How to choose a watering system for a lawn?

With the advent of all kinds of automated irrigation systems, manual watering becomes irrelevant, which in itself greatly facilitates existence. Indeed, in order to maintain a lawn in good condition, it is necessary to expend a lot of effort. In addition, it is difficult to distribute water evenly throughout the site. In order to select the necessary irrigation system, it is necessary to become familiar with the basic parameters of these useful devices.

Types of irrigation systems

The most popular methods of automated irrigation are drip irrigation and sprinkling. They are selected depending on the size of the lawn, as well as individual needs, and are able to provide:

  • the optimal type of irrigation, calculated on a specific territory;
  • dosed flow of a given volume of water;
  • timely watering the lawn;
  • uniform moisture distribution over the area;
  • rational use of water.

In addition, the installed irrigation system will give you the opportunity to care for the plot easily with minimal effort and time.

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Sprinkler System

This irrigation system is a kind of artificial precipitation over the entire surface of the lawn. Watering takes place with the help of spray nozzles. They are able to push a stream of water over a considerable distance and spray it in the form of tiny droplets. The duration of irrigation is about 30 minutes.

The droplet size should be no more than 2-3 mm in order not to injure the plants and not compact the ground too much. The sprinkler jet spreads over a considerable distance, and the amount of water falling on the plants decreases.

The range of the sprinklers depends on the water pressure, the trajectory of the jets, as well as the diameter of the nozzles. To ensure high-quality irrigation, you should choose an irrigator with a nozzle diameter of at least 20 mm.

Sprinklers should be installed in such a way as to ensure uniform watering of the site. Do not allow the corners of the lawn to fall outside the range of the sprinkler. This type of system is used on large areas. The minimum area on which you can apply sprinkling is 2 meters.

Positive aspects of the sprinkler system:

  • does not damage the ground;
  • is very easy to maintain;
  • can change the area and direction of irrigation of the area;
  • moistens grass and air, improves the look of the lawn;
  • retractable sprinklers do not interfere with mowing;
  • saves water and energy due to optimal moisture supply.
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During the rotation, the area within the range of the water jet is irrigated. The process is carried out as a result of the pressure of the water pumped by the pump. All the nozzles and accessories that allow you to change the area of ​​the treated area and the direction of the jet, you can easily install with your own hands.

You can also configure the function of the irrigation mode, which is carried out at a certain time, even in your absence. And the rain sensor will not allow watering in case of natural precipitation.

Watering system allows you to save electricity on the pump when programming irrigation for the time in which there is usually a good pressure. In addition, the sprinkler system is located underground and does not spoil the look of the lawn.

Drip Irrigation SystemIrrigation is carried out using a special device through which water flows directly to the root system, bypassing the plant stems. This allows you to maintain the decorative look of the lawn and provide the grass with the necessary moisture. Duration of drip irrigation ranges from 40 minutes to an hour.

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Plastic droppers most commonly used in irrigation hoses with different frequency. Included nozzles provide an opportunity to change the range of irrigation.

The drip system also has its positive aspects. :

  • water saving thanks to directional irrigation that does not affect the row spacing;
  • the ability to simultaneously make feedings.

This irrigation system is demanding on the quality of water( it should not contain impurities), and if you take it from the well, the holes will clog very quickly. In this case, you need to find a good filter. This system is used on small lawns.

At relatively low cost, modern irrigation equipment makes it easy for you to always keep your lawn in good condition just by setting up a program. Convinced of the benefits of your purchase, help me choose a watering system for the lawn for my neighbor, so that he too can enjoy the summer vacation.

Automatic Watering Systems - Video

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