Grafting a new grape variety on an old bush

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bush Cuttings of varietal grapes can be grafted onto an old ordinary bush. In this way, several results are achieved at once: they improve the taste of the berry, get a harvest in the shortest possible time, increase the resistance of the varietal plant to diseases. The uniqueness of the procedure is also in the fact that several different varieties can be grafted onto one old bush. Grafting of grapes is a fascinating and useful affair. There are several ways to do this.

Spring grafting of

grapes At the end of spring, you can try to graft the cuttings of a young plant into the green shoots of an old one. This is usually done by those winegrowers who did not have time to prepare the necessary cuttings in advance. Grafting grapes "green to green" is also relevant if the neighbors shared young cuttings of delicious berries from their plot.

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Although this method is quite popular and simple, it still requires preliminary preparation:

  • Obligatory observance of the seasonal condition - the end of May is best suited. It is at this time that the growth of the vine is accelerated, the active movement of the juices is going on.
  • Shrub that will be stocked, pruned during dormancy( early spring or autumn).The cut is made below the level of the soil by 5 cm, after it is treated with a solution of garden pitch.
  • Prepared escape should be well watered and covered with straw. From above, you can still stretch the film, so the soil warms up faster and new shoots will go faster in growth.
  • The shrub will be ready for grafting when the shoots are strong and ready to grow, and their length is about 25 cm.

Graft is the shoot that is grafted. The stock is the part of the vine that is being grafted.

Sequence of actions with the green-to-green method.

  1. Only the two strongest sprouts are left on the old vine. The rest must be removed. The rest is shortened with a sharp knife. Direct cut done under the second node. Leaf growing above the first node can be left. But if the stepson began to develop in it, it must be very carefully removed.
  2. At a graft, one eye is enough. Therefore, the green cutting is cut into short pieces( about 3-4 cm).1.5 cm of length is left above the leaf, and 2 cm below it. The leaf is cut in half.
  3. The next cut of the scion is made in the form of a wedge from the bottom. This is necessary for dense entry into the stock split.
  4. The last part of the process is to isolate the place of the living section. It is wrapped with foil, covered with garden pitch and placed in a plastic bottle. It should not be removed before the beginning of the growth of a new branch.

Preparations for the scion material must be fresh. They are cut on the day of vaccination.

Grafting a one-eyed cutting to a green shoot.

Summer grafting is also possible with a mature single-eyed cutting. With a successful procedure, it is possible to obtain a harvest even earlier than with the “green to green” method. The difference is that the graft needs to be prepared in the fall.

Autumn cuttings should be preserved in the winter and not dry.

After inspecting the cuttings in the spring, they select the strongest and place them in the water with the addition of a root. After a two-day soaking, the prepared material is dried and cut into pieces with the presence of one eye. The edges of the cut sealed with warm paraffin.

Before dipping the cutting of the cutting into the melted paraffin, make sure that it is dry, otherwise the paraffin will peel off.

Cut the paraffin-cut cuttings stored before the beginning of summer at a temperature of +4 +6 degrees( for example, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator).It is better to place the inoculum in separate packages and sign the name of the variety. In the middle of June, the stalk is removed from the cool place. The lower part is cut in the form of a wedge, and then inserted into the split of the young branch. The actions in this case are similar to the “green to green” method.

Read also: How to take care of summer grapes to get a good harvest?

Young grapes care

When all vaccinations are done, the most painful time begins - waiting for results. In order for all new varieties to take root successfully, you need to use this time with benefit and provide the plant with good care and attention. To do this, it is enough to follow a few simple tips:

  1. From the very beginning it is necessary to strictly follow all the instructions for the grafting technology. After all, each method has its own characteristics, lead time, the process of material procurement and preparation of the stock. If the conditions are not met, you should not expect a positive result.
  2. Winding the cut-off point is also an important condition for success. It should be tight, tight. If juice is extracted from under the winding, then it is executed incorrectly. The plant will lose vital energy and may die.
  3. On the escape should not be extra points of growth. All the power of the plant should be directed to the growth of the grafted graft. If the vineyard is located in a sunny area with fertile soils, this rule is especially important. The winegrower will have to constantly tear off unnecessary stepchildren.
  4. Compliance with the rules of agricultural engineering and maternal plant care is also a prerequisite. Grapes must be watered in time, receive sufficient lighting.
  5. Compliance with the temperature regime is obligatory. If the summer is cold, the grafts will not develop.
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It is also necessary to ensure that weeds do not grow around the bush, the soil between waterings is loose. It is unacceptable during this period the defeat of the vine with fungus or disease.

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In order to properly perform summer and spring grape grafting, you need not only to follow the technology, but also to choose a warm day with high humidity. In hot weather, the cut may dry out. To prevent this, it is recommended to tie a cut with a wet cloth under the film. During the summer, you will need to monitor the condition of the film - it must be condensate. If not, then the fabric is dry and must be moistened again. The winding can be removed only after the appearance of new strong shoots.

Now you know how to plant grapes in split in spring and summer. In addition to these methods, gardeners actively use autumn vaccinations.

Video about grafting grapes in the shafts of the bush

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