The content of the article is:rhubarb and kiwi
The taste of jams from traditional products( cherries, strawberries, apples, plums) is known to almost everyone - they are prepared at home, sold in stores. But rhubarb jam( rumbambara) tasted not all. And in vain, it has unique taste and useful properties.
Composition and benefit of dessert from rumbambara
Jam is prepared from rhubarb stalks that contain many useful substances:
- essential vitamins;
- minerals;
- pectins;
- fiber;
- organic acids.
The caloric value of the product is 314 kcal / 100 g. It has the following effects on the body:
- stabilizes the gastrointestinal tract;
- improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels;
- has urinary and choleretic properties;
- forms, strengthens bones;
- boosts immunity;
- improves blood composition.
Rhubarb jam does not only benefit, but also harm if it is consumed in large quantities. It contains sugar, which destroys tooth enamel. It is not recommended to use in case of kidney diseases, diabetes.
Features of making sweet preservation from rumbambara
As the culture grows only in spring and summer, they try to preserve its useful properties by closing the rhubarb jam for the winter.
Preparatory work
Young, juicy rumbambara shoots are used to prepare the winter harvest. So they persist until mid-June, and after their skin becomes coarse, and the petioles themselves - dry, fibrous.
The stems of a plant are cut off with a sharp knife, then cleaned from a thin skin to reduce their rigidity. Prepared petioles cut into small cubes.
Rumbambara dessert
For making this jam, rhubarb and sugar are taken in the same proportions( 1 kg each).Diced petioles put in a pan. They add sugar and mix. The mixture is left for a day in order for the plant to run the juice.
Do not use tin / copper utensils for preparing the preform - rumbambar contains oxalic acid, which reacts with the metal.
Pot put on the stove and prepare Rumbambar in a sugar syrup over low heat. After boiling the mixture is boiled for no more than 15 minutes. After cooling, the contents of the pan laid out on the banks and roll.
Pure rhubarb jam has a pleasant amber-brown color with a greenish tinge. It tastes like apple( sweet-sour).
Video Recipe for Rhubarb Jam with Red Currant
Rumbambara-Lemon Mix
To make rhubarb jam with lemon, 1 kg of petioles, 700 g of sugar and 2 large citrines are required. It is necessary that the shoots are pre-given juice. To do this, they fall asleep sugar. When it starts to thaw, lemons milled in a meat grinder are added to the mixture. All this is boiled for 25 minutes.over medium heat. The result is a clear lemon-colored nectar with rumbambara pieces resembling candied fruits.
Rhubarb jam will be important in the winter to prevent colds. It is possible to enhance its antiviral effect by adding shredded ginger.
Rumbambarovo-banana delicacy
Rhubarb jam with a banana is unusual in taste. For its preparation you will need 1 kg of rumbambara cuttings and sugar. The ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and brought to a boil on the stove over medium heat. The procedure is repeated once again after cooling the mixture. At the third boiling add peeled and sliced bananas( 1 kg).After 5 minutes of cooking, remove the pan with the rumbambaro-banana mixture from the stove - the delicacy is ready for the winter.
You can diversify the taste of rumbambar jam by adding peel or citrus pulp( orange), vanilla, ginger, cinnamon, strawberries and even cherry leaves.