Description and characteristics of tomato varieties honey drop

If you want to grow a high-yielding variety with excellent taste and exotic appearance in your plot, , then the Honey Drop tomato will suit you best. Description and characteristics of this variety are presented in this review.

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Ameliozoa Cultivars

  • Cultivation of
    • CultivationHoney drop is required breeders of Russia. Applies to medium early varieties. Recommended to grow in regions with long sunny summer. A variety of cherry tomatoes grown in greenhouses and in the open field.
      Tomato Honey drop

      Aging period 110-115 days. Shrubs tall, grow 170-200 cm in the greenhouse, 120-150 cm in the open garden. Shrubs should be formed in 2 stalks. Stems are weak, require tying and pinching. The leaves are similar to the leaves of the potato. Fruits are not large, grow with brushes on 14–20 pieces, color is saturated yellow. The shape resembles a pear. The weight of each fruit is 15-25 grams. Have a sweet taste with honey flavor.

      Advantages and disadvantages of

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      These advantages of the variety are:

      • pleasant taste qualities ;
      • high yield ;
      • versatility cultivation( greenhouses, open beds);
      • variety of use ;
      • possibility of collecting seeds .
      The fruits of this variety have a very high sugar content in the pulp.

      The disadvantages of this variety include:

      • the need for tying ;
      • necessarily removal of stepsons ;
      • propensity to cracking ripe .

      . Seed preparation.

      . Properly grown seedlings are the key to a good harvest. Sowing seeds is necessary in early March. Use seed better than 2 years old. Seeds before planting should be soaked for 20 minutes in a 1% solution of manganese for disinfection.

      Disinfection of tomato seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate

      This procedure is necessary to improve immunity to disease. After treatment, the seeds should be washed with running water. Ready for planting seeds are sown in containers.

      Soil preparation

      Tomato Honey drop prefers fertile soil. For planting, you need to mix the garden soil in equal proportions with sand, peat and add some ash to normalize acidity. The soil must be watered with a hot solution of strong manganese for disinfection.

      . Cultivation of seedlings and care.

      . Ready soil is poured into oblong boxes, well leveled. Seeds are sown by pressing every 2 cm to a depth of 1 cm. Sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, moistened with a spray bottle and covered with glass. Carry out in a dark room with a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees. The glass is periodically removed to saturate the seeds with oxygen.

      Tomato seedlings Honey drop

      After 5-7 days, after emergence, the seedlings are removed from the glass and transferred to a well-lit room. The first two days, seedlings need additional lighting. Carry it out with the help of fluorescent lamps. In the future, daylight hours should be at least 14-16 hours. Watering seedlings should be warm water from the spray. Fertilizing is necessary to make twice - after the appearance of seedlings and after diving. As a fertilizer, you can use the ash solution:

      • water — 1 liter;
      • ash — 1 tablespoon.
      After the appearance of 2 sheets on seedlings, it must be transplanted into pots with a volume of 1 liter. Before diving, moisten the soil in the boxes well.

      When diving seedlings, gently pinch the central root. At the same time, an additional amount of lateral roots grows, which makes the plant stronger.

      The essential point of the picking procedure is to pinch the main root of the

      . After transplantation, pour plenty of water and add fertilizing. If there are 3-4 sheets on the seedlings, they are planted in open ground. Two weeks before transplanting, seedlings need to be hardened. Do this as follows:

      1. The first two days in the room with seedlings on 2-3 hours open the window ;
      2. Carry out seedlings of outside on 3-4 hours ;
      3. Every day to increase the time of outdoor saplings;
      4. Before disembarking, leave in the open air overnight .

      Transplantation to open beds

      In the greenhouses seedlings are planted in early April. Greenhouses must be well heated. Seedlings planted after 65 cm in a row. The greenhouse must be periodically ventilated. In the event of a shortage of lighting plants, it is necessary to organize additional lighting. Watering exercise once a week. After watering it is necessary to loosen the soil.

      Tomatoes A honey drop is planted in the ground in accordance with the 40x70 cm scheme.

      Experienced gardeners advise growing this variety in open ground. It is noticed that due to the increased humidity and more dense planting of bushes, tomatoes in the greenhouse are sick more often. On the open beds planted seedlings in the last days of May. We select beds on an open area, well lit by the sun. To plant seedlings with an interval between plants 60 , see . After transplanting, seedlings need to be tied up. Bushes form in two stems. It is recommended to remove the processes once a week so that they do not interfere with the formation of ovaries. Watering should be moderate, but abundant. Watering should be as the soil dries. Water for irrigation should be separated and warm. After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil so that there is no stagnant moisture.

      Excess moisture in the soil leads to fungal diseases!

      Feed needs to be done three times. The first is performed one week after transplantation. Fertilized bird droppings or mullein can be used as fertilizer. During the flowering period, it is better to apply fertilizers containing a large amount of nitrogen to the soil. When forming golden fruits, tomatoes need fertilizing with fertilizers containing magnesium sulphate.

      Diseases and pests

      Honey drop is immune to diseases such as:

      • late blight;
      • rot gray;
      • foot black;
      Tomatoes Honey drop is well protected from being affected by most common diseases, including blight and black leg

      . However, side by side with other varieties can be infected with these diseases. Treatment with phytosporin is recommended for prophylaxis. From pests as a preventive measure it is necessary to spray the bushes with hydrogen peroxide solution. From aphids well helps processing solution of soap.

      Harvesting a tomato

      Ripening Honey drop 100 days after planting. Tomatoes of this sorita are used for canning, they can be dried and consumed fresh in salads. Sweet taste allows you to use it for making jam. Well suited for people who are allergic to red fruits, which have high acidity.

      Tomato Honey drop is distinguished not only by its exotic appearance, but also by its high yield and excellent taste. Even the pickiest farmer will be satisfied, growing this variety on his plot.

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