Good and bad predecessors for carrots

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I plan to sow carrots in the spring on the plot where cucumbers grew this year. Tell me, is it possible to do so, and what should be the predecessors of carrots during planting?

Juicy orange roots in fertile soil grow flat and large, but if the nutrients are not enough, a good harvest of carrots is unlikely to succeed. Usually such a situation happens if the rules for crop rotation are not observed and the vegetable is grown in the same bed from year to year. To avoid such a phenomenon, it is necessary to change cultures in places, and for this you need to know which predecessors are the best for planting carrots.

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After what garden plants can I plant carrots?

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Carrots are best sown in areas where they were previously grown:

  • potatoes;
  • onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • salad.

Former root cucumber beds are also suitable for the root crop, but not earlier than in two years. After the cucumbers in the soil there is a lot of organic matter, and the excess carrot is poorly tolerated and often "burned" even in the initial stages.

Which predecessors should be avoided?

The least suitable for growing carrots is the bed after parsley. This is due to the fact that parsley during its growing season creates comfortable conditions in the soil for the appearance and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, root crops begin to ache, grow small, curved, with dry flesh, and become defenseless against pests.

If it turned out that the parsley plot is the only free one in the whole garden, you can try to disinfect it by spilling with a strong solution of potassium permanganate just before sowing carrots. Unfortunately, destroying all bacteria is unlikely to succeed, but at least a carrot will have chances.

And what to plant after the carrots?

If it is not desirable to sow an orange root crop after cucumbers, the opposite effect gives only a positive result. Planting carrots on the site of cucumbers with the introduction of manure will restore the balance of nutrients in the soil, and within two years it will again be possible to grow carrots in this place.

Read also: The original method of sowing carrots - video

The next year after the carrots they plant peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage.

How to protect a vegetable from a carrot fly?

Wherever a carrot is planted, a carrot fly everywhere will find it by the smell that root crops emit. And then with the sweet roots you can say goodbye, because this pest loves them so much that it can “appropriate” at least half of the crop to itself.

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In order to repel an insect, experienced gardeners use a combined planting. So, you can scare away a fly, alternating carrot and onion( or garlic) beds. A good result also gives tobacco dust. It is mixed together with ash and scattered between the rows once a week.

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