Characteristics and description of tomato variety Pink Elephant

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Tomato Pink( Raspberry) Elephant - large-fruited variety that requires a lot of attention and care. But proper care will help grow tasty fruit, reaching one kilogram.

Table of Contents

  • Description and Characteristics of Tomato Pink Elephant
  • Features of the
  • Planting Standards Requirements for Planting
  • Sowing Rules
  • Transplantation in Open Ground
  • Care after Transplantation
  • Diseases and Prevention
  • Disposal in the open ground
  • Leaving after transplantation
  • Diseases and Prevention
  • size with leaves of potato type. Height according to the description can reach one and a half meters.

    Each brush contains 6-8 tomatoes. And the average yield per plant is about 4 kilograms .The fruits are very large, round. The skin is dense, but thin, protects the fruit from cracks.

    Most suitable for fresh consumption. For preservation, they are too large, and for juice they are not quite suitable due to their pink hue. Possesses rich sweetish taste, without sourness.

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    Ripening period from the landing to the first ripe fruit - 115 days .This is the mid-seasoned variety, which is considered one of the most delicious pink tomatoes.

    Fruits of the variety are considered the most delicious among pink tomatoes.

    According to the characteristics, the tomato loves heat, therefore it is ideal for growing in a greenhouse. In the open beds he may need a film cover. Depends on the region and temperature.

    Fully grow can and in open ground, without shelter.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    The main advantages of the variety:

    • Large fruits.
    • High yield .
    • Resistance to diseases.
    • Tastes.
    • Long-term storage .
    • Suitable for transportation.

    Among the shortcomings noted:

    • The need for feeding.
    • Requirement to the quality of watering.
    • The need for a stable temperature .
    High yield - one of the advantages of the

    variety. Soil requirements for planting

    To grow the Pink Elephant variety, special soil is needed, consisting of soil and humus.

    You can add a small amount of river sand or wood ash. If you can not prepare the mixture yourself, you can purchase the necessary composition in the store.

    The soil should be well heated and wet .This should be taken care of in advance. Before planting, the land is recommended to be treated with copper sulphate, or a solution of potassium permanganate.

    Planting Rules

    To sow seeds for seedlings should be in the second half of March, .Pre-need to soak them in a growth stimulator for twelve hours.

    Seeds collected more than two years ago are best. They have the largest percentage of germination. Three year olds are also suitable.

    Tomato Seeds Pink Elephant

    Suitable for sowing are containers with lids, which can be purchased at a flower shop. Covers are needed to ensure the greenhouse effect. If there are none, then you can use food wrap.

    Filling the reservoir with earth should form the wells. The optimal size is about two centimeters deep. After placing the seedlings, you need to fill up the holes and water.

    After that it is recommended to cover the containers with lids, or foil and place in a warm, well-lit place. If all sowing rules are followed, the first sprouts will appear during the week .

    In the future they will need:

    • Regular watering.
    • Airing.
    • Remove condensation from covers, or film.

    To prepare the seedlings for outdoor conditions, it is worthwhile to arrange for it to harden .For this, about ten days before landing in open ground, it is necessary to make it on the street. The time intervals need to be gradually increased.

    Transplanting in the open ground

Therefore, it should be landed not earlier than June .It should pick up a sunny plot, which is protected from the wind.

Well, if on the day of disembarkation there will be cloudy weather. If not, do it better in the evening. In this case, the seedlings quickly adapt to new conditions.

The distance between rows and holes should be 70 centimeters .To the bushes are not intertwined with each other. From this decreases the level of productivity.

Care after transplantation

Tomato care The pink elephant is quite simple and easy to implement. But it requires an integrated approach.

First of all, needs to eliminate stepchildren. Thus the load is regulated. Each brush should be left no more than 4 flowers .Removed small and deformed.

In order to avoid possible diseases, removes the leaves of the lower tier of .This should be done very carefully, trying not to damage the main stem.

To avoid diseases, the lower leaves should be removed

. Necessary manipulations:

  • Watering.
  • Fertilizer soil.
  • Formation of bushes.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Weed Removal.

After some time, it will take to tie the branches and fruits to the supports .Iron rods or wooden pegs are suitable for this. It is best to form bushes in one stem. This guarantees maximum yield.

It is recommended that be watered with tomatoes with salt and added. Ten liters requires one glass of ash and one tablespoon of salt. From this, the fruits become more sugary and fleshy. Water should not be too cold.

Loosening the soil between irrigation allows oxygen to penetrate to the roots. This prevents the occurrence of weeds and diseases.

. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil.

must be fed during the season. This is done no more than four times .Nitrogen-containing components are used before flowering, and magnesium sulfate after ovary.

Diseases and Prevention

The pink elephant is quite resistant to various diseases.

However, this does not negate minimal preventive actions. For this, industrial insecticides, chamomile decoction, celandine decoction will fit perfectly. Warm soapy water helps to get rid of aphids. It is necessary to wipe the stalks with it.

To control pests, use:

  • Parsley.
  • Celery.
  • Mint.

These plants need to be planted next to tomatoes. Their spicy scent will protect against insects.

Growing a tomato Pink elephant does not require professional skills. With proper care and compliance with all recommendations, it will be possible to gather a rich and tasty harvest. Which can be enjoyed for a long time, given the long shelf life of tomatoes.

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