Drinking bowl for bees and how to arrange it

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Symptoms of layman hens disease and the rules of their treatment

Symptoms of layman hens disease and the rules of their treatmentFarm

The content of the article: Infectious diseases of laying hen hens and their treatment Diseases of laying hens caused by parasites Non-contagious diseases of hens laying hens symptoms and treatm...

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Calendar for summer residents: November on the home

Calendar for summer residents: November on the homeFarm

The content of the article: Goats and sheep on the farm Rabbits in November Poultry keeping in the summer residenceNovember in the village - video . With the onset of autumn grass in the pa...

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Feeding and maintenance of goslings in the first 3 weeks of life

Feeding and maintenance of goslings in the first 3 weeks of lifeFarm

Content of the article: The first days of life After a week Two weeks of age Three weeks Content of goslings Feeding of goslings - video ...

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