Detailed description of flat or fig peaches

A great many people turn their attention to fig peaches, which are otherwise called flat peaches. This unusual fruit has a large number of nutrients and is able to beneficially affect the human body .In addition, this variety is much more stable than its more rounded relatives. Let's take a closer look at its description and characteristics.


  • What: Peach peach, description
  • Composition flattened fruit
  • Benefits and harms
    • harm from the use of
  • Features of cultivation
  • Landing
  • Care
    • Feeding
    • Pruning
  • Grades: Peach peach
    • Saturn
    • UFO-3
    • Vladimir
    • Sweet Cap
    • Nikita flat
  • Reviews

What is fig peach, description

Many people think that fig peach is so called because of its relationship to figs, but this is far from true. These two fruits are connected only by a similar, flattened form of .

Breeders argue that the peach can be crossed with apricots, plums, but not figs.
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Another false opinion is that fig peach is a hybrid created by scientists, but this is also not true. The first mention of a flat fruit was found in China, and it is believed that the fig peach originates from wild peach varieties grown in Asia by .In the European part of the world, this variety was introduced in the late 19th century, while in Asian countries it was already actively grown for a long time.

Because of its interesting shape, this peach is also called “donut”.This is due to the fact that if you carefully remove the bone fruit in shape will resemble the famous confection.

There are many subspecies of fig peach, so fruit often vary in size and color, but each variety retains an excellent taste and aroma. Also, such peaches are very cold-resistant, well tolerate winter cold and spring frosts.

On average, fruits grow to 4-7 centimeters in diameter, and their weight is 100-120 grams .Peaches have a rounded, flattened form with a slightly depressed apex. The skin is rather thick with slight pubescence, the color range varies from yellow to bright red. The flesh is sweet, juicy, creamy or yellowish.

Composition of flat fruit

Fig peach contains a huge amount of nutrients.

Macro and trace elements Sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, fluorine, manganese, chromium.
Vitamins groups B, E, C, H, K, beta-carotene. In the bones of the fruit contains a large amount of vitamin B17, which, according to experts, can fight cancer and improve metabolism.
Organic Acids
Essential Oils

Dried peaches are well suited for diet. Despite the sweet taste of this fruit, they contain few calories.

. At 100 grams, you can see . We're happy to talk to you.

Fig peach has a large number of useful properties
  • fruits are excellent prevention against various types of oncology ;
  • improves the work of the intestines , preventing constipation and heartburn;
  • accelerates the metabolism of , thereby helping to lose extra pounds;
  • strengthens the human immunity;
  • also flat peaches beneficial affect the functioning of the heart muscle ;
  • is often used as an antidepressant for , even for young children;
  • relieves toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • improves the functioning of the liver and biliary tract;
  • and bones are used in cosmetology for the manufacture of various oils designed to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin.

Harm from the use of

In comparison with the use of fig peach, there are very few contraindications to .

  • is not recommended to use these fruits for people with allergies and intolerances ;
  • due to the high sugar content of is not allowed to people with diabetes.

Features of growing

Compared with ordinary peach and nectarine, fig peach has a higher frost resistance , in addition, flower buds are protected from freezing during spring temperature drops.

Experienced gardeners have discovered such a pattern that fig peach feels good in areas where grapes grow.

In order for a flat fruit to take root well and actively bear fruit, it needs to provide plenty of sunshine. Otherwise, the fruit will not be able to ripen. Therefore, need to plant trees in non-shaded areas .

Fig peach - a sun-loving tree

The rest of the principle of care for fig peach is no different from other crops. The tree needs timely top dressing, stable watering and sanitary treatments for pests and diseases .

Another interesting feature of the variety is the flowering of the tree, which begins in mid-April, which is quite late compared to other peaches. The fruits ripen at the end of August, , so the growing area must necessarily be with a warm and long summer.


Before planting a peach, you need to purchase a healthy seedling that can quickly settle on a new place. For this purpose, it is recommended to pay attention to the following features:

  1. It is imperative that clarify the acclimatization of the sapling to the region of future growth;
  2. On the root system, should be free from traces of any damage to , and the presence of dry or rotted roots is also undesirable;
  3. If you pinch off a piece of bark, from the back side of it should be green in color ;
  4. It is best to purchase annual trees .

Proper selection of a landing site will be a guarantee for obtaining abundant crops of juicy peaches.

  1. The site must be solar and protected from the wind, it is best to choose the south side of the garden;
  2. It is also necessary to ensure that the peach of the does not fall on the peach ;
  3. Another condition will be the absence of a high level of groundwater ( at least 3 meters).

The peach tree is planted in March or in late September - early October. During spring planting, a pit is prepared in the fall, and during the fall, is prepared for in the autumn, before the procedure is carried out.

To plant seedlings of fig peach is best in the fall.

To do this, dig a pit with a diameter and depth equal to 50-60 centimeters. Then the fertile soil layer is mixed with the following fertilizers:

  • 2 buckets of manure, humus or compost;
  • 150-200 grams of superphosphate;
  • 100 grams of potassium;
  • 800 grams of wood ash.
When planting a tree in fertile soil( black soil) it will be sufficient to apply mineral fertilizers.

During planting, the root neck of the seedling is left on 3-5 centimeters above the ground level .When the pit falls asleep, the seedling is periodically shaken to avoid the formation of air pockets.

When the work is completed, the sapling is watered with 2-3 buckets of water and mulched to a depth of 5-10 centimeters.

When autumn planting or when there is a risk of the onset of spring frost, seedling is wrapped with agrofiber.


The care of a peach tree consists of several parts, first you need to ensure that it is watered correctly. With the onset of heat once every two weeks, 20-25 liters of water are brought under the tree.

Top dressing

Experienced gardeners recommend using the following fertilizer application:

  1. Spring - 50 grams of urea and 75 grams of ammonium nitrate are applied to one tree;
  2. Autumn - a peach tree needs to receive 50 grams of potash fertilizer and 40 grams of phosphate;
  3. Periodic top dressing - once in 2-3 years it is necessary to make the soil more fertile, for this purpose, 10 kilograms of manure or humus are added to the perennial circle for digging.


In early spring, it is necessary to correctly form the crown of the tree; to do this, remove all lateral branches, leaving only 3 skeletal branches, while the central trunk is trimmed slightly above the upper branch of the skeleton.

For a fig peach it is necessary to form a cup-shaped crown.

Then, every year, in March and October, sanitary and rejuvenating pruning are carried out, removing all diseased, damaged, dry and frozen frozen branches. Also, to avoid thickening of the crown all branches shortened so that their length does not exceed 50 centimeters .After each cut, the sore spot must be treated with garden pitch.

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