We grow healthy red beans on our plot

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Among the varieties of beans to taste, the shape of the bush and shoulder blades, there is a red bean of shelling varieties. Its beans due to the colored shell have properties enhanced by anthocyanins. Therefore, the use of red beans requires a separate study. Initially, a guest from India was used for decorative purposes, and only much of the time later they discovered its nutritional value.

Red beans, its composition and action

The usefulness of products is measured by their energy content, the content of minerals, vitamins and complex carbohydrate substances. Usually active elements are few, but they act as catalysts for electrochemical reactions in the body. On the energy obtained from the processing of food, there is a living world, and man is no exception.

The main effective energy carrier is a product, the value of which is usually measured in calories, how much energy is released when it is split from 100g. The beans contain:

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  • proteins - 21 g or 84 kcal;
  • fat - 2 g or 18 kcal;
  • carbohydrates - 47 g or 188 kcal.

The ratio of bju beans is 28% / 6% / 63%.

But carbohydrates in this composition are mainly represented by fiber, which is slowly absorbed, slows the transition of sugar into the blood and is useful even for diabetics. Calorie product 298 kcal. Despite the high rate, beans are considered a dietary product.

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Red beans can be grain and green beans. At the same time, the grain composition is richer than in the varietal variety of the product. Red bean varieties are often red or hot pink flowers and leaf colored during the growing season.

Useful composition is represented by a group of vitamins B, in which B1,2,6, A, E, PP are effective. Present in beans and ascorbic acid.

Vital minerals - potassium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, zinc work at all levels of the body. Amino acids - arginine, methionine, tyrosine and lysine strengthen the blood-forming systems and blood vessels, as well as the heart muscle.

The benefits and harms of red beans

The product, saturated with amino acids and vitamins, with regular use protects the body from many problems:

  • strengthens the immune system and the body's resistance to infectious diseases;
  • accelerates the body's metabolic reactions and the removal of waste products from both the urogenital system and the bile ducts;
  • strengthens the work of the heart, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, changes the composition of the blood for the better;
  • clears the broncho-pulmonary system;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract.

Never eat raw beans. It contains toxic substances that are destroyed during the heat treatment process. Colored beans require longer cooking compared to white, it is considered the most poisonous of all varieties. Red string bean has a milder composition, but it can also be consumed only after heat treatment.

All antioxidants are in the dark shell of the beans, but in addition it contains more starch and vitamin B6.It is the red beans that are recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, the fiber in it inhibits glucose more actively, at the same time, due to the dark skin, the diuretic effect and the purifying properties of fiber are increased. Caution should be used beans in small quantities of chronically ill and elderly people. Harm red bean more good for them.

Beans are contraindicated for patients with gout and people with vegetable protein intolerance. With extreme caution, bean dishes should be offered to pregnant women and children. The recommendation of nutritionists allows the inclusion of red beans in their menu no more than once a week.

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Some people refuse to bean dishes increased gas formation. This can be avoided by changing the water several times during the soaking process. Boil the product over low heat without stirring. Dishes cooked with beans, you need to drink plenty of water, which is necessary for the work of fiber.

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A dietary product with vegetable protein is indispensable in the days of fasting with believers. Beans with a large amount of fiber are digested for a long time, and the fasting person has a weaker feeling of hunger. At the same time, long-term digestion of beans and promotes weight loss without stress.

Special recipes of decoctions and infusions of the leaflets of the beans, flowers of the plant and even the decoctions of the beans are used.drugs are prepared and to reduce blood sugar, and for cleaning from stones and sand. However, it must be remembered that the uncontrolled use of red bean remedies is dangerous. Do not self-medicate. All decoctions and infusions are taken only under the supervision of a physician.

The use of beans for cosmetic purposes.

The content of vitamin E, which is responsible for the skin's elasticity, organic acids, which are necessary for nourishing the fading epithelium and the presence of zinc in large quantities, allows you to make masks from the wiped beans. Especially useful are cleansing and whitening masks made from grains of red beans. Lemon juice and olive oil are added to the puree. The skin from such care shines.

How useful beans - video

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