Detailed description of the pears variety Klappa

The variety of pear Klapp's favorite has a special taste and aroma. Gardeners appreciate this type of pear for simplicity in the care and cultivation.

The variety was bred in the 19th century by American breeders.


  • grade Description A favorite Clapp pears
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Landing
  • care of plants
    • Feeding
    • Formation crown
    • Watering
  • Pest
  • Harvest
  • Reviews gardeners

Description The favorite varieties of pears

Clapp variety is widespread in Russia. This beauty grows in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Lower Volga region and Kalmykia, Rostov and Astrakhan regions.

Favorite Clapp is one of the best summer varieties of pears, distinguished by unpretentiousness, thanks to which, it is ideal for breeding in home gardens.

The height of the pear tree of the Klappa Favorite does not exceed four meters. , the plant belongs to medium-sized plants.

A young tree is actively growing. In the second half of life, the crown develops, during this period it acquires a wide rounded shape.

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Pear tree Klapp's pet is able to bear fruit in any type of soil and tolerate low temperatures and drought. The average lifespan of a plant is 55 years. , the maximum lifespan is 80 years.

Fruit trees of this species are endowed with elegant foliage, this fact is crucial when choosing a variety. Lush shiny foliage capable of decorating any garden plot.

The plant becomes especially attractive in spring, during its flowering period.

Pet Klappa - one of the best summer varieties of pears, distinguished by unpretentiousness, can bear fruit in any type of soil

Fruits of the variety Klappa medium and large form , weighing from 110 to 250 grams, and large pears usually grow on young trees. The older the tree, the smaller its fruit.

The egg-shaped fruit has a somewhat elongated shape. The skin is tender and smooth with small tubercles. The mature pear takes on the yellowish color , a slight blush is allowed on the sunny side. The stem of a pear is short, thickened at the base.

The fruits of pears are very juicy .They have a light aroma and sweet-sour taste. Due to the remarkable taste, pear is usually consumed raw, at the same time, it is harvested for the winter: canned and dried.

For the manufacture of dried fruits take fruits in the initial stage of development. Ripe fruits in the form of torn stored from 10 days to two weeks.

The advantages and disadvantages of

Variety Klapp's favorite has a number of advantages , thanks to which gardeners prefer this type of pear. Advantages of a grade:

  • unpretentiousness to a type of soil;
  • the ability to bear fruit for several decades;
  • cold resistant;
  • juicy fruits with high technical characteristics.
Variety Pet Klapp frost-resistant, unpretentious to the type of soil, can bear fruit for several decades

Along with the advantages, the variety has some drawbacks of the , among which the following factors should be noted:

  • pear trees of this variety are prone to scab;
  • ripe fruits are stored for long;
  • fruits are not firmly attached, so sometimes the fruits fall.


As already mentioned, the plant is unpretentious and can grow in any soil. However, the is preferably an lightly moistened primer. The soil should pass air and moisture well.

For planting seedlings is better to choose the southern, western or south-western part of the garden. Despite the fact that pear trees of the Klapp Favorite are fond of moisture, with its abundance they begin to wither.

Therefore, they should grow in the sunny areas of , it is important that the air is not excessively humid.

Saplings for planting choose strong and healthy. The trunk and branches of the tree must be elastic, and the root system developed: long, branched. Dead roots before planting pruned to a living place.

Klapp's Favorite Pear can be planted both in autumn and spring, on the sunny side of the

plot. Trees can be planted both in spring and in autumn, while is prepared for spring planting in early autumn - .The spring disembarkation begins at the end of April and may continue until early May.

The soil must be pre-treated accordingly:

  1. The upper fertile layer is removed from the pit.
  2. The earth taken out of the pit needs to be mixed with organic fertilizers, for this case manure, peat, compost will do. Mineral fertilizers( potash-phosphate) and wood ash are also added there.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured back into the pit to the very edge.
Do not take fresh manure. It will decompose for a long time and can harm the roots of the plant.

