Spider mite on a rose - what to do

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Every gardener and gardener knows a spider mite in his face. This is the most harmful insect that surrounds plants with spiderwebs and sucks all the juices out of it, due to which the leaves and buds gradually dry out and die.

A feature of this pest is the ability to destroy absolutely any plants - flowers, trees, shrubs.

Roses in this case are no exception, but rather the opposite - the most delicious plant for an insect.

Families of mites that feed on sap of plant cells include polyphages that do not pick food and attack any green plants, as well as specific species that prefer only one plant species.

Damage caused to roses of any variety and type of spider mite, leads to the fall of foliage and strong susceptibility of a flowering bush to other plant diseases.

Often in time, no measures taken to combat the tick lead to depletion of roses and drying of seedlings.

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Methods for detecting spider mites on a rose

A malicious insect is not so easy to recognize in the early stages of its reproduction. However, it is possible through the use of a magnifying glass. The spider mite is very small and loves to multiply on the underside of the leaves, gradually filling its surface completely with its colony. The number of colonial spider mite family can number several hundred individuals, the larger of which are females. The first sign of the presence of mite on the leaves of roses is spiderweb. If you do not take any control measures, the rose will look like this in a few days, which is extremely harmful for the plant and is not as aesthetic as possible.

The best breeding ground for the pest is steady hot weather and numerous greens in the area.

If a tick has already been settled on one of the plants in the garden or flowerbed, then in a few weeks it may become the most numerous inhabitant, eating a completely different menu from the leaves of all the greenery plantations in the dacha and garden landscape. The spider mite propagates with the help of hatched eggs, which are also very difficult to see visually.

Therefore, having noticed the first signs of habitat on the roses of a tick, it is worthwhile to immediately see all the leaves on the rose bush and remove those on which the already existing ticks are sitting. It is recommended to burn all the collected infected foliage.

Measures to combat spider mites living on rose bushes

  • It is possible to cure rose bushes from colonial invasions of spider mites, but it is very difficult in the summer, because there is a lot of greenery in the backyard, which is difficult to process. But late autumn is the very period when you need to take care of collecting all the fallen leaves from trees and shrubs, in which the spider mite hides for the winter, preventing it from surviving. This is how well-groomed autumn beds of roses should look in order to prevent the possibility of reproduction of the tick in spring.
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  • Afraid of a mite from cool weather and rainy seasons. The birds, for which the tick is a tasty delicacy, help to fight the harmful insect.
  • Many gardeners and flower growers in the fight against the tick prefer natural natural methods - abundant watering of roses. At the same time, other insect species for which the tick is the basis of the nutritional ration in the chain of survival do not die.

By treating rose bushes with pesticides, it is possible to kill beneficial insect doctors who eat ticks.

  • Flies and spiders are the main enemies of the tick, so you should be careful when looking at the bush when a spider's web appears, it may be that this is a regular web woven by a family of spiders. It is necessary to pay attention to the different weaving of the mite web and the spider web.
  • In no case should the rose bushes be treated with phosphate-containing substances, which increase the specific nitrogen indicator on the leaves of roses, which is a very favorable environment for the further sustainable reproduction of the harmful insect.
  • If a large number of ticks are on the rose bushes, then it is necessary, first, to give preference to spraying the bushes with a soap solution, the resulting foam on the foliage does not allow the ticks to scatter in different directions and, due to non-transmission of air, causes their death. Spraying is desirable in cool weather so that the solution does not instantly dry. For high-quality spraying of rose bushes, a spray gun or the so-called garden sprayer is used. When processing, it is desirable to pay attention to the underside of the leaves.
  • Experienced growers in the treatment of rose bushes from the tick prefer the drug Fitofirms. Spraying a solution of this substance is carried out several times at intervals of ten days until the complete destruction of the unwanted pest. Equally effective are Aktellik, Neoron, Agraverin, Nissoran.

Insecticides do not affect the livelihoods of arachnids. Therefore, it is necessary to use acaricides or insecticide caricides, which include the above mentioned preparations.

Timely assistance to the rose bushes gives such an excellent result in the end.

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Video: spider mite on roses

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