Terms of service septic winter: cleaning and prevention

Any local equipment for treatment of domestic sewage accounts from time to time to maintain. In most cases, apply general rules of preventive activities and actions to clean up VOCs. And most of them can be performed independently.

The only difficult moment - services septic tank in the cold winter. After all, not every model of autonomous sewerage generally designed to work in the winter.

In this article we'll show you how to maintain a septic tank in the winter season, as well as give valuable recommendations for the prevention of silting treatment facilities.

The content of the article:

  • Causes and terms of service of septic tanks
  • THAT domestic regulations VOC winter
    • Rules and maintenance process
    • Features of operation of a septic tank in the cold
  • Prevention of contamination and silting
  • What methods can be cleaned sump?
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Causes and terms of service of septic tanks

All local treatment facilities are subject to regular cleaning and inspection. They may be aerobic or anaerobic

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But checked and maintained they still need. Timing TO and sludge pumping for each model, the manufacturer sets their septic. But much depends on the roominess and storage tank volumes coming into it drains.

At a minimum, verify that all internal systems in Los recommended in spring and autumn. Pump out the accumulated sludge should also be twice a year. But if the intensity of the use of septic tanks is high, the cause scavengers have more often.

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Operation of sewage station winter

Most septic tanks and sewage plants plant production intended for year-round use. True work without additional insulation is only possible to -10º. Sewage disposal points equipped with heat-insulated covers that protect from freezing

Regularity inspection and checking the technical state

As in any other period of the state of the sewage plant must study at least once a week, the state of septic installation - at least once a month

By operation of compressors station

At each inspection station, the sewage is necessary to survey the state of the aerators and aerliftov, compressor efficiency and biological backfill

Examination of all the components of sewage system

Survey to be not only a point of the sewage water treatment (plant or septic tank), but also working together with him aftertreatment system ground: absorbs well, leach field or Infiltrator

Sampling for laboratory studies

In case of excessive sedimentation treatment plant before flushing water samples. They can help find the causes of the intensive formation of sludge and to develop measures to prevent this phenomenon

Insulation sewage station

In regions with a characteristic average temperature in winter below -10º septic tank and a sewage station must insulate. The depth of the insulating sheath of the device shall be 15 cm higher than the level of seasonal freezing

Setting up a station in a box with insulation

When the device battery drainage in the north methods insulation treatment plant They should be developed at the design stage, implemented at sewerage assembly stage and the outer mounting part. To dig a septic tank in the cold can not be! Ideally, in the trench to arrange better wooden box for a station or a septic tank, and between the walls lay insulation

Pumping sewage station

If the thermal insulation measures the sewage treatment plant were not taken, it is required to freeze: to pump waste water to 2/3, remove the cell with aerobic, compressors and transfer them into the heated space

Operation of sewage station winter

Operation of sewage station winter

Regularity inspection and checking the technical state

Regularity inspection and checking the technical state

By operation of compressors station

By operation of compressors station

Examination of all the components of sewage system

Examination of all the components of sewage system

Sampling for laboratory studies

Sampling for laboratory studies

Insulation sewage station

Insulation sewage station

Setting up a station in a box with insulation

Setting up a station in a box with insulation

Pumping sewage station

Pumping sewage station

According to the manufacturers, aerobic autonomous sewerage requires less frequent pumping muddy sediment rather than anaerobic counterparts. However, there is a great role played by the volume of waste and their composition. Residents of private houses often washed away with the water in the sinks and toilets are not only organic food residues but also solid non-degradable materials and objects.

Another problem - it drain into the septic tank of chlorine and high acidity of liquids. They destroy the microflora of the activated sludge. The number of microorganisms is reduced drastically, organics in effluents not recycled and only accumulates in metatanke. In this case, the filling of the VOC is significantly faster, so cleaning is necessary to do more often.

Septic tank made of plastic

The volume of the septic tank should be selected according to the daily rate of water consumption per person. There is no point in buying too much or too little. The real capacity should be 1/3 more than the water consumption of all family members, plus volley reset

THAT domestic regulations VOC winter

Each septic tank attached a passport with detailed rules of operation and maintenance. Only by adhering to these standards ensures correct operation of the entire treatment system.

cleaning winter

On average, routine inspection and cleaning of septic tanks of sludge should be performed 2-3 times a year, one of which is sure to come in the winter

Service battery drainage in winter poses a number of problems. And chief among them - the low temperatures outside. Septic tank after the installation is completely buried in the ground, the top can only cover.

Usually it is further insulated by heat-insulating material and covered with soil to a thickness meter.

