Interesting recipes for jam from apples with oranges

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All families prepare this wonderful sweetness. Apple harvest has always been rich, and no housewife will not miss the moment to keep apple nutrients for a long time. From this fruit you can make not only jam, but also compote, jam, dried fruit, zucchini. The acid of apples perfectly complements the sweetness of orange. In cooking, there are many recipes for apple jam with orange. Some of them are presented on this page. The cooking procedure for this recipe is shown in stages with photos for each item. Therefore, even if the description is incomprehensible, a clear photo will clarify the situation.

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Usefulness of

ingredients Before we consider the step-by-step description of making jam, we need to understand, but why preserve apples and oranges in general? What is the use of apple-orange jam?

Abundant magnesium in the apple strengthens the immune system at the proper level. The cardiovascular system is recharged thanks to the minerals contained inside and in the peel. Pectins will strengthen teeth and destroy harmful bacteria on them. The same pectins with fiber and cellulose will improve intestinal function. Ascorbic acid and a certain group of vitamins struggle with colds, improve metabolism, increase strength, help to absorb food.

Orange, in turn, improves appetite, raises the tone, cleans the blood. Trace elements in the fetus have a positive effect on the endocrine, digestive and vascular systems. Salicylic acid promotes healing of wounds and ulcers. Orange juice reduces inflammation, lowers the temperature, reduces allergies. Looking at the listed positive qualities of the two fruits, you should definitely combine them together and prepare various preparations for the winter.

Read also: Jam from squash and zucchini “A la pineapple”

Apple jam with oranges slices

For those who like to enjoy the sweetness of jam, chewing it, the ingredients should be cut into slices or slices. Apple jam slices with orange - exactly the solution that you need. The number of ingredients will be added to the lemon sour.


1 step. One kilogram of apples washed, peeled, cut into two parts and remove the bones. Cut the halves into fractions of medium size.

2 step. One orange, one lemon wash and, without removing, the peel, cut into parts, removing all the bones.

3 step. Mix two cuts and add 500 grams of sugar. Leave to soak for half an hour.

4 step. Place the mixture in a saucepan and put on the fire. Boil for 40 minutes, until the syrup turns into a thick consistency, and the apples become transparent.

5 step. Apple jam with oranges and lemon is ready to eat. Instead of lemon, you can use citric acid. The proportions, in this case, should be: 0.5 teaspoon per 1 kilogram of ingredients.

. If you wish, preserve the jam until winter, then the hot mixture should be spread on clean, sterilized jars and tightly sealed with metal lids.

Apple jam with oranges in a meat grinder

For those who wish to have fruit and citrus sweetness spread on bread and eat it with a cup of tea, then apple jam with oranges through a meat grinder at your service.

Read also: Black currant compote - winter portion of vitamins


1 step. Wash apples, cut into arbitrary parts, while removing the core.

2 step. Remove the bones from 1 orange piece and turn it into arbitrary parts. Peel clean is not worth it. It contains many vitamins.

3 step. Put the pieces of ingredients in a meat grinder and grind.

4 step. To get sweet jam of apples with oranges, you need to fill up 1 kg of sugar fruit puree and set aside for the night.

5 step. The next day, boil the liquid mass for about an hour to the thickness. Jam is ready to eat.

A blender can play the role of a meat grinder. Still an old proven way to get apple pulp can be an ordinary hand grater. Also, to get the fruit puree, after the ingredients are cooked, they should be rubbed through a metal sieve and boiled again.

Apple jam with oranges in a multicooker

Save time and get an aromatic dessert - this means cooking apple jam with oranges in a multicooker. The multicooker bowl is small, so this option is not suitable for numerous canning.


1 step. Wash whole and ripe apples( 1 kg) and cut them into small cubes. At will, it is possible to wipe on a grater. If the skin is thick, then it is better to get rid of it.

Read also: Homemade wine made from natural apple juice: the specificity of making

2 step. Fresh 4 pieces of oranges peeled. Cut the flesh into pieces.

3 step. Crushed ingredients placed in a multi-cup and cover with 1 kilogram of sugar. Let stand 30 minutes.

4 step. After a specified time, a lot of apple-orange juice should stand out, if this did not happen, wait a few more tens of minutes or add sugar. Then turn on the multicooker and set the “Pilaf” item with the set time of 40 minutes.

5 step. Put the finished jam in a suitable dish and wait for it to cool, after which you can enjoy the sweet and sour taste.

Providing recipes for making apple-orange jam are pretty standards. The number of components can be diluted by making other fruits, berries or spices. So, adding cinnamon, you can get a great jam from apples with oranges and cinnamon, which has a strong smell and spicy flavor. Vanilla also fits perfectly into this tandem. From among the fruit can be considered a pear, peach, banana, apricot. Perfectly complement this jam and such berries: raspberries, strawberries, currants, mountain ash. In the provocation stages, only a step of processing the newly introduced ingredient will be added and, possibly, the amount of sugar will increase. The rest of the cooking process will not change anything.

Apple jam with oranges is perfect as a filling for pies, cakes, buns.

A great result for you and delicious blanks for the winter!

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