A video on the cause of yellow sweetsindigenous people of tropical and subtropical regions of the planet, requiring careful and even reverent attitude. The answer to the question: "Why do orchids turn yellow leaves?" In most cases, there are errors in the care or getting a flower in uncomfortable conditions. Of course, plants are not eternal, and their foliage inevitably gives way to a new one. But when the leaves change color and wither en masse, it deserves the attention and concern of an indoor orchid lover.
For what reasons do orchid leaves turn yellow, and how to cope with such a serious problem? Almost all errors of a grower are reflected in the appearance of a plant. But most often the fault of the flower's ill health becomes:
- improper watering;
- wrong place for orchid pot;
- nutritional deficiencies or imbalances in applied supplements;
- plant disease or pest attack.
Orchid leaves turn yellow due to illiterate watering
When the plant looks healthy, there are no signs of rot, weeping spots or drying on the roots, and the lower leaves of the orchid turn yellow, in most cases we are talking about the lack of moisture. Many flower growers, watering orchids like ordinary indoor crops, do not soak the entire volume of the substrate. Lacking moisture, the plant tries to reduce waste and donates the lower tier of leaves.
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What should I do if orchids turn yellow leaves? The solution will be to increase the volume of water supplied to the roots. If the florist practiced watering with a usual watering can before yellowing, it makes sense to try to moisten the soil by immersion or under running water, letting all excess moisture flow out.
Not less than artificial drought orchids harm the gulf of the root system. In this case, the leaves do not dry, but more often become limp, become sluggish, and acquire a brownish yellow unhealthy color. If you look at the roots, they often show signs of rotting. Such a plant requires emergency assistance in the form of removing the affected areas and transplanting into a fresh substrate.
Cause of yellowed leaves - lack or excess of sun
A symptom of lack of sunlight is not only stretching the shoots, but changing the color of the leaves from saturated green to yellow. Moreover, the reaction of the flower is both gradual and sharp, until the fall of the lower leaf plates. To prevent a situation when the orchid leaves turn yellow, you need to find a suitable place for the flower, and in the winter to provide artificial lighting.
Most orchid species require long daylight hours, but not in direct sunlight. When there is an excess of bright light in the orchid, the leaves turn yellow, becoming covered with drying out burn spots.
Orchid leaves turn yellow due to hard water and excess fertilizer.
Excess salt content in irrigation water has a negative effect on the entire plant, but the leaves are the first to signal changes in maintenance conditions and poor health. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the reason why orchids turn yellow leaves. A peculiar hint can be the appearance of the substrate and the pot. If they show traces of salt deposits in the form of whitish streaks and plaque, an explanation for the yellowness is found.
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Hard water provokes the development of chlorosis. Orchid leaves turn yellow, only veins remain green. Then the shoots become bare, and the plant may die.
You can save a flower with the help of a transplant and well-conducted foliar top dressing, for which only specialized formulations are used.
It is not worthwhile to transplant a blooming orchid, but it will be very useful to repeatedly wash the substrate with a mixture of distilled and ordinary distilled water. The same method of washing treats an orchid that has suffered from an excess of fertilizers or using an unsuitable, unbalanced composition for fertilizing.
What other reasons cause a change in the color of foliage? Why do orchids turn yellow leaves? There are a lot of factors pushing the plant towards such behavior. This may be a natural reaction to a change of scenery, for example, after purchase or as a result of seasonal changes unnoticed by the owner.
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The orchid leaves turn yellow if the pot containing the flower is small for a long time. In this case, the plant is gently transferred to a larger container.
Infection pests of orchids
Regular waterlogging of the substrate is doubly dangerous for orchids, because it is fraught with the development of not only putrefactive, but also fungal infections. A weakened plant attracts ticks and insect pests.
With the timely detection of a problem, when orchid leaves turn yellow and wither, but the root system is still viable, after sanitization and irrigation with a fungicide, the flower is transplanted into a new soil. Unfortunately, the infection is rapidly spreading and can quickly lead to the death of an adult blooming specimen.
In dry air, spider and root mites attack indoor orchids. Pests infect shoots, rhizomes and leafy plates, causing the orchid to turn yellow leaves and the plant itself to seriously weaken due to lack of nutrition.
If the acaricidal preparations are not processed in time, the flower loses adult foliage, and the growth of the new one is slowed down. In the presence of soil pests should not be limited to spraying, it is much more efficient to combine this procedure with a transplant.
Video about the causes of yellowing of orchid leaves