Select and install a motion sensor to turn on the light

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The problem of energy savings is gaining special relevance today. Someone is trying to use electricity more economically for the sake of global goals, and for some it’s just important to save their own finances and minimize the amount of payments in electricity bills. One of the effective solutions to cope with this task, we can safely call the motion sensor to turn on the light. Indeed, in a number of rooms, as well as in open areas that require lighting, it is not at all necessary that the light be on all the time.

In such cases, it is sufficient to install a motion sensor to the light that “breaks” the power supply circuit in its normal state. If in the area of ​​the device fall into any movement, the contacts are closed and the lighting is turned on. When the movements disappear from the “coverage” of the sensor, the light automatically switches off.

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Light turn-on sensors are particularly effective and convenient to use in street lighting, as well as for places where people are not constantly, respectively, it is not necessary that the light be on all the time. So, installing a motion sensor to turn on the light is a great way to cut energy costs.

Types of motion sensors for lighting

Speaking about classification signs, first of all it is worth mentioning different types depending on the conditions of use of the devices:

  1. Installation location, according to the parameter they identify: outdoor motion sensor;sensors for indoor installation.
  2. The type of power from which the sensor operates can be: from the electrical network( wired models);from batteries or simple batteries( wireless devices).
  3. The method that underlies the device’s motion detection.

According to the method of determining the movement of distinguished:

  1. Infrared motion sensor. There is a reaction to the heat emitted by the body of a person or animal. So, false inclusions of light are not excluded.
  2. Acoustic light switch. There is a reaction to the noise, so that they can turn on from the usual sound of opening doors, a loud exclamation.
  3. Microwave Sensors. The device produces microwaves in a given range, and then monitors and catches their return, closing or opening the circuit in the presence of movements.
  4. Ultrasound devices are rarely used. Since the constant impact of ultrasound is not the best way affects the well-being of people and animals.
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A motion sensor is also possible based on a combination of motion detection methods, such devices are more reliable and accurate in operation, but they are also distinguished by relatively high cost.

Having decided on how the motion sensor works, you can easily choose the best option for installation in the courtyard of a private house, near the entrances and on the landing platforms in high-rise buildings, on parking lots.

What to look for when choosing a motion sensor to turn on the light

In order for the selected device to have a simple and understandable principle of operation, and also to enjoy high efficiency - the minimum of false alarms. Energy savings in the final result, it is necessary in the selection of motion sensors for the inclusion of light to pay attention to such technical parameters as:

  1. Viewing Angle. Depends on installation location - on a pole or on a wall, inside a room or outside.
  2. Range. It depends on the type and purpose of the objects on which a similar sensor is installed. Installation locations - a parameter of 5-7 meters is enough for the premises, while for the street, you can take options with large numbers.
  3. How to install a motion sensor. In addition to dividing all the sensors on the street and for internal use, they also highlight the methods of installation - on the ceilings, on the walls in special recesses for concealed installation.
  4. Power and type of connected luminaires. You can find ordinary lamps with a motion sensor for your home, or choose more modern and efficient LED, gas discharge or fluorescent lamp models in the sensors.
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Not be superfluous to pay attention to the additional functions that the light sensor can be equipped with:

  • photo relay to protect against trips during daylight hours;
  • animal protection function( motion sensor does not work if cats or dogs get into the field of view);
  • light delay period.

Whether such functions are needed or not, it is necessary to decide at the device selection stage.

Another important criterion - the degree of protection of the sensor housing. If you have to install on the face, then you need to choose models with IP from 55 and above, for installation inside the premises, it is enough to choose models with IP parameters from 22 and above( in the range up to 55).

Where to place the switch with the motion sensor

In order for the sensor to work correctly and to be a really useful addition to the lighting system, it is necessary to know how to install the motion sensor correctly, which points are important to consider.

There are a number of simple rules that are mandatory for implementation: the

  • device must be installed in a place where there are no other sources of illumination that simply can interfere with the correct operation of the sensor;
  • as the sensors react sensitively to the air flow, there should not be air conditioners or heating devices near the place of their installation;
  • is not desirable the presence of large objects, creating a vast area of ​​interference with the sensor.

Most often, motion sensors to turn on the light are installed on ceilings. The installation site is chosen so as to minimize the size and area of ​​the "dead" zone.

How the device is installed: possible

circuits If we say in simple words, the sensor is connected to the gap on the “phase” wire that goes into the lamp. Such a simple and clear scheme remains optimal, justifying its performance in dark rooms where there are very few windows or oats.

A wiring diagram of a motion sensor for illumination assumes:

  • “phase” and “zero” wires are connected to the sensor input;
  • from the sensor output "phase" is carried further to the lamp;
  • on the "zero" is taken from the earth panel or located near the junction box.
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If the installation is carried out on the street, then it is also assumed installation of photo relay or switch. They prevent the switching on of the light and the response of the sensor in the daytime. The only difference between them is that:

  • photo relay is a device with an automatic principle of operation;The
  • switch requires the “intervention” of a person in the work( the necessary “mode” is forcibly turned on).

All these schemes are equally practical and effective in use. They allow you to set the motion sensor to light easily and quickly.

The advantages of installing motion sensors to turning on the light

are given preference for this kind of lighting arrangement where it is convenient and expedient. Users proceed from the advantages and benefits that are obtained as a result of mounting such a sensor on their sites:

  1. Rational use of electricity.
  2. Now you don’t need to look for a switch, a keyhole or an elevator button in the dark “by touch”.As soon as you get into the zone of the device, the light automatically lights up.
  3. Simple and intuitive installation that does not require special equipment. True, it is recommended that all these questions be entrusted to experienced electricians. No need to try to figure it out yourself, yielding to the illusion of dubious savings.
  4. Among the presented variety, each client will be able to choose the appropriate option according to the type of definition, as well as all other technical parameters.
  5. Most models are equipped with a set of the most useful additional features. For example, the so-called "immunity" in animals.
  6. It is not difficult to choose a device. Corresponding to the required parameters.

In order for the installed motion sensor to work properly, pleasing with its efficiency, proper installation and adjustment of the device itself is necessary. Highly qualified specialists can help with the solution of these issues. Therefore, it is worthwhile to turn to the services of professionals, not only when you have to make a choice, but also when you need the correct setting of the device already installed and running.

How to connect a motion sensor -

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