Instructions for use of fertilizer potato formula for potatoes

Potatoes are practically the most popular culture in Russian gardens and kitchen gardens. But how to make the cultivation of potatoes more productive and prolific? If you are interested in this question, then should pay attention to the selection of suitable fertilizer .So rightly called the remedy Potato formula, instructions for use of which are given in this review.

Table of contents

  • Instructions for use
    • Release form
  • Differences Potato formula from other fertilizers
  • What fertilizers are best suited for potatoes
  • Result

Application instructions

This fertilizer is easy to use. In order for the application to have a positive impact on the crop, its is introduced during spring soil tillage from the calculation of 60 g to 1 square meter .In early spring, they dig up the soil at the site, then add the Potato formula. After introduction, re-dig the soil to the depth of the spade bayonet, removing rhizomes of weed plants along the way.

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Fertilizer Potato formula introduces a field digging site

If you want to improve the condition of the soil, and at the same time get rid of pests such as wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle, you should pay attention to the use of top dressing and during planting: add 15 to each well20 grams Potato formula. In general, putting the drug in the hole will help strengthen the potatoes.

Also this drug is used not only when applied to the soil, but also for basal bait. 50-80 g of , diluted in a liter of pure water, will suffice for fertilizing one weave.

During the growing season, this substance is introduced as a top dressing.

Feed only in a dry way, also adding to potato wells.

It was the versatility and practicality of this dressing that helped her to win her vocation among many Russian summer residents. And its inexpensive price only attracts attention from many people.

potato formula. potato formula is produced in small white packets of one, two and a half, or five kilograms of .The preparation contains such minerals as phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium. Available in the form of granules. This allows both to make the preparation in a dry form, and to dilute it with water. This fact should be noted: thanks to him, the range of application of fertilizer is greatly expanded.

Differences Potato Formula other fertilizers

fertilizer type Application
Before planting During landing After planting
Potato formula + + +
manure +
Litter +
Compost +
Ash +
Peat + +
Green manure + +
Mineral + +
Nitrogen + +
Potash +
Magnesium Phosphate + +

What fertilizer is best suited to car


Balanced fertilizers are best suited for potatoes, with plenty of vitamins and minerals for feeding potatoes and other solanaceous. Potatoes, albeit unpretentious, but in need of constant care and care .It is important to keep the crop in a viable state throughout the growth in order to get a rich and healthy crop. At the same time, do not overdo it with chemical dressings: perhaps, after using them, the potatoes will become tasteless, or even completely unsuitable for food.

Give preference to the most natural preparations with the addition of minerals, to which the Potato formula belongs. It is an innovation on the Russian market and has already managed to establish itself as a high-quality and nutritious product. Many gardeners do not buy this tool for the first time and are satisfied with the high quality.

Fertilizer Potato formula will help to get a rich and high-quality crop of potatoes.

This excellent fertilizer has a lot of advantages compared to classical ones.

Compared with natural( animal) origin fertilizers, such as manure, droppings or compost, the bio-fertilizer Potato formula contains more minerals and elements that are useful for growth.

Mineral, Nitrogen, Potash and others, containing only a small amount of a certain substance, are not suitable for permanent use.

It is important that the fertilizer is excellent for several application methods, thus saving you both money and time.

It is also important that the top dressing does not contain all the congenes. This fact will allow the grower to grow healthy and tasty potatoes, having protected him from pests and outside influence without adding chemical and dangerous substances. Of course, manure fertilizer or ash fertilizer is considered safe and easy to use. does not require a huge purchase price. But, nevertheless useful substances in them contain much less, than in chemical.

Summary of

When choosing a top dressing, it is necessary to carefully and scrupulously read the composition and information on the possibility of using the drug in several ways. It is important that the price be appropriate to the composition and weight, and the fertilizer itself contains only natural-grade minerals and vitamins.

It is not recommended to purchase supplements with chemical additives that will necessarily affect the taste or growth of potatoes.

The most suitable choice at the moment is the Potato formula, because it is suitable for several types of soil saturation. Use this tool in different ways, but the quality will not let you down .Pay attention to the manufacturer: it is better if it is popular among other summer residents and a reputable firm.

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