If the septic tank is installed exactly according to the rules below the level of soil freezing, the inside of it during the whole year the temperature drops to freezing levels. Ground to a depth below the bottom of the septic tank itself is frozen only in very cold regions and severe frosts.

Plus another bacteria, organics processing, as a result of their life creates a considerable amount of heat.

The level of soil freezing

Sewage out of the building, a pipe to a septic tank and a large part of the tank must be below the UPG and be insulated - just so they do not be frozen during cold weather

Many models of septic tanks are designed to operate at outdoor temperatures down to minus 10 ° C. In such circumstances, they work without trouble in winter and serviceable. In more severe frosts all preventive measures and cleaning is better to postpone for a few weeks before warming.

Opening sump manhole in the dead of winter will lead to a sharp cooling and freezing of water inside, which will inevitably bring a septic tank failure.

Rules and maintenance process

The main event during maintenance of a septic tank - the removal of excess sludge. To autonomous sewer worked optimally and efficiently, the volume of the sludge it should be at the level of 15-30% of the cubic capacity metatanka.

If it is less, the micro-organisms to complete the processing of waste is too small. And if more, space for new water will be too small.

To determine their own to face the volume of accumulated silt, you need to stop the operation of a septic tank and scoop on a sample of the liquid has a two-liter jar. As sedimentation in the container of water precipitates on the bottom. If the grounds in the end it turned more than a third of the banks of displacement, it is time to clean metatanki.

When excess activated sludge Content it begins to thicken, which gradually leads to a decrease in the efficiency of VOC. Excess sediment should be removed. And here it does not matter - the summer at this time on the street or winter. If you need a septic tank in operating condition, it will have to be cleaned regularly.

pumping septic tank

Pumping and cleaning of the independent water drain can be made with your own hands, but it is better to entrust this work to professionals dirty-flusher

Removed once the exhaust yl about aid fecal pump. You can do this yourself, Pumped recycled sludge from septic sump pit in compost fertilizer, or to shift the procedure on the shoulders of scavengers.

Undecomposed organic and inorganic precipitate also be removed from the septic tank. In addition when it is cleaned with pure water serving internal pumps, injectors and elements of the aeration installation.

Full set of measures to clean up VOCs include:

  • visually determining the degree of contamination of the station;
  • septic washing chambers and equipment from the accumulated sludge;
  • pure water purification filters and compressor equipment;
  • extraction of all solids from the inside and not had time to decompose remains;
  • washing nozzle and hose inside the unit;
  • disinfection sewage treatment plant;
  • replacement of membranes in the compressor;
  • adding bioactivators (too small amount of microorganisms in metatanke).

At the end of cleaning the whole set of equipment is checked for serviceability and correctness of work. And then again septic tanks are filled with water at 80-85% by volume.

Also inspected the hatch cover and its mounting. If there is damage, then they will have to eliminate. It never hurts to check the correctness and automatic settings with which controlled all the processes in the septic tank.

Pumping sewage between the sections of the settler, aeration and mixing of waters should be on the manufacturer's VOC technologies and programs.

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snow clearing on treatment plant

For the maintenance and regular study of the state of a septic tank in the winter playground next to it must be cleared of snow. If you need pumping, to the neck of the equipment necessary to ensure access

Inspection of the sewage treatment plant

Status septic system requires inspection at the intervals specified by the manufacturer. Bacteria colony with workers should be below seasonal freezing of soil

Available opening hatch of each chamber

Hatches cameras do not require emptying, also need to be regularly cleaned from the snow and make sure that they are free to open

Water below the horizon freezing

The water in septic tanks and sewage stations, the level of which is below the horizon seasonal freezing, is always above-zero temperature. This was also to be watched. If the absorbing well or septic tank appeared ice crust, therefore, they are not buried

snow clearing on treatment plant

snow clearing on treatment plant

Inspection of the sewage treatment plant

Inspection of the sewage treatment plant

Available opening hatch of each chamber

Available opening hatch of each chamber

Water below the horizon freezing

Water below the horizon freezing

Features of operation of a septic tank in the cold

If the equipment is selected correctly and drainage designed according to the rules, the septic tank will operate correctly even at low outdoor temperatures. It just can not be open when severe frosts, so the water does not freeze in the cold.

Absorbing organics in effluents, the microorganisms generate heat. If the reservoir is closed, the freezing and the failure does not threaten him by definition. Even when idle VOC water inside cools down below plus 3-5 ° C. A wastewater admission temperature and does rises to 10-30 ° C.

