19 of the best varieties of polycarbonate greenhouse tomato

Polycarbonate greenhouse is the best option for growing tomatoes. It creates reliable protection against weather cataclysms and spring frosts, honeycomb material retains plant-friendly temperature conditions. This article provides an overview of the selection rules for tomato varieties suitable for greenhouse cultivation. After reviewing the information, it will not be necessary to determine the varieties of tomatoes through trial and error. It is better to rely on the experience of selection, as well as specialists and notable gardeners.


  • Top Determinate tomato varieties for greenhouses in Siberia
    • Bourgeois
    • Openwork
    • Slivka honey
    • Big Momma
    • woman Gift
  • best harvest sweet varieties for Urals
    • King early
    • Grandma's secret
    • Flamingo
    • Samara
  • What are the early varieties of tomato plant in a greenhouse?
    • Hurricane
    • Verlioka
  • most high-yielding tomatoes for greenhouses from
    • polycarbonate Pink raisins
    • Mikado pink
    • Miracle Land
  • instagram viewer
  • middle and late hothouse varieties
    • King of Kings
    • Bobcat
    • Rocket
    • French grozdevoy
    • Abakan

Top Determinate tomato varieties for greenhouses in Siberia


Short description:

  • medium early aging;
  • bush height 80-130 cm( in the southern regions up to 150 cm);
  • vegetation 100-110 days;
  • mass of rounded red fruits - 200-400 g;
  • yield - 3 kg per bush.

Hybrid Bourgeois was bred by Ukrainian breeders, in 2004 it was registered in Russia. The variety is recommended for cultivation in the southern regions of the country and the middle belt. In the Urals and in Siberia, more often planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Tomato Bourgeois
Bourgeois has strong immunity, which explains the resistance to many diseases, easily tolerates temperature changes, drought.

The only downside is the low yield.


Short description:

  • medium term of aging;
  • vegetation - 100-110 days;
  • plant growth - 60-90 cm;
  • fruit weight - 240-280 grams;
  • tomato shape is rounded, slightly flattened;
  • yield - up to 4 kg per bush.

High-yielding determinant hybrid Azhur was bred by domestic breeders, registered in 2007.Culture is recommended for cultivation in the Central regions of Russia, Krasnodar Krai, Astrakhan region. In regions with a more severe climate( Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chelyabinsk Region) is planted in a greenhouse.

Tomatoes Openwork

Dignity varieties: resistance to diseases, pests, lack of moisture. Tomatoes have excellent taste, the use of fruit is universal. There are no significant deficiencies, rather cultural features, which consist in the compulsory formation of shrubs and regular fertilization.

Honey Cream

Short description:

  • early aging;
  • vegetation 90-100 days;
  • bush growth - 60 cm;
  • oval fruit fruit weight - 60-70 g;
  • yield - 4.2 kg per plant.

The honey cream variety is very tasty, sweet and slightly sour. The peel of the fruit is dense, which allows you to store the harvest for a long time. Culture has a strong immune system, shows resistance to fungal and viral infections.

Honey Cream

The variety is recommended for cultivation in the middle lane, in the south. In the northern regions of the country, it is better to land in the greenhouse.

Big Mommy

Short description:

  • early aging;
  • vegetation 85 days;
  • bush height up to 60 cm;
  • fruit weight - 200-400 grams;
  • yield 3-4 kg per plant;

The harvest variety, domestic, young, was registered in Russia in 2015.Differs in resistance to a mosaic, a fitoftoroz, mealy dew. The tomato is bred for cultivation under film cover. Some gardeners living in the southern regions manage to plant seedlings in open ground.

Dignity Big Mommy: resistance to cracking of fruits, good taste, versatility in use. No features or deficiencies have been identified.

Big Mommy

Gift to a Woman

Short description:

  • medium term of aging;
  • vegetation 100-115 days;
  • fruits are rounded red-pink color;
  • mass of an average largest tomato - 200-280 g;
  • yield - 3.7-5 kg ​​per bush.

Hybrid bred by Russian breeders for cultivation in the open field and in the greenhouse. It is best to plant in the middle lane and in the south of the country.

The advantages of the variety: the sweetish taste of a tomato, tender juicy flesh, high yield.

Among other things, the plant is resistant to diseases and pests, easily tolerates drought.
Variety Gift to a Woman

Deficiencies are noted for exacting feeding.

The best fruitful and sweet varieties for the Urals

King of the early

Brief description:

  • vegetation 80-90 days;
  • fruit weight - 250 gr.(the first tomatoes are larger, reach 500 gr.);
  • yield - 4-5 kg ​​from a bush.

The earliest king variety was bred by domestic breeders, registered in 2005.Ideal for growing in central Russia, the Urals and the northern regions, particularly in the Astrakhan region, Krasnodar region.

Advantages of the Early King: strong immunity, tolerance to fungal infections, good taste, universal use of fruits. Disadvantages relate mainly to the rules of care: requirements for watering and lighting.

King early

Grandmother's secret


  • vegetation 115-125 days;
  • bush height over 1.5 m;
  • fruit weight - 450-600 grams;
  • yield - up to 8 kg.

Culture is grown throughout the territory of Russia. Variety Babushkin secret bred by Siberian breeders, registered in 2007.

Large tomatoes with excellent taste have sweet pulp. The peel of the fruit is dense, so the freshness of the vegetable preserves for a long time. The plant is tolerant to powdery mildew and fusarium. The only disadvantage is the tendency to cracking.

Pink flamingo

Short description:

  • vegetation 90-110 days;
  • bush height - 1.5-2 m;
  • fruit weight - 200-300 grams;
  • yield - 5-6 kg per plant.

