Cabbage pests and methods to combat them

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is grown in almost all home gardens, cabbage is the most common and popular vegetable, along with potatoes. There are a large number of varieties and types of cabbage, but they are all susceptible to various diseases and pest invasion. At the same time, the main difficulty in protecting cabbage from pests is the undesirability of the use of pesticides at any stage of development. Therefore, in the protection and treatment of cabbage, preventive measures and restriction of the use of pesticides are so important.

Cabbage diseases

Among the main diseases of cabbage are the following:

  • White rot, the sources of infection of which are sclerotia mycelium.
  • Gray rot, occurs when crop is stored improperly.
  • Quila among all the enemies of cabbage - the most dangerous and common. Infection occurs through the fungus damaging the roots.
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  • Yellowing of cabbage, which is caused by a soil microorganism. Getting into the plant through the roots or damage to the cabbage leaf, such a fungus prevents the movement of water in the vessels and causes yellowing of the leaf, followed by its withering.
  • Mosaic cabbage is a viral disease, and only prevention can fight it.
  • False mealy dew( peronosporosis) appears on the leaves as reddish-yellow spots with patches of mycelium on the underside.
  • Black leg appears mainly on seedlings of different ages and causes darkening of the root part of the stem.
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Cabbage disease control methods

For a successful response to cabbage diseases, first of all, they can be triggered by high moisture content in the air or soil dampness. Considering that the causative agents of cabbage diseases can maintain their viability in the soil for several years, it is advisable to change the cabbage planting location annually, abundantly watering the vegetable and feed it, protecting it from pests. Using preventive measures, such as a decoction of hot peppers, marigolds or horsetail, can not only be cured, but also protected from the spread of disease.

The main thing is the systematic control of diseases of cabbage during flowering and heading. Ways to fight a disease that has already hit cabbage, depend on each specific type of disease.

To control white rot it is important to observe a 6-7 year crop rotation. The same can be recommended to prevent the development of gray rot. But the fight against the keel is to destroy the diseased plant and tillage the soil with formalin or Bordeaux mixture. Plants affected by yellowness are also destroyed, and in the fall, the soil is treated with copper sulfate solution.

To protect against powdery mildew, you can use special chemicals or folk remedies. To fight the black leg, seeds are pretreated with biologicals or more effective chemicals. To destroy the spores in the soil, it is disinfected with boiling water, freshly shed lime or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Cabbage pests with photos

Causes of cabbage diseases can be pests, among the most dangerous can be called a cabbage moth, cabbage aphids and moths, as well as cruciferous flea and other insects.

  • A cross-colored flea is a small jumping beetle( 2-3 mm), winters in the surface layer of the soil. For preventive maintenance, it is necessary to carefully remove all weeds before planting, and in sunny weather, cover the seedlings with transparent non-woven material that allows air to pass through. With the appearance of flea beetles use folk remedies or more harmful chemical preparations.
  • Cabbage aphid hibernates in the egg stage on cabbage stumps, cabbage seedlings and weeds. The mass appearance of aphids on the leaves, sucking the juice from the plants, leads to the cessation of the growth of the heads, and no seeds are formed on the testes. Prevent the appearance of aphids by carefully treating the plot after harvesting, regular destruction of weeds. Many useful insects destroy aphids, which are attracted by umbrella crops( dill, carrot seedlings).At the first appearance, the aphids are destroyed by wiping the leaves with a cloth moistened with soap and sprinkling with decoctions and tinctures of the tops of potatoes and tomatoes, tobacco, henbane, garlic, onions, and others.
  • Cruciferous bugs have a variegated color, depending on the type of bug. Adult bugs and their larvae cause mechanical damage, sucking the juice, deaden the leaf cells. Cabbage bug is the most common pest. They are very fertile and for the season one female can lay up to 300 eggs. Their malicious activity is particularly active in hot, dry weather. The best methods of dealing with bedbugs are preventive measures and the use of deterring agents before the departure of bedbugs. For scaring used naphthalene, lime-fluff, tobacco, mixed with other ingredients. Spraying is also used with soapy water or decoctions of chamomile, potato tops, onion peels. With a large number of bedbugs used chemicals - insecticides.
  • Cabbage leaf has a large habitat. A small beetle( 3-4.5 cm) of an egg-shaped form eats large holes on the leaves or eats its edges. Traditional methods of pest control.
  • The cabbage scoop in adult form is a nocturnal butterfly, but the stage of caterpillars is harmful. Butterflies can be caught on the molasses or fire night fires. A trichogram destroys scoop eggs, and microbiological preparations are used to destroy caterpillars.
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Pests of cabbage seedlings

Almost all existing pests are especially dangerous for cabbage seedlings. Therefore, the fight against them must begin with the preparation of the soil before sowing seeds in the greenhouse. Before planting seedlings, you must carefully examine it for the presence of insects, midges. If necessary, process in a timely manner infusions and decoctions, tested over many years. Recipes on how to deal with cabbage pests and diseases are posted on the Internet in large numbers and the most appropriate ones for this particular case are selected.

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