Amazing sweet cherry jam for the winter with the addition of other fruits from the garden

Contentsthe decision to preserve useful berries for a long time. You can cook this drug from whole cherries and pitted berries. The process of taking out the core requires some assiduity and time, so basically everyone is trying to use cherries with stones. In any of the selected options, the result will be unmatched. It is possible to process sweet cherry into jam not only in its single form, it is perfectly combined with lemon, orange, strawberry, raspberry, cherry and even walnut. Each additional fruit brings its own unforgettable taste. You can see all the recipes below.

Sweet Cherry Jam

A total of 1 kg of sweet cherry will be used to make sweet cherry jam with lemon. Citrus also need a little - 1 small fruit. To convert components into jam, you need to prepare a kilogram of sugar. If you have white cherries, then the amount of the main ingredients will be the same, only sugar should be increased by 200 grams. In this way, you can make excellent white cherries jam with lemon, based on the steps below.

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  1. Wash the berries. Go through, getting rid of the bones.
  2. In an enameled basin or pan, mix the selected fruits with sugar. Send to the hob with slow fire.
  3. Pure lemon to turn into cutting any shape you want.
  4. As soon as the cherry mix boils, lemon slices should be put into it. Stirring, cook until thick.
  5. Hot drug packaged in sterile containers and sealed with a lid.

Worms should be soaked for 15 minutes in brackish water.

Cherry jam with walnuts

To make extraordinary cherry jam with the addition of walnuts, you will need 1 kilogram of berries.100 grams of fresh nuts will help to make the dish unusual, and 800 grams of sugar will add sweets.

Read also: Secrets of cooking delicious cherry pies


  1. Carefully remove the bones from the washed berries. You can make a special device or meticulous hands.
  2. Remove the nut from the shell and chop it into pieces slightly smaller than the sweet cherry.
  3. The recipe for sweet cherry jam with nuts involves inserting each piece of walnut in the middle of the sweet cherry, in the place where the bone was once. If there is no desire or time, you can simply mix the nuts with the berries.
  4. Place the stuffed cherries in a saucepan and cover with sugar. So leave for 1 - 1.5 hours.
  5. Include a small fire and wait for the sugar to completely dissolve. To achieve the desired result, turn off the fire and wait for about 5 hours until the components are saturated with each other.
  6. Repeat the cooking procedure at a 5-hour interval a couple more times.
  7. Pour the finished drug into clean and sterilized jars and close tightly with the lid. Enjoy your meal!

Nuts should be used only fresh. The rest will give a bad taste and bitterness jam.

Cherry and strawberry jam

It will not be difficult to make cherry jam with the addition of another berry - strawberries. Approximately 700 grams of pitted cherries and a pound of strawberries will go to him. Dilute the natural sweetness of the ingredients will help half a teaspoon of citric acid, and turn everything into sugar jam - 1 kilogram.


  1. Wash the berries, removing all greens and stalks.
  2. Remove the bones from cherries.
  3. Place the sweet cherries in a saucepan with a thick bottom, cover the floor with kilograms of sugar. Top it with strawberries and cover with the remaining 500 grams of sugar. Leave the future cherry jam for the winter hours of 10-12 in a quiet position, so that juice begins to stand out.
  4. After a predetermined time has elapsed, put on the burner with slow fire, boil and boil for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and wait for 5 hours of complete cooling. Repeat the procedure 3 times.
  5. The third time for boiling should be increased by 10 minutes. So cook for 15 minutes, then pour in citric acid and stir for another 5 minutes.
  6. Prepack in clean jars and close tightly for the winter.
Read also: Cooking Avocado Dishes

Sweet Cherry Jelly with

Get a light, sweet cherry jam with 1 tablespoon of gelatin.500 grams of berries boiled in 200 grams of sugar will be used to prepare winter sweetness. To create a jelly jam, you need another 450 grams of water.


  1. Carefully remove the bones from the washed cherries.
  2. Combine the specified components in a saucepan: berries, water, sugar. Boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.
  3. Place a spoonful of gelatin in water, in the amount of 2 tablespoons. Wait for swelling and only then with the help of a water bath to dissolve the granules.
  4. Send gelatin to the saucepan with cherries and bring to a boil again, but do not boil. Pour hot jam on clean cans, cork and wrap in a warm cloth. After complete cooling, remove the blanket and move the billet to the pantry.

Gelatin must be fresh and the amount of its use strictly by prescription. Otherwise, instead of jam, you can get compote.

Cherry and Sweet Cherry Jelly

Sweet and sour jam is made from cherries with sweet cherries. Instead of the standard sugar, this sweet dish offers 1 glass of fresh honey. Based on this, you need to take three kilograms of cherries and cherries.


  1. Enumerate the berries, carefully washing each.1.5 kilograms of cherries and the same amount of cherries send in sterile jars, filling them in half.
  2. Remove the bones from the remaining berries, put the pulp into the pan and pour in the honey. Boil until thick.
  3. Pour the boiled honey-berry mixture into the jars, some of which are already occupied by fresh fruits with stones.
  4. Pick up clean water in a saucepan and immerse jars of contents for a sterilization procedure that lasts 30 minutes.
  5. Remove from water and seal with caps. Done!

If honey is not at hand, then 250 grams( 1 cup) of honey can be replaced with 2.5 cups of sugar, diluted in 100 grams of water.

Sweet Cherry Jam with Orange

You can make stunning preserves from ripe red cherries. For this you need to pick about 1 kilogram of berries. Make a citrus flavor in a sweet dish will help 1 large orange. At this number of components will need 1.2 kilograms of sugar.

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  1. Wash orange very carefully, because its skin will also take part in the harvesting. Then grate the zest and squeeze the juice from the citrus.
  2. Pour sugar into the pan, add the zest and pour all the juice. Boil the mixture.
  3. Boil 5 ml of pure sweet cherry fruit with seeds in syrup. Turn off the heat and let stand for 10 hours. The procedure is repeated 4-5 times.
  4. Spread the welded mass in jars and tighten tightly.

The readiness of the jam can be determined by one drop, which should be placed on the smooth surface of the plate. If the liquid spreads, the jam is not ready yet.

Sweet cherry jam for the winter is prepared plainly, the main thing is to follow the steps presented above. The use of a multicooker in this dish will significantly reduce the time and give no less tasty jam than cooked in the usual way in a pan. Have a nice tea party with cherry jam!

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