Useful properties and contraindications of berries and blackberry leaves

Blackberry is not only tasty, but also useful .The ancient healers were aware of its medicinal properties and actively used all parts of this plant in their practice: leaves, fruits, roots.

Of course, from the point of view of medicine, is the most valuable wild berry .But a cultured blackberry can replace a handful of pills.

Table of Contents

  • Chemical Composition: Vitamins and Trace Elements
  • Benefits and Curative Properties for Men, Women, and Childrenand diarrhea
  • Healing rinse with sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis
  • Syrup for intestinal infections in humans
  • Infusion of forest and garden berries root for edema
  • spiderman for pains for skin pains
  • jam Blackberry 18+
    • Pouring “The blood of the titans”
    • Liqueur “Blackberry tea”
  • Chemical composition: vitamins and trace elements

    Blackberry has the right to be called is a treasure of vitamin C , which is necessary to stimulate the body’s immune defense, strengthen its blood vessels, absorb iron, synthesize collagen, etc.

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    A liter jar( 500 grams) of this delicious berry covers the daily need for ascorbic acid.

    There is even more vitamin C in blackberry leaves than in fruits. True, its content depends on the season: in spring and early summer, higher, closer to autumn, lower.

    Vitamins Content in 500 g of blackberry fruit Subsidiary need
    Vitamin C 75 mg Vitamin A
    0.25 mg 1.2 mg
    Vitamin B3 2 dosage of the drug is not available.

    Despite the sweetness of this berry, its calorie content is low - only 34 kcal per 100 grams of .For comparison: the calorie content of grapefruit popular in dietetics is 35 kcal, and watermelon is 38 kcal.

    There is evidence that frozen blackberries are more caloric than fresh. When frozen in berries, the carbohydrate content increases, due to which the calorie content increases.

    Benefits and healing properties for the body of men, women and children

    1. According to Professor Vitaly Glebovich Pashinsky, famous for his herbal medicine, easily digestible blackberry sugars can reduce the need for insulin. Therefore, blackberries must be included in the diet with diabetes .
    2. The healing blackberry, like its botanical sister garden raspberry, is natural aspirin .Salicylic acid was found in fruits and leaves, which is capable of coagulating microbial proteins. It was the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of blackberry leaves that made it possible to use them as a wound healing plaster even in the times of Ancient Rome.
    3. By the number of anthocyanins, the blackberry is second only to a grenade. Anthocyanins - substances with antitumor action .They protect the cell from the "extremist activity" of free radicals that cause intracellular mutations.
    4. Blackberry is rich in fiber, tannins and anthocyanins, phytoestrogens and vitamin C.
    5. Blackberry leaf is rich in tannins .Their astringent action helps to cope with diarrhea and removes toxins from the digestive system. In addition to the ability to cleanse, tannins can reduce bleeding: for example, when hemorrhoids or bleeding gums.
    6. Due to the content of iron and potassium in combination with vitamin C, blackberries are useful for the prevention of anemia, including in pregnant women. In order not to prevent the gland from being absorbed, it is impossible to eat blackberries with calcium-rich milk, cottage cheese or sour cream. These products are best separated.
    7. Blackberries and raspberries are the champions among the berries in fiber content .One glass of blackberry gives 30% of the daily requirement. Coarse fibers reduce the absorption of harmful fats and their deposition on the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, the blackberry is useful to prevent heart disease and the vascular system.
    8. One of the beneficial components of blackberry fruits and roots of this plant is phytoestrogens .These hormone-like substances can alleviate the unpleasant manifestations of menopause. The scientific environment also discusses the issue of the preventive action of phytoestrogens in breast cancer.

    Possible harm to health, contraindications and precautions

    Blackberry, along with raspberries, strawberries, strawberries and cherries, is on the list of highly allergenic berries.

    You may be interested in our publications:

    • Description of the Blackberry variety Black Sateen.
    • Detailed description and characteristics of the blackberry variety Ruben.
    • Full description of the blackberry variety Agaveam.

    This imposes a restriction on its use for people with a tendency to allergic reactions.

    Berry has contraindications, with caution, so as not to harm the health, you need to treat blackberries:

    • in case of hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases;
    • for diseases of the urinary system;
    • during pregnancy;
    • under the age of three;
    • with individual intolerance.
    Blackberry can cause allergies, can cause harm during gastritis, pregnancy

    Allergies and food intolerance are different phenomena. In allergies, the body produces an inadequate immune response to any component of the diet. In case of intolerance, immunity works normally, but the digestive system cannot cope with a specific product.

    Treatment and practical application

    As a medicinal raw material, blackberry is used to prepare infusions, decoctions, juices, lotions, rinses .With their help, they treat or supplement drug therapy for many diseases.

    Blackberry leaf infusion with excitability and overwork


    • 2 tablespoons of dry blackberry leaf;
    • 1 cup boiling water.

    Raw material is placed in a ceramic or glass dish with a lid, filled with boiling water, covered and wrapped. After half an hour is filtered. It is taken 3 times a day for a glass.

    Useful decoction of blackberry with colitis and diarrhea


    • 2 tablespoons dried blackberry leaves and leaves;
    • 1 glass of water.

    Raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, filled with boiling water. It is boiled for 10 minutes over low heat, after which it is wrapped for half an hour and filtered. Take on an empty stomach a few sips 4 times a day.

    Medical rinse for sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis


    • 2 tablespoons of dry leaf;
    • 0.5 liters of water.

    Chopped raw material is filled with boiling water and wrapped. Infused for three hours, then filtered.

