Characteristics and description of potato varieties Zhukovsky

Potatoes - one of the most popular vegetables. There is a huge number of types of potatoes, among which a variety called Zhukovsky. The variety is early, high-yielding, resistant to diseases.

possesses good consumer qualities .The flesh is white, tasty, when boiled it does not boil soft, it does not darken on slices.


  • story of
  • Feature
  • grade Description
  • Features
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Growing
    • Agrotechnics
    • methods of cultivation
      • Plane landing
      • Comb
      • trench
    • Sprouting tubers
  • Landing
  • Care
  • harvest, storage

story of

At the end of the last centuryby crossing two varieties, has been able to develop disease and drought tolerant "Zhukovsky".It was intended mainly for temperate climates. Growing in different regions showed excellent results. Suitable for any climate of Russia.

In 1993, the variety is listed in the State Register of Varieties of the Russian Federation.


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The starch content in Zhukovsky is about 10-15%.

Tuber mass hovers around 100-150 grams .According to the characteristics of the tubers can reach a mass of 170 grams with proper care and favorable natural conditions. Productivity is 3,5 kg / sq.m.

The grade possesses excellent flavoring qualities.
Zhukovsky has white flesh and does not boil soft

Description of the variety

“Zhukovsky” is a semi-sweet medium-sized shrub with dark green leaves. According to the description, bloom is abundant, but not long. Bushes look very elegant. Potatoes are propagated by tubers, since the ovary does not form after the flowers fall.

Tubers are mostly large, forming of 10-12 pieces under the bush .Tubers of an oval form, pleasant pink or beige color with bright eyes.

Features of the

“Zhukovsky” was specially bred in Russia, grown on different soils. It is early and brings the crop 2 months after planting .

Resistant to diseases. Feels great in the cold, tolerates drought well.

Advantages and Disadvantages of

Among the advantages of this variety:

  • quickly become a subjectduring late harvesting, deteriorates the taste of potatoes
  • With frequent rains, late blight

is affected by growing

The cultivation process is the same as in other types of earlyArthofel"Zhukovsky" has several features.


This variety is not demanding on the quality of the soil, so is grown throughout the territory of Russia .

A poor crop is obtained on acidic, depleted soils. The taste of potatoes is reduced when grown in such soils. Tubers affect diseases.

Before planting a vegetable, it is important to prepare the soil. Preparation begins in the fall. They dig up the soil, the optimum depth is 25 cm. It is desirable to apply fertilizer to the soil - ash, compost.

With the arrival of spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied, the soil is loosened and leveled.

In the spring, you need to make special fertilizers for potatoes.

. Methods of growing

. Depending on soil types and environmental conditions, they are developing an optimal way for growing potatoes.

The most common among them:

  • Flat Fit
  • Comb
  • Trench

Flat Fit

Flat Fit is a method of cultivation when the tubers are laid in the holes and evenly covered with earth, without forming slides.

The depth of embedding into the soil is 8 cm.

Flat landing


The method called "Comb" is perfect for the regions of Siberia, where there is a risk of cooling, flooding.

Tubers are embedded in the soil by 5 cm, after germination they must be tucked up so that the sprout is covered with earth completely.

When the sprout reappears above the ground, the spud is again. This is done before the sprout reaches 15 cm.


The trench method is suitable for arid regions. At a depth of 10 cm dig a trench. Fertilizers are applied.

Tubers are stacked upward and sprinkled with earth. The ground is covered with mulch, which helps retain moisture in the soil.

Germination of tubers

Zhukovsky potato tolerates low temperatures , it can be planted in the middle of spring. Seed tubers are prepared for germination since the middle of the end of March.

3 germination steps:

  1. Prepare seed. Tubers are carefully inspected, the best are not affected by the disease
  2. Potatoes are laid out in shallow containers or simply poured onto the floor of
  3. . To start germination, the temperature of +5 degrees is enough. Seed tubers need diffused light, periodic moistening and ventilation.
To start germination, you need a temperature of +5 degrees

. The tubers are ready for planting when the skin turns green and sprouts reach a length of 1 cm. You can safely throw.


To protect tubers from diseases, it is recommended to add wood ash to the wells.

Optimum temperature +5 degrees. Tubers are buried at a depth of about 5 cm. Distance between tubers is 30 cm, between rows 70 cm.

It is not recommended to choose the same place of potato cultivation. The best predecessors are: cucumbers, cabbage, legumes.

The care of the

. The care of the Zhukovsky potatoes is no different from the care of the other varieties: weeding, loosening the soil, watering, hilling, pest control.

For sufficient oxygen to be supplied to potatoes, weeding and loosening are necessary.

Weeding and loosening of the soil are carried out even after emergence, so that weeds do not interfere with healthy growth and nutrition of sprouts. The lack of oxygen in the soil leads to a decrease in the size of tubers.

After the emergence of shoots, it is necessary to spud them .This procedure protects against frost, stimulates the formation of a strong root system. Hilling is done when the shoots have reached a height of approximately 5 cm.

The plant tolerates drought well, excessive watering is harmful for it.

The most terrible enemy of the vegetable - Colorado potato beetle .The fight against him must begin in May. The variety favorably tolerates spraying against pests. It is possible to remove beetles manually.

Harvesting, storage

Harvesting is possible after the expires 60 days from planting Zhukovsky potatoes. This variety is resistant to mechanical damage, so the harvest is possible automatic fixtures.

The Zhukovsky variety can be dug up with an automatic tool. An increase in temperature will lead to the germination of potatoes, and a decrease in frost penetration, deterioration and deterioration of taste.

The Zhukovsky variety is well stored in bags or wooden boxes.

The “Zhukovsky” variety potato is an excellent vegetable, unpretentious in its care, high-yielding, suitable for growing in any region of the country.

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