How to use sawdust to fertilize carrots?

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I had a carrot pumped over in this season - and the crop is poor, and I can’t have a lot of my word, and I can’t do it.need to. The neighbor advised to feed her with fertilizer from sawdust. I have not heard anything about it. Tell me how to use sawdust as a fertilizer for carrots.

Carrots grow well on loose soils. But the heavy soil must first be prepared. This is what sawdust is used for. Added to the soil, they make it easier, and loose, improve water permeability.

Sawdust is also used as a fertilizer for carrots( and not only), to increase the fertility of the land, which undoubtedly affects the yield. In the process of rotting sawdust increases the level of carbon in the soil. In their action, they are similar to peat fertilizer.

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Soil that needs loosening with sawdust:

  • is peaty;
  • black soil;
  • clay;
  • podzolic.

Not all sawdust is suitable as a fertilizer. For example, pine sawdust is not suitable for all crops, moreover, they only spoil the composition of the soil, increasing its acidity. Do not recommend to use also sawdust from chipboard, oak and hazel.

Ways of using

sawdust Most often sawdust is used as a fertilizer and for drying the soil. Among the ways of using sawdust are:

  1. Fertilizer from sawdust.
  2. During periods of spring floods, fresh sawdust will help save the garden from flooding if you fill the grooves around the perimeter of the garden with them.
  3. Sawdust is also widely used for mulching plants, including carrots, to prevent moisture loss in the dry summer. Such a mulch will also serve as protection against weeds and pests.
  4. Sawdust can be applied under the winter, so that they have time to peg before the onset of planting carrots and acidify the soil, otherwise the carrot will not be juicy and not sweet.
  5. Spring application of sawdust is also allowed 3 weeks before sowing carrot seeds. The bed should then dig up. When making spring sawdust should first be soaked in a special solution.
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How to prepare fertilizer from

sawdust To use sawdust as a fresh fertilizer, they should be prepared and impregnated with mineral fertilizers diluted with water( 200 g of saltpeter and 50 g of potassium chloride per 1 bucket of water).This solution is enough to moisten the sawdust in an amount that equals 3 buckets.

How to make compost based on

sawdust You can also make unique fertilizer in the form of compost from sawdust. It takes a little time, about two months, but the result is worth it. To make compost on the basis of sawdust, they should be laid out in layers no more than 15 cm thick and pour urea infusion at the rate of 1 bucket of water 200 g. Cover impregnated sawdust from above with a film. Once a fortnight a bunch of ted.

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You can make compost from sawdust and freshly mowed grass: mix the sawdust with grass, soak it well with slurry and cover with a film for rotting for two months. Instead of grass, bird droppings are also used.

Video on the effect of sawdust on soil composition change

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