    As a medicinal raw material, blackberry is used to prepare infusions, decoctions, juices, lotions, rinses

    Syrup for intestinal infections in humans


    • 1 part of blackberry juice;
    • 2 parts sugar.

    Boil the juice with sugar until thick. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

    Infusion of forest and garden berries root for swelling


    • 15 grams of dried blackberry root;
    • 300 ml of water.

    Raw materials are crushed, filled with boiling water, wrapped. Infused for at least an hour. Taken on a tablespoon every two hours.

    Sheet plaster for skin diseases, cracks, wounds


    • fresh blackberry leaves;
    • clean water.

    The leaves are well washed and warm up so that the juice is released. A crumpled sheet is applied to the sore spot and fixed with a bandage.

    Leaf of herpes and eczema leaves


    • fresh blackberry leaves;
    • pure water.

    Blackberry leaves are washed with clean water, placed in a blender. Raw materials are ground into gruel. Cotton swab gruel along with the juice is distributed over the affected area.

    Blackberry leaves, roots and fruits are used in the treatment of many diseases.

    Infusion for the treatment of gouty arthritis


    • 2 pieces of dry blackberry leaf;
    • 5 parts dry thyme;
    • 3 parts wild rose;
    • water.

    Raw materials are placed in a ceramic dish with a lid, poured boiling water so that it is completely covered. Wrapped and infused for 2 hours. Filter and drink in small portions throughout the day.

    Broth with cold with high temperature


    • 1 tablespoon dry blackberries;
    • 1 tablespoon dried blackberry flowers and leaves;
    • 1 tablespoon dried linden flowers;
    • 1 tablespoon honey;
    • 250 ml of water.

    Raw material is placed in an enamel bowl, poured boiling water. Put in a water bath and aged for 15 minutes. Honey is added to the strained and slightly cooled broth.

    Adults take a glass 2 times a day, children half a glass 1-2 times a day.

    Infusion of the roots in the menopausal period


    • 3 grams of dried blackberry roots;
    • 200 ml boiling water.

    Raw materials are ground into powder, poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Strained infusion is drunk in portions of 1 tablespoon during the day.

    The Live for Life! Program will tell you about the beneficial properties of blackberry:

    Delicious recipes

    Any treatment is more effective in a good mood. Blackberry will also help to provide it. Many excellent delicacies are prepared from this berry, of which jam is in the first place.

    Blackberry jam will fit in and of itself, and for the preparation of delicious desserts: chocolate mousses, cheesecakes, souffles, muffins. The interesting aroma and taste of this berry will make a restaurant a masterpiece out of ordinary chicken.


    Jam Ingredients:

    • 1 kg of blackberry fruit;
    • 1 kg of sugar.

    Berry sorted, separated stalk, well washed. They shift the blackberry into a saucepan with a thick bottom, cover it with sugar, shake gently so that sugar is evenly distributed between the berries.

    An hour later, when the blackberry gives juice, the pan is put on a slow fire. Cook, constantly stirring, for 30-40 minutes. Hot jam is laid out on sterile jars and tightly closed.

    Blackberry "Five minutes"


    • 1 kg of blackberry fruit;
    • 1.5 kg of sugar;
    • 1 lemon.

    The enumerated and washed berries are piled up with a thick-bottomed pot, covered with 1 kg of sugar and left overnight. In the morning, drain the released juice, pour in the rest of the sugar and boil for 10 minutes, removing the froth.

    In a slightly cooled syrup they shift the berry, squeeze the juice out of the lemon and set on slow fire. After boiling, boil for 5-8 minutes, lay out in dry sterile jars and close.

    Healthy jam is prepared from blackberry: classic, frozen and five-minute

    Frozen jam


    • 1 kg of blackberry fruit;
    • 1 kg of sugar.

    The berries are picked and washed, removing the stem. Give drain water. Poured sugar and pestle fray with him blackberry. The resulting mixture is poured into clean milk bottles or plastic containers with a lid. Put in the freezer .

    This option allows you to preserve all the useful qualities of blackberry. Before use, the container is taken out of the freezer, the jam is thawed and used. Store thawed mixture can be in the refrigerator.

    Blackberry raspberry jam without cooking:

    Blackberry 18+

    Blackberry is an excellent raw material for the preparation of .This product will have an amazing deep color, bright aroma and taste of fresh berries. The lighter ladies version is blackberry liqueur.

    Pouring "The Blood of the Titans"


    • 1 kg of blackberry fruit;
    • 1 kg of sugar;
    • 1 liter of vodka;
    • 200 ml of rum;
    • 2 lemons;
    • vanilla sugar.

    Put the washed and dried blackberries in a jar, add sugar, cover with gauze and put on a light window-sill. Shake from time to time for two days.

    Drain the syrup, add 0.5 l of vodka, 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar and lemon juice. Capacity with syrup until clean.

    Pour the remaining vodka berries, insist week, filter, combine with syrup. Add rum to the bottle, bottled and hold for another six months.

    Blackberry - an excellent raw material for making liqueurs, the product will have an amazing deep color, bright aroma and taste of fresh berries.

    Blackberry Tea liqueur


    • 950 ml of blackberry juice;
    • 470 grams of sugar;
    • several clove buds;
    • 2 fresh tarragon leaves;
    • 1 tea bag;
    • zest of 1 lemon;
    • 0.5 liters of vodka.

    Mix blackberry juice with sugar and spices. Put on the fire, add tea and bring to a boil. Remove tea in a couple of minutes, the rest boil for another 10 minutes. Cool, pour vodka, bottled and withstand for a month.

    Blackberry liqueur:

    Blackberry - berry, worthy of attention .The benefits of this plant and the variety of uses are well worth the effort to grow blackberries in your garden.

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