Under such conditions the bacteria in the activated sludge excellent feel and continue to process the received metatank organic substances.

Installation of a septic tank in the winter

Correctly assembled septic winter operates normally. It is often in the winter months even establish and implement system, the complexity in this case can only occur with the digging frozen ground

Builders are willing to put a septic tank on private land all year round. Winter installation work does not interfere. Less in winter setting, only one - the higher the complexity of the digging of the pit in the ground under the plant bacterial purification of waste water from a private home.

Among the septic tank installation advantages in cold including:

  1. The large number of available installers teams.
  2. Reduced level of groundwater.
  3. The ability to set VOC pit dug in a floating or crumbling soil.

Technology winter installation of a septic tank is no different from the summer. And it concerns not only the installation, but also putting into operation and subsequent operation. Winter septic operates in normal operating mode.

Only in its northern regions, and the sewer pipe from the house will have to be further warmed, and how to do it, read the this material. And especially strong frosts should forget about opening access doors, so that the cold could not penetrate into the sump.

Freezing sewer pipe

If the winter in septic tank effluents stopped coming, the first thing you should check the inlet sewer to freezing

Main point of failure in the septic tank in the winter - a sewage pipe from his home. It is often peremerzaet in the cold. And then drains simply can not get from a cottage in the cleaning station. To defrost duct it should pour hot water.

But such a method is able to help only with small ice caps. In other cases, recover from a septic tank are best left to an experienced plumber.

Prevention of contamination and silting

In order to autonomous sewerage no problems in the winter, you should observe the following simple rules:

  1. Do not flush down the drain plastic bags, cloths made of synthetics and other inorganic materials.
  2. It is desirable to install filters for coarse mechanical wastewater treatment prior to entering them in a septic tank.
  3. It is necessary to minimize the maximum penetration into the sink containing chlorine, acid and alkali fluids and medicines, bleaches and petroleum products.

On the one hand, non-degradable solid waste may cause bacteria to become clogged pipes and septic systems. On the other, there is a lot of liquids, which when released into the VOC will lead to the destruction of the microflora in it. In both cases, an autonomous sewer system will cease to function.

Warming of the septic tank

If the house is worth in the region with the lowest average daily temperature for the winter, it is subject to mandatory septic tank insulation

septic problems may be related not only to silting or dying bacteria colonies, but with the restriction of the feed tube drains thereto due to clogging debris. There will only pipe cleaning mechanical or hydrodynamic method.

Another problem - the power outage in the aerobic VOCs. Without power aerator and pump water pumps are not working. And this is a direct path to stagnation and settling of sludge.

If power to the treatment plant with aerobic is not applied for several hours, after the advent of electricity should check whether it works properly after such idle time. Unscheduled inspection in this case, the excess will not be exact.

What methods can be cleaned sump?

For pumping muddy sludge from septic tanks need fecal pump. Also need the capacity to carry the sludge to compost pit or export it for disposal. LOS wiping its hands - a thankless job. Often better cause assenizatorskaya car. Call costs money, but it does not have to mess with dirt and filth.

Fertilizer for the garden

Sludge from the septic tank is a premium organic fertilizer for the garden. In summer, it is only necessary to dry in the sun after removal from the sump

Washing the inner walls and equipment is most easily done with the help of high-pressure washing. To do this dirty work by hand is too laborious and time consuming. And not all silt get a quick wash cloth.

If the septic tank functions as a conventional drive for sewage, the waste water from it can only pump out a barrel assenizatorskaya machine. Use them in the garden as a fertilizer is prohibited.

However, after extended periods between cleanings, these impurities are often transformed into a viscous faeces, which is difficult to pump the pump. To thin out her pour into the container will have a special chemistry on the basis of nitrate, ammonium, or formaldehyde.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Rules for the preparation of autonomous sewer for the winter:

More about all the nuances of self-cleaning and maintenance of septic tank "TOPAS":

As the winter with their hands without calling the scavengers to get rid of the sludge in the settling tank:

Special difficulties in maintenance of septic tanks in the winter there. Cleaning, measures for the prevention and evacuation of sludge produced by technological schemes, which are used in the summer. This process is quite dirty, like everything that is connected to the sewage system.

Therefore, it is best to entrust it to professionals assenizatorskaya company. But it is possible to perform all the work on its own, if not fear to get dirty in the filth.

Perhaps your opinion is different from the above article? Or do you have a personal experience in the use and maintenance of septic tanks in the winter season? Please share it with our visitors. Leave your comments in the box located below.

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