Install the pump in the well: a step by step installation, lowering the pump and install

Comfortable accommodation in a private house depends on many factors, and not the last role is played here by its water supply. If you already have a well at the site, the problem is half solved. But to ensure full water supply need to choose the right pump, or get water from a deep and narrow hole will be, to put it mildly, difficult, right?

At first glance, the installation of the pump in the well seems to be quite a daunting task. Here, as in any business, there are a number of important nuances. Therefore, before proceeding to its decision, it is necessary thoroughly to approach and study this issue. We will help you understand the intricacies of pumping equipment installation.

Useful advice for installation of surface and submersible pumps are set out in this material. Also here are the photos and videos with expert advice to help you better understand the subtleties of installation.

The content of the article:

  • What should be a good pump?
  • Preparation of the accompanying installation materials
  • instagram viewer
  • Rules of installation surface options
  • Mounting submersible pump
    • Step 1. Preparation for the installation of equipment
    • Step # 2. The immersion pump in the well
    • Step # 3. Determination pump points
  • Some important guidelines
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

What should be a good pump?

You must first select and acquire the right pump and a number of materials needed for its successful installation. The pump usually take a dip, it is very desirable that he was centrifugal.

Unlike centrifugal models vibrating pumps cause dangerous vibrations in the well, which may lead to the destruction of the soil and the casing. Especially dangerous are such models for Wells "in the sand", which are less stable than artesian counterparts.

Pump power must conform well productivity. Moreover, it should take into account the depth of the dive, for which a specific designed. The model is designed for operation at a depth of 50 m, and can deliver water with a 60-meter depth, but the pump will soon break.

submersible pump for well

Submersible centrifugal pump - the optimal choice for the well. It should correlate its performance, size, and other parameters to characteristics of its own water source

Another risk factor - level of quality of drilling. If drilled experienced team, well it would be better to endure a devastating effect. For wells created with their own hands or efforts "shabashniks", it is recommended to use not just the centrifugal pump, but special models for wells.

Such devices are better tolerate stress associated with pumping water abundantly contaminated sand, silt, clay particles, etc. Another important point - the diameter of the pump. It must match the size of the casing. It is important to take into account features of the pump power. For wells are used as single-phase and three-phase device.

For a four-inch pipe to find the technique easier than for the three-inch. Well, if this point is considered at the stage of well planning. The greater the distance from the walls of the pipe to the pump housing, the better. If the pump runs in the pipe with difficulty, and is not free, you need to look for a model of smaller diameter.

More information about the selection of the pump, see the article How to choose a pump for wells: recommendations on the selection of pumping equipment.

Preparation of the accompanying installation materials

Stuck in the pump casing can be a fair amount of headache. A drag (and omitted) it is necessary with a special cable. If the pump is already equipped with a polymeric cord, make sure it is high quality and sufficient length. Sometimes it is wiser to purchase this item separately.

It is believed that a strong rope or cord must be rated for the load, which is at least five times the weight of the equipment mounted on it. Of course, it must endure exposure to moisture well, since part of it will reside in the water.

If the device is hung relatively shallow, less than ten meters from the surface, you need to take care of the extra cushioning technology while it is running. For this purpose, a piece of flexible rubber or medical harness. Metal cable or wire is not suitable for suspension, since they do not cancel vibration, but can destroy fastening.

For the pump power is a special electrical cable. Its length must be sufficient to lay the cable freely and was not stretched.

For supplying water from the pump to the domestic water use special plastic pipe. The recommended design diameter of 32 mm or more. Otherwise, the water pressure in the system will not be sufficient.

Electrocable submersible pump

For the installation of a submersible pump using a special cable, which is designed for continuous operation under water. Its cross-section must comply with the technical requirements specified in the data sheet

Pipes can also be used metal and plastic. About joining metal pipes, there is disagreement. Some experts object to the threaded connection is less reliable. It is recommended to use the flanges and the bolt has to be on top, this will prevent it from accidentally falling into the well.

But a threaded connection in the wells is used quite successfully. When installing the mandatory use preroll. Some experts recommend to take instead of the usual ODM-tape or hemp linen or sealing tape "Tangit". Linen reeling further reinforce silicone sealant or similar material.

