Reproduction of syngonium in room conditions, transplantation and possible difficulties

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In nature, syngonium is spread by aging seeds, as well as vegetatively. But in the pot culture, the plant does not bloom, and the reproduction of syngonium under room conditions is carried out by grafting.

How to get and root cuttings? When is it necessary to make a transplant, and what difficulties can an amateur grower face with growing a syngonium?

Even a beginner can grow a syngonium. This indoor plant is not only among the most beautiful decorative leafy vines, but also the most simple to use.

Reproduction of syngonium by cuttings of

To obtain a new specimen, it is sufficient to root the tops of the stems cut off from the adult syngonium or pieces from their middle.

The main thing is that at each of the cuttings there should be at least one node with a kidney sleeping in the sinus. When roots form from a node of brownish rudiments, the bud wakes up and turns into a growth point of a new shoot.

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You can prepare and plant planting material at any time of the year, but it is best to cut off the shoots in the spring when the active growing season begins. Winter growth is weaker than spring and summer, the leaves on it are smaller, and the internodes are longer, therefore, for reproduction of singonium under room conditions, stocky cuttings that appeared in spring are taken.

It is easiest to root a syngonium in water, to which a tablet of activated carbon is added to prevent rot. In the place of the rudiments of air roots, after a week, real white rhizomes are visible. When they grow to 5-7 cm, the stalk is ready to be transferred to the ground.

Pruning allows not only to propagate the plant, but also to improve the appearance of the adult syngonium, which begins to branch below the cut point.

If desired, the syngonium can be rooted:

  • in a light peat-sand mixture with the addition of crushed sphagnum;
  • in washed disinfected sand;
  • in vermiculite.
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In this case, the seedling must be put in a greenhouse or with a pot covered with a bag. The optimum temperature for the formation of its own root system is 22–26 ° C.To prevent condensation from causing rot, the plant should be regularly ventilated and do not forget to maintain the soil moisture.

Transplant Syngonium

The first pot for transferring Syngonium should not be large. For one cutting you can take a container with a diameter of 7–9 cm, but it is better to plant a syngonium in several plants. In this case, the green cap above the pot is especially lush and decorative.

When choosing a pot for transplanting, plastic containers should be preferred, the diameter of which is approximately equal to the depth. At the bottom there should be a drainage hole for draining excess moisture.

Like real epiphytes, syngoniums do not really need a large amount of soil. Therefore, if there is already an adult in the house, the signal for its transplantation is the appearance of roots from the drainage hole.

Depending on the conditions created for the plant, as well as its type, a green pet must be rolled over to a new pot every 2–3 years. But the young, newly planted specimens of syngonium transplantation is required annually. The best time for this is spring:

  1. In order to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests of the syngonium, the previously prepared loose substrate is disinfected.
  2. A support is placed on the bottom of the pot, which is covered with expanded clay intended for drainage.
  3. The drainage layer is covered with moist soil, on which, gently spreading the roots, the syngonium is placed. If a large plant is transplanted, the old soil is not removed, but neatly cut rotten and damaged rhizomes.
  4. The gaps between the walls of the pot and the plant are filled with soil, which is carefully compacted and watered.
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After transplantation of the syngonium, its growth point must remain above the surface of the substrate.

As a support for the flower take ready columns on the basis of moss fortified around the tube. However, no less reliable design can be made with your own hands from a piece of plastic pipe and twine.

To make it convenient for the plant to climb up, the surface of the tube is lubricated with a moisture resistant glue, over which the fiber rope is wound evenly.

Possible difficulties in growing singonium

Syngonium is unassuming, very tenacious and does not require vigilant attention from the grower. The most common “problem” that confuses newbies is the appearance of small drops of water on the leaf plates. Do not worry. So the plant regulates moisture, diverting excess water through the leaves.

You need to be wary of other symptoms. For example, to excessively dry air, lack of irrigation, or too high air temperatures, the syngonium reacts by drying the tips of the leaves.

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Inhibition of growth, yellowing of foliage and reduction of its size causes a lack of nutrition in the soil, as well as the stay of the flower in direct sunlight. In the latter case, the leaves not only become smaller, they turn pale, losing their decorative coloring.

After the plant has been moved to a comfortable environment, the fertilizing schedule has been normalized or a syngonium, an “overgrown” old pot, has been transplanted, the situation is getting better.

Worse if difficulties in growing syngony are caused by systematic overflow of the plant. Unfortunately, rot on the stems, the appearance of dry brown spots on the leaves - these are secondary signs, which are preceded by rotting of the roots. In this case, it is better to transplant the flower, after removing the damaged rhizomes, and having treated the cut sites with a powder from wood or activated carbon.

Young syngoniums are particularly susceptible to putrid infections and pest attacks, which, when propagated in room conditions, immediately rooted in the soil. Therefore, it is important to prevent the formation of condensate inside the greenhouse and plant cuttings only in a sterile substrate.

Spider mites, thrips, and mealybugs most often attack pests on a flower. If the plant is in summer in the garden or on the balcony, infection with a shield and aphids is not excluded. From the greenhouse, in which the plant was located before the sale, the whitefly sometimes gets into the house. For all of these insects, there are effective insecticides and affordable folk remedies, but lasting success can be achieved only with the establishment of permanent care for a beautiful room culture.

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