One of the peculiarities of the Pink Flamingo variety is its taste, which surpasses many other tomatoes in sweetness. Culture grows well in the middle lane and in the south of the country. In regions with a harsh climate, cultivation under shelter is recommended.

The plant is tolerant to most of the fungi, but is prone to insect attacks, so you should not neglect prevention.


Short Description:

  • vegetation 90-96 days;
  • bush height 2-2.2 m, nip and stitchhead required;
  • fruit weight - 85-100 grams;
  • yield 3.7-4.3 kg per bush.

Tomato is resistant to cracking, strong immunity resists many diseases and pests, which simplifies the cultivation of vegetables. High yield and universal use of fruits have built a hybrid among the most popular among industrialists and summer residents.

What early tomato varieties are planted in a greenhouse?


Short description:

  • vegetation 93-103 days;
  • bush height - 1.9-2.3 m( requires shaping the stem and pasynkovaniya);
  • fruit weight - 35-45 grams;
  • yield - 4 kg per bush.

The advantages of the variety are: early ripening, presentation and good taste, safety of vegetables during transportation. Fruits are not prone to cracking. The disadvantage is weak resistance to late blight.

Tomatoes Hurricane


Brief description of the Verlioka variety:

  • vegetation 90-105 days;
  • plant height - 1.5 m;
  • fruit weight - 80-100 grams;
  • yield up to 5 kg per bush.

Among the advantages of the variety: unpretentious care, good immunity, excellent taste of fruits .However, the plant is demanding on the nutritional value of the soil, besides, pasynkovanie required.

Verlioka Variety

The highest-yielding polycarbonate greenhouse tomatoes

Pink raisins

Short characteristics:

  • growing season 86-90 days;
  • plant height - 1.5 m;
  • fruit weight - 60-100 grams;
  • yield - up to 6 kg per bush.

The crop is resistant to diseases and pests, tomatoes have excellent taste, their application is universal.

The peculiarity of the variety is abundant and prolonged fruiting, unpretentiousness to weather conditions.

Tomato has no significant drawbacks.

Mikado pink

Short description:

  • vegetation 90-95 days;
  • plant growth - 1.7-2.3 m;
  • fruit weight - 300-600 grams;
  • yield - more than 5 kg per bush.

The indeterminate variety Mikado, is known for its excellent immunity, the taste of tomatoes and their universal use. Disadvantages: the tendency to cracking, the need to form a bush and burying.

Miracle of the earth

Brief description:

  • growing season 110-125 days;
  • bush growth - 1.5 m;
  • fruit weight - 200-250 grams;
  • yield - over 4.5 per plant.

The variety of the wonder of the earth is unique in that it was bred by an amateur breeder, so it is problematic to purchase seedsThe virtues of the Miracle are: high yields with a long period of fruiting, good fruit taste and long shelf life, excellent transportability. The tomato is not subject to cracking, shows resistance to fungal infections.

Middle and late greenhouse varieties

King of Kings

Short description:

  • vegetation 120-135 days;
  • plant growth - 1.45-1.85 m;
  • tomato weight - 500-1000 grams;
  • yield from a bush - 5.5 kg.

This giant has good resistance to late blight and rot. The size of the tomato is supported by excellent taste, which justifies the name.

King of Kings
The crop has a long shelf life, but there is a tendency to cracking.


Short description:

  • vegetation 120-130 days;
  • plant height - 50-70 cm( sometimes the bush reaches 1.2 m);
  • tomato weight - 180-240 g;
  • yield over 4 kg.

Dutch hybrid origin registered in Russia in 2008.Tomato is recommended for cultivation in the middle lane. In the northern regions grown under shelter.

The main advantages of the Bobkat variety: it tolerates drought easily, is resistant to most diseases of solanaceous crops, gives a consistently good harvest. The disadvantage is the maturation period( late), so you can not grow throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

Bobcat Tomatoes


Short description:

  • growing season 115-125 days;
  • plant height - 50-70 cm;
  • tomato weight - 40-60 grams;
  • yield - 5-6.5 kg per bush.

The tall Raketa variety was developed by domestic breeders and was registered in 1999.The best harvest results were observed in the southern regions, but thanks to proper farming techniques, a record number of fruits can be taken in the middle lane.

The plant is resistant to rot and phytophthora, short stature allows you to cultivate vegetables in open beds, in greenhouses and even on the balcony. The culture is demanding for watering, feeding, as a result of a violation of agricultural practices, tomatoes can crack.

French manure

Short description:

  • medium maturity;
  • plant height - 1-1.5 m;
  • tomato weight - 80-100 grams;
  • yield - 3.5-4.7 kg per bush.

The advantages of the French Manure variety are in its unpretentiousness to agricultural technology, the excellent taste of fruits, and the beautiful appearance of tomatoes. The harvest is well preserved and transported thanks to the dense skin. The lack of fruit ripening can be attributed to the disadvantage; the climatic features of some regions do not allow to remove ripe tomatoes from the bed at the end of the season.


Brief characteristics of the variety Abakansky:

  • average aging period( 115-125 days);
  • plant height - 1.5 m;
  • tomato weight - 250-300 grams;
  • yield from a bush - 5 kg.
Pink tomato can reach with proper farming 800 gr.

Appearance and taste of vegetables on top. Culture reacts positively to mineral supplements, shows resistance to fungi. The following are considered disadvantages: a weak tomato stem that cannot withstand large fruits( garter is required), requirement for watering and lighting.

A large assortment of varieties makes it possible to choose tomato varieties for summer salads and winter preparations.

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