose. On the root offspring, oblong spots of violet hue are formed, which crack in the center. Later they "grow", penetrate deep into. The purple contour remains, and the middle changes to gray. Bark on the shoots exfoliated. The fruit branches, as if surrounded by rings, begin to dry out along with the green berries.

To get rid of anthracnose, it is necessary to use such measures:

  • in early spring or in autumn to fertilize the site with manure or a mixture of peat;
  • in the formation of berries to feed mineral complexes;
  • cleaning area, thinning;
  • watering control;
  • removal of all damaged parts of the bush after wintering.

If the spread of the infection could not be avoided and its first signs appeared, then treatment should be carried out with the help of fungicides. Each of them has a manual that is important to follow.

Usually affected blackberries are processed three times. First, before flowering, then - when new shoots reach a height of 35 cm, the third time - after harvesting. Good results are obtained by treating the soil around the plants before wintering, as well as after it, with simultaneous removal of diseased branches.

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5% solution of ferrous or copper vitriol, Fundazol, Fundazim, Topaz, Kuproksat, BardoBlu are suitable for anthracnose drugs.

Purple Spot

This insidious disease is also called didimella. Its danger is that on large leaves it is almost invisible. The disease primarily affects the kidneys, young shoots, stalks.

The infection begins to manifest itself through drying and dying of the kidneys, drying of the shoots, falling off of the foliage. Purple spots with a brown tinge appear on the stem of the blackberry, they gradually “expand”.They affect the areas near the petioles, which also turn purple.

Leaves cover dark spots with yellow outlines. Whole branches can become gray-purple. They shed leaves, melt brittle, dry out. Diseased blackberry blooms weakly, fruits small berries with coarse seeds. It is the presence of this disease that answers the question: “Why is the blackberry sour?”

To eliminate purple spots:

  1. At the beginning of spring, spraying of bushes with bardic liquid( 2%) is carried out.
  2. Fungicides Fundazol and Topsin M. help with a strong injury.
  3. Provide cleanliness on the site, thinning of the landings, spring cleaning is especially important.
  4. As a last resort, blackberry bushes destroy, disinfect the soil, and new material is planted in a part of the garden that is distant from the former berries.

If you want the plant to produce a bountiful crop, you should constantly inspect the bushes. In the case of the appearance of yellow leaves on the blackberry, it is necessary to apply efforts as soon as possible, because this is the first sign of serious diseases.

Blackberry Autumn Processing -

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