Characteristics vodopodyayuschey pipe should be selected in accordance with conditions of its work. For a depth of 50 meters are used HDPE pipe with a pressure of 10 atm. For depth of 50-80 m need tube, capable of operating at a pressure of 12.5 atm., And for a deep hole using the pipe 16 atm.

In addition to the pump, the pipes and the cable or cord before the install submersible pump in the well, It is recommended to stock up on the following materials:

  • clamps for fixing an electrical cable to the pipe;
  • a check valve;
  • pressure gauge;
  • stopcock to the conduit;
  • steel fixing unit;
  • power cable, etc.

Before connecting the pipes to the pump at its outlet nipple adapter to be attached. Usually modern submersible pumps are equipped with such a device, but if it does not, the node need to buy separately.

It should be remembered that the bleed hole immediately after drilling, ie to remove from the well a large number of very dirty water, the pump will not be used. He quickly goes down. Typically, the well is pumped separate pump, which costs less and works better when using dirty water.

Rules of installation surface options

Surface pumps are often used for water supply of this type, because they are only suitable for shallow hydraulic structures, to a depth of eight meters.

Yet such an option has the right to exist, and its installation is not more complicated than installation of submersible equipment.

surface pump

Surface pumps are easier to install and less expensive than submersible model, but they are effective only for wells up to eight meters

Mount the device as follows:

  1. Surface pump is installed in a special caisson or a separate room.
  2. The hose of suitable length connected to the suction pipe of the pump.
  3. To the other end of the hose is attached a check valve (safety measure that prevents the discharge of water at the end of the pump).
  4. Mounted on the valve shield mesh filter preventing penetration into the pump casing various contaminants.
  5. The hose is lowered into the well.

In this setup can be considered complete and make a trial run of the pump. For mounting such a pump in the well is often used a special adapter. In this case, the hose is connected to the adapter, and the adapter is connected to the pump. The rest of the installation procedure is exactly the same.

A bit harder to perform the installation in the borehole surface pump equipped with external ejector. In this case, the well should be lowered two hoses. In addition to the suction mount and even pressure hose. It is combined with a side ejector fitting, using a special removal.

Besides check valve and a filter at the end of the suction hose must also install an ejector. It should be remembered that the surface pumps are very sensitive to impurities in the water supplied from the borehole.

Mounting submersible pump

Submersible pumps are installed directly in the well. For them, as opposed to surface models, it is not necessary to equip the caisson or a separate room.

First, the pump is collected and operate it, i.e. attached thereto a water supply pipe, electrical cable, cord or wire, etc. The pump is lowered into the well.

Step 1. Preparation for the installation of equipment

On the fixed pump nozzle check valve to turn off when water remains in the device. Then establish a special cup-shaped filter, for filtering small particles of sludge. For a check valve mounted pipe or discharge hose.

Scheme submersible pump and plumbing

In this figure clearly represented the installation of a submersible pump in the well, as well as the general scheme of water supply from private wells homes

The check valve is required to keep the water in the water system after shutdown of the pump. Such a situation may lead to complete failure of the equipment. The cup-shaped filter protects the pump working chamber from silting.

Sometimes a non-return valve is already provided by the manufacturer and is part of the design. In this case, an additional valve is not required.

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Preparing to install the pump in the well

a pump well before immersion should properly prepare and connect with the water supply pipe

Node pump connection pipe

Step 1: Collect the pump connection unit with feed water pipe. It includes fitting the size of the pipe, the check valve and the brass adapter

Compounds within the node

Step 2: All metal threaded connections within the node-sealing sanitary flax

A compound with the pump connection node

Step 3: Coat the threads of the adapter-barrel tightly wrapped with tape fum

Connecting the unit to the pump

Step 4: In an effort screwed assembly into the upper part of the pump

Attaching the cable to hold the pump

Step 5: located in the upper part of the pump threaded cable lugs

Duplicating cable connections

Step 6: To securely attached to the ends of the cable clamps, if necessary, strengthen the fixation by welding