The seedling is deepened into the pit of the so that its root neck rises 3 cm above the ground. The order of planting of seedlings will be as follows:

  1. Place the soil in the form of a small mound on the bottom of the pit.
  2. Seedling is lowered into the pit.
  3. Roots gently spread over the mound.
  4. Pour out the remaining soil.
  5. Strum and clap.
  6. Around the shaft to form a circular roller of the earth.
  7. Sprinkle with water, two buckets are required.
  8. Ground the ground.
  9. Tie a seedling to a peg.

Pear seedlings are very sensitive, they may die in the process of transplanting, therefore this procedure must be carried out with all the caution .

Plant Care

In order for a pear to bear fruit well, it will need appropriate care. The plant must be regularly fed , watered, carry out preventive procedures to combat diseases and pests.

Top dressing

From the very first days after planting, young trees will need to be looked after. As soon as the tree gets stronger and rooted, make the first feeding.

In the autumn organic fertilizers are placed around the tree, the same composition used for planting, and phosphate-potassium fertilizers will be useful.

In adult trees, the root system is deeper, therefore fertilizer is applied in a different way. For this, wells are made at some distance from the plant, and fertilizer is poured into them.

In the pear season, nitrogen fertilizers are required. If the weather is dry and warm fertilizer can be sprayed crown, on rainy days, fertilizer is applied to the wells.

This type of fertilizer will be needed by the plant until the middle of summer, will then need potassium and phosphorus .

Klapp's Favorite Pear is fed with phosphorus-potassium and nitrogenous fertilizers

Formation of the crown to protect the tree from freezers, you need to form an crown. The main actions should be aimed at somewhat limiting the growth of the tree - it should not grow tall.

To this end, three to four years after planting, you will need to remove the center conductor above the level of the third tier of branches.

In consequence, it will be necessary to cut branches vertically emanating from the center. Thus, tree height is limited to 2 meters .


Pear Klapp's pet is drought tolerant , and yet it requires regular watering. For one tree will need up to ten liters of water. Watering is done every three weeks.

The older the tree, the less often it will have to be watered, but the volume of water will need to be increased.

A fruiting plant will need to be watered with three times during the season. Under one tree goes up to 50 liters of water. This will depend on the number of fruits. Watering produce:

  • during flowering;
  • during fruit pickling;
  • during fruit ripening.
The Clappa Favorite Pear is drought resistant, but requires regular watering. Therefore, gardeners will have to take preventive measures.

In order to prevent scab, in the spring, immediately after the snow melted, as well as two or three times in the summer, will need to treat the trees with the Bordeaux mixture .

The interval between procedures should be at least four weeks.

In addition, pear is also exposed to other hazards. :

  • fruit rot;
  • soot fungus( black on the leaves);
  • rust( rust-like leaves on the leaves);
  • mealy patina.

Fungal disease - rust , is a common ailment among this type of pear. As prevention and treatment, the plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture.

If the disease has already begun, the affected leaves should be collected and burned in the territory distant from the garden.

In order to reduce the risk of developing this disease, it is important that eliminate all juniper from the garden plot. It often develops this ailment, it can go to the fruit trees.

Fruit rot and powdery mildew is treated with chorus.

Klapp's Favorite variety is prone to scab, fruit rot, rust, powdery mildew and soot fungus. Up to 300 kilograms can be collected from one tree per season.
Pears intended for long-term storage should be removed slightly underripe. The harvesting procedure is performed in the first half of the day.

In order for the fruit not to be damaged during storage, the stalk must be preserved .Put the pears in a clean container. Keep the crop in a ventilated dry room.

It is worth recalling that the shelf life of pears of this type is short. Pear refers to the summer varieties. Damaged fruits are not subject to storage.

Gardener's Reviews

Many gardeners prefer the pear, Klapp's Beloved, because is an unpretentious plant. The gardener's feedback on pear fruit is positive, pears are juicy, attractive in appearance and have a wonderful taste.

Despite the fact that fresh fruits are not stored for a long time , pears make perfect compotes and preserves.

According to gardeners, pear Klapp's favorite is on the list of the best varieties of pears growing in Russia.

Pear Klapp's Favorite is valued for its attractive appearance and excellent taste. Saturated and taste and delicate flavor makes it a favorite of adults and children.

Pear trees of this variety have several advantages, they are hardy and are not afraid of drought, thanks to these qualities, the variety has gained popularity among gardeners all over the world.

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