Protection clamps on cables

Step 7: Clips wrapped with electrical tape to protect against rust. Thereafter the pipe can be connected and lowered into the well pump

Preparing to install the pump in the well

Preparing to install the pump in the well

Node pump connection pipe

Node pump connection pipe

Compounds within the node

Compounds within the node

A compound with the pump connection node

A compound with the pump connection node

Connecting the unit to the pump

Connecting the unit to the pump

Attaching the cable to hold the pump

Attaching the cable to hold the pump

Duplicating cable connections

Duplicating cable connections

Protection clamps on cables

Protection clamps on cables

In some models, the water supply is not recommended to use plastic pipe and special rubber hose. In any case, before starting work, should be examined carefully Product Data Sheet, as well as instructions for its installation, application vendors.

When installing the water supply pipe is important to make sure that it was possible, very smooth. The fewer obstacles for dipping the structure in a narrow casing, the better. Then the tube is attached to the corresponding pump outlet.

Another important point - the waterproofing of all connections. In places where electric cable connections in addition to the heat-shrinkable tubing is additionally used special sockets. Power cables also need to be firmly, align and place along the water pipe.

After the water supply pipe and the cable are connected, begin the installation of a cable (cord, rope), which will hold the device at the desired depth. Stainless steel wire rope threaded to designated eyelets and is fixed with a special device. The cable is then also evenly spread next to the cable and the pipe.

Wiring submersible pump

The overall scheme of installation of the submersible pump and connect all the necessary elements to the domestic water will help to better understand the order of the installation work

We must now take fixing clamps or clips were, and gently combine their cable, electric cables and pipes. The compound should be sufficiently dense, but do not overly tough. If clamp perezhmet the design too much, it can damage them.

Step # 2. The immersion pump in the well

When all the structures are connected, the preparation can be considered complete. It is possible to start the pump unit in the well.

First, in the casing wear special rubber gasket and the well head installed. The pump is then gently passed into the opening tip and begin gently lowered down.

Before you drop submersible pump in the hole on the casing can be put on special protective ring so as not to damage the walls of the casing. Without this measure, it is possible and necessary, but will have to act very carefully and accurately. design movement must be very smooth, although its weight is not too small.

Installation submersible pump

Between the walls of the casing and the pump remains very small space. Therefore, the lower the submersible pump in the well should be very careful

This is generally at least three people. Two hold the pump on the weight, and the third wire releases gradually.

The pump is lowered very slowly. In no case should not pull device for a pipe or power cable. If in the process of lowering the design meets an obstacle, it is necessary to act very cautiously.

It is necessary to stop the pump dive and do some neat rotations in both directions. Usually it helps to pass the difficult part. In an extreme case, if this does not work, it is necessary to remove the pump and check the status of the casing.

This check is best accomplished before the pump is installed. And in the process you need to work closely to make sure that the hole in the accident no foreign objects that may hinder the free movement of the unit. Clearance between the pipe walls and the pump is so low that even ordinary nut may create many problems.

The pump needs to be fixed at the correct height below the dynamic level, that the device is always fully contained in the water. However, the pump should not be located too close to the bottom water well. This can lead to pump sucked in with the sand or silt or silting zapesochivanii wells.

It is necessary to take into account the depth to which a particular operation is designed pump models. Conventional pumps are usually lowered to a depth of -10 meters, ejector - 15-20 meters, special equipment designed for 25-40 meters.

Usually the pump proper immersion depth approximately one to two meters from the bottom of the well, depending on its characteristics. The cable is then secured in a specially designated bracket. Usually it is situated on the outside of the downhole well head.

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Installation submersible pump vibratory

Step 1: The pump is connected to the water supply hose through a nozzle with a rubber ring (1). Cable holding the pump in the well, is inserted through the eyelets (2)

Electric cable to the hose

Step 2: At 20 cm from the nozzle of the pump power cable fastening tape and a hose (3). Such "tow" should be repeated every 1 - 1.5 m

Mark on the water supply hose

Step 3: In order to position the pump in the well correctly relative to the bottom and the water surface, note ribbon design depth the hose

Rubber rings vibratsionnike

Step 4: To a vibrating pump last longer, it is recommended to equip the body with rubber rings. They absorb vibration, wear out quickly, they should be changed periodically

Installation submersible pump vibratory

Installation submersible pump vibratory

Electric cable to the hose

Electric cable to the hose

Mark on the water supply hose

Mark on the water supply hose

Rubber rings vibratsionnike

Rubber rings vibratsionnike

The water supply pipe is connected to water system at homeFor example, a storage tank or to a special adapter. Perform the connection of the power and check the operation of the system. During the installation of the protective device, select the current value is correct.

If this time is missed, the device may overheat. As a result, there is often the closure of the stator winding. surges are sometimes observed to be supplied to the engine, or is it always remains too low. All of these situations are fraught with emergency device failure, in some cases, the pump will simply have to be completely replaced.

Step # 3. Determination pump points

During the installation of the pump must perform another important step - to determine the characteristics of the pump with the actual load. The information referred to in the passport of the device, may in fact be very far from the expected. It is necessary to measure the filling rate specific volume, i.e. calculate water consumption per unit of time.

Furthermore, it should be with a pressure gauge to determine the pressure that is created in the water during operation of the pump. Also need to measure the current consumption during operation. To this end, it is joined by special conductive tongs.

Instructions submersible pump

instructions and pump data sheet should be studied in detail before starting the installation, and after its completion - set point device works in real conditions

After the necessary measurements are made, they should be compared with the manufacturer's data specified in the product documentation. If it turns out that the actual performance exceeds recommended by the manufacturer, should be a little bit to cover the valve of the pump.

This will create an additional resistance which will result in the machine settings back to normal. Thus align and set point device works at different operation modes.

Some important guidelines

To connect the check valve with the water supply pipe using a special brass fitting. The connection must also have a special pile sleeve. This will prevent compression of the pipe diameter and compensates for excess voltage generated compression fitting.

Fitting, as well as all the connecting elements must be of high quality, designed for high loads in tension. Otherwise, the pipe can simply jump out of the fitting. To connect the opposite end of HDPE tube exit to the center pole using the same compression Drop fitting made of brass.

For sale is a special electrical cable for submersible pumps. It must be used for connection to the pump. Substituted for lower quality material is not allowed. The power cable is connected to the pump cable by soldering, twisting in such an important place should be avoided. The junction is closed shrink sleeve.

To fix the cable and the cable to the water supply pipe, plastic clamps are needed. They are installed every 2-3 meters. This measure helps to avoid accidental entanglement of the cable during the descent design down. Instead of clamps you can use electrical tape.

Tying submersible pump

To attach the cable and the cable to the water supply pipe, you can use plastic clamps. Special adapter allow to connect securely to the pump tube

For the sake of saving a special cable is used only at the site where it will be submerged in water. Other conventional overlap distance cable PVA.

In any case, the cable section must meet the recommendations of the manufacturer specified in the passport pump.

Mounting submersible pump cable

At the junction of the power cable with the cable pump soldering is performed. Thereafter, the cable cover a special shrink sleeve. To install it, you will need building dryer

The pump may be suspended only on a stainless steel cable. Neither conventional black steel, galvanized or its variant is not designed for permanent operation in water.

During the lowering of the pump on narrow sections can be supplemented by the rotation of the pump low pressure. But in any case, the pump must remain upright.

During the installation of the pump well headroom It can be a bit biased. Make sure that the weight of the pump falls to a cable, pipe and not retained. Only then tip position can be fixed with screws.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Video # 1. Practical advice on the selection and installation of submersible pump contains the following footage:

Video # 2. A clear demonstration of the experience of another installation of the pump:

It is important to perform all operations relating to installation in a well pumping equipment correctly, as any carelessness may result in breakage or breakage of the cable.

There are situations when damaged unobtainable pump of production. This leads to a complete loss of plant and makes it necessary to start drilling again. Attention and accuracy will help to establish the pump well.

To share their experience gained in the process of installation of downhole pump or connecting the pumping station, ask questions, report deficiencies in the text, you will be able to block located below. Please write comments. We and visitors happy pouchastvuem in discussions to clarify points